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Whats the worst Jacking you've had, heard of?

my boy got his wheels stolen off his car 1 time wen we were in a bad neighbor hood. i also know a guy who got a sack of what i think was crushed altoids and FLOUR as " muthafuckin pure ass coke," as his dealer put it..
Bla bla bla, bla bla! Fightin words, fightin words. Dont flame people in here amigo.

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^Meh, his friend ripped him off. Good on him I reckon. Teaches the other silly cunt not to fuck with his mates.
Fine, I'll say it.

A friend of mine got ripped off on ten sheets of "acid". It was active blotter, just that 5-MeO-AMT bullshit.


Too bad.
Friend got five fake hundos (very good counterfeits) for 1.5 ozs.

Quit posting that kinda shit in here, you think you mad tough but your stories just make you look like a dick most of the time.

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Thug Love said:
thing is im like 15 and hes like 18 fucking bitch.

ahahaha that's fucking tough man =D =D

are you like one of these gangsta pimp kids? That would make it even more hillarious. Especially cause you're crying about your age =D

no, i love ya man :D i am 21, and if i ever swing by wherever you live, i smack him for you, mkay :D ?
Me and my mate got fucked over $5500 in cash by the fucking rebel's... Fuck some bikies are such scum. We were meant to get heaps of really good pill's. That just fucked us up heaps.
40$, 'ill be right back' bs.

yeah im not doing that shit again.
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A few years ago two (former) friends of mine apparently went on a large coke/crack binge and started jacking everyone they knew around town. I called the dealer for a bundle, he said he'd be right over. I get the knock at my door, and instead of the dealer, there are my two friends, one fat-ass white wannabe gangster (we'll call him C) and a scrawny crack-head lookin black kid (we'll call him D!).

They say the dealer doesn't wanna come out of the car (was at a friends house that has been raided in the past) and to give them the money. I don't trust them right off the bat, but I see the dealer in the backseat, so I trust them with $30. They hop in the running truck, and squeel away like a bat outta hell. They also robbed a friend of mine, made him strip down to his tighty-whities and kicked him outta their car in the pinies. Later that night C's truck got a brick thrown his windshield, and his tires slashed.

I read in the paper about two years ago D got beat to death in Atlantic City (heard he was sellin fake crack..). Never seen C again, but I'm sure his fate wasn't a pleasant one. The dealer also got popped not long after I got beat (I called him right after they left, he said he was ready to do the deal, but C&D "beat me" and it was between them and I, not him... Never bought anything off of him again, although he called me multiple times saying he was sorry)
I knew a guy through my connection who got jacked for 200g's of brown, they put a few bullets in his head and threw him in a dumpster.

Two Somalians got 16 years a piece.
This thread is full of win... or lack thereof.

Way back I had two friends Z and goofy. Well a while ago Z fronted goofy some weed, maybe $100 dollars worth and it took goofy a few months to pay him back. They still chilled once in a while and Z never really made his animosity known to goofy. Well eventually goofy started dealing bud and seeing as we were good friends I ended up financing the expenditure so he could get a little more.

Well Z called goofy and said he wanted an ounce. They were to meet in a parking lot. When they did, goofy pulled out a QP to weigh his bud from. Z (who is twice the weight of anyone we know) punched goofy in the face a few times and took his bud. So we got together our boys and rolled to his house. We walked in and he wasn't there so we told his mom what happened (lol) and she was PISSED, she went up to his room and got the bud and gave it back.

A few months later Z came rolling up to another parking lot where goofy and this skinny black kid are just chilling. Z sees goofy and comes up to his window talking shit and smacks him in the face. Keep in mind Z is 6'6 350 lbs. Well the black kid (who barely knew goofy) got out the passenger side, slaps Z's girlfriend cause she is wiling out then beats the shit out of Z in front of everyone. Cops come, black kid explains what happens and witnesses back him up. Fuck if we know what happened to Z.
a few years back some of my friends had a plan....
the plan was to get a very popular weed spot(haze) not some bull shwag shit..
anyway they ran in took about 10 pounds of weed 20000 or more in cash shot and killed one of the owners and ran off...
later they all got caught and now serving time dont know how long..
later me and my friends go to buy some weed to smoke at the same spot without the knowlege of what just happend and a jeep stops and three men come out with guns one of the cocking his back i thought it was the cops but a sec later i realize that they are for us they speak only spanish so my friend says lets go quick before they shoot us....
funny story although i doubt they were gonna shoot us....
not so funy for the first though.....
Bought some acid that was "supposed" to be good for $15 a hit, took one.. an hour later nothing. Called the guy up and he said "no man, you're supposed to eat it all!".. keep in mind I had 6 hits total. I took two more. An hour later.. nothing. I ate the rest.. nothing. I gave him a call and he said he'd sell me 6 more at half price so I took him up on his offer and ate it all at once. Nothing. Called him back and his phone was mysteriously turned off. Asshole.

I also got robbed for my beeper and bud at 3am while on my first hit of acid, and man was it good acid. I laughed so hard it didn't even bother me. This was around the time the movie Friday came out and when the guys jumped out of the car they said "What you got on my 40 homie?!" and I started laughing so hard. Ah good times.
Well, my friend fronted a kid 5 oz of decent weed. He'd been fronting this kid an oz. a day and the kid was moving it fast and bringing back the money the same day. My friend had to leave to go back home and so he fronted the kid the rest of the weed on the condition that he pay him back. Well, those 5 oz was worth $900 and that was basically my friend's profit. The kid stopped answering his calls and last my friend heard this kid was pulled over and cops found 4oz and pinned it on his friend who has quite the rapsheet! So that kid's friend is probably going to jail for like a year or two. Fucking scumsucker, eventually he'll fuck over someone whos bigtime and we'll read his obit in the paper. Well anyway, luckily my friend had made enough to pay back his guy, otherwise that would have been real bad.
friend just got jacked for 450 buying bunk doses from some dude at a show.
Worst jacking was when waiting to meet a dealer to pick up some weed, we called him when he was being held at knifepoint by 3 guys and he was forced to agree to meet us.

When we waited at the usual spot, our car was boxed in, one of the guys holding our dealer came to my car, pulled my friend out and took him to their car and sat him in the back seat. He came back to my car and held me at knifepoint, searching my pockets and my car whilst the other two held my friend and our dealer in the back of the other car.
I was then made to drive to the nearest cash point (ATM) and empty my bank account, with a knife in my back the whole time.
We lost all the drugs we had in the car (4 grams of MDMA for the party we were headed to) and a total of £120 cash.
My friend lost his phone and about £50 cash.

After being taken to the cash point, I was allowed to lock up my car, then I was taken to their car. Our dealer was taken out and put in the boot (trunk), and me and my friend were sat in the back seat with these three guys.
They drove us round the countryside telling us to phone other dealers that we knew, and tell them to meet us with a large amount of coke.. Needless to say we had to make up some stories about not being from the area and not knowing any other dealers to egt out of that one, we were eventually kicked out in the middle of nowhere, not money, no phone and about 5 miles from my car.
Our dealer was taken to a field somewhere, beaten REAL badly, and cut from one side of his forehead to the other.

The most irritating thing is now I can understand all the hints Mr.Dealer was trying to give when we first rang him for some weed.. but we were desperate and wouldnt listen!
Robbed $700 of kb when they were in the car. I noticed the driver slam the car in gear so I shot the passenger's ear off and broke a couple windows in that car while they drove off. Man I slammed that gun right into his fucking head hard, I'm surprised it didn't kill him even though it was just a CO2 BB Gun, which can do quite a lot of damage (obviously if I shot his whole ear off). I was so stupid when I was like 15 it's ridiculous.

Worst jacking I've heard of (well not exactly a jacking but similar): This really fucking shady kid was just starting trouble all the time. He notices that the town dealer parks his car behind the school parking lot illegally every day so he doesn't have to pay the $20 school parking pass fee. He breaks his windows, knowing full well that there was gonna be illegal stuff in the car and the cops would search it.

Unfortunately for dealer-man, he had a QP of high grade in there and a bunch of paraphernalia, and although he was 17, he was turning 18 in like a week.

He ended up doing like a summer in jail and huge court fees. He's doing just fine now, but they made him serve time in adult jail so he could take it as a juvenile, and I think he ratted out some people who had broken into a bunch of local stores. He's no snitch or anything like that, he just called out some pieces of shit who were robbing good and decent mom and pop local stores.

Needless to say the shady kid is known by the whole friggin town as a piece of shit, the dealer was a really popular guy. His car has been fucked with, his parent's house has been fucked with, his mailbox has been knocked over so many times. He generally doesn't stay in town because he knows he'll get beat if he isn't out in public.
There was a story going around my school a few months ago:

Some kid thought he was buying 2 ounces of weed. The dealers met him at the park and held him up with a tazer. They took his like $400 dollars and other stuff. I'd be pissed.

I used to buy from the guy that had the tazer, too. I wonder if he'd ever think about doin that shit to me.