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Film What's the Last Film You Saw? v. Tell Us What You Thought!

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Hahaha wtf. Well I hope you learned your lesson, young man! This is going on your permanent record.
I certainly did! I learned that teacher was a big fat cunt of a woman lol

In all sincerity, I regret being such a misguided teen, but how many teens know jack shit about life anyhow?
I certainly did! I learned that teacher was a big fat cunt of a woman lol

In all sincerity, I regret being such a misguided teen, but how many teens know jack shit about life anyhow?

Haha! Yes, people need time to grow and evolve for sure. I don't hold that against you or anything.
Dear hydro,

I'm sorry for derailing the shit out of this thread. Will watch a movie and review it today in penance for my crimes.

Oh yeah, watched The Rum Diaries yesterday. Not bad but not great. Fear and Loathing was better but Depp did some great acting again.

Worthwhile if you like Depp in his Hunter S. Thompson mode.

The Lincoln Lawyer (2011; had pretty much no expectations for the film, which I usually like, and that helped as I definitely enjoyed this film. It moved along pretty well and was an interesting story. Marisa Tomei was hot and Ryan Phillippe played his part well, as did many of the other actors.)
(I’m feeling less ashamed of watching this now that it was previously mentioned.)
Easy breezy film to watch whilst sick.
The Lincoln Lawyer...I've never seen that one. I love Marisa Tomei and Ryan Phillippe. If it's about something fucked up, I can't watch it. After my nightmares last night, I'm not watching anymore dark films or horror movies. Those are the ones I'm usually drawn to though. Been a horror fan since a kid.

I want to see that new Adam Sandler movie, Uncut Gems. I hear it's really good.
The "mind-controlling programming stuff" isn't speculation. It's a fact and it's happening. It's been happening. I gave my interpretation of the film before finding that article. It's a relief that someone else is wide awake to the disgusting agenda being flaunted right in front of our face.

I understand your view of things though. No one would automatically see the mind-control going on and all of the symbols unless you started becoming spiritual and notice the signs more and more. Harvey Weinstein isn't even the biggest reason my views are confirmed. The demonic symbolism and mind-control is everywhere. I'm now making it a game of pointing it out and at least trying to enlighten others along the way.

The all seeing "Eye Of Horus" is constantly revealed by celebrities. It's major evidence of mind-control going on. They're bold to put it out there in plain sight because people are not paying attention. It's openly showing worship of Lucifer. It's not a coincidence all these images depict the same thing:

Have you seen Eyes Wide Shut? I still haven't yet, but I'm interested now. I didn't even know Stanley Kubrick was dead! I've never followed his films, but others say he was clearly showing what's going on in the secret society and their satanic rituals. What's really creepy and concerning to me is he died right after making Eyes Wide Shut. He died within the same year the movie came out. I wouldn't be surprised if he was taken out because he revealed too much.

Tom Cruise's character is oblivious to what is really going on around him, just like many people are now.

I haven't, but I wanna see it too.
Y'all should see it, it's easily one of the top five best films of all time, hands down. And Nicole Kidman is one foxy ass babe.

The Dutchess

I was extremely surprised by how good this film was. I knew it won an Oscar for costume design but it was such a visually extravagant feast, not to mention a great drama and period piece. Some very good performances from Keira Knightley and that guy who played Voldemort, among others. I really enjoyed it and would highly recommend giving it a watch. Supposedly based upon a true story too. My only qualms were with some of the editing cuts they did, some scenes felt unfinished when they would cut to the next.

On Netflix as of right now, but you never know when those bastards will pull their funding for certain films. They've pulled a lot of great stuff recently and I'm sure this will be pulled at some time in 2020.

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Nicholson is a mystery to me. That man definitely knows something. In that article I showed you about Black Swan, it said Nicholson warned Heath Ledger about how that Joker role could completely consume him. He said Heath didn't know what he was getting into. Then as we know, he ended up dead.

What did Heath Ledgers death have to do with him playing The Joker?
I certainly did! I learned that teacher was a big fat cunt of a woman lol

In all sincerity, I regret being such a misguided teen, but how many teens know jack shit about life anyhow?

Perfect example of what I always say: hatred/prejudice is a LEARNED behaviour. Nobody is born homophobic or racist. In your case, your ignorance came from your dad. Fortunately you were smart enough to learn better.
Perfect example of what I always say: hatred/prejudice is a LEARNED behaviour. Nobody is born homophobic or racist. In your case, your ignorance came from your dad. Fortunately you were smart enough to learn better.
Exactly. Now I even go to the gay district of my city to party, the clubs there are more fun anyhow and there's still hot chicks sometimes, though I question whether they'd be interested in any guys bahahahah.
What did Heath Ledgers death have to do with him playing The Joker?
I agree with this line of questioning; I doubt the role killed him. It was dark and he did a fantastic job playing the part, but in the end, he ultimately committed suicide, and I doubt one could truly link that to one particular acting gig. I don't want to kill myself whenever I watch a bunch of horror movies or read about genocides after all...
He was a method actor so he took the joker mentality inside of him and that was propably so mentally draining that he couldnt handle it.
So is Jack Nicholson and his Joker role was pretty creepy and dark too (not to mention his role in The Shining!) and he's still alive and kicking.

I think Heath Ledger was just a depressed individual.
He was a method actor so he took the joker mentality inside of him and that was propably so mentally draining that he couldnt handle it.

I very seriously doubt that. An actor's not gonna kill himself because he tried to think like a mentally ill character for a while.

Besides, I thought he died of a heroin overdose?
Besides, I thought he died of a heroin overdose?
I think they found a cocktail of medications by his body, it might have been a speedball or something. Either way, I agree that the role didn't kill him, it was probably pure depression or a mistake on his part when dosing. It can happen to the best of us, when fucking around with strong uppers and downers.

I don't think Jerry Garcia died from his being Jesus to Deadheads either, I think he was simply a troubled man who happened to be in the spotlight for a little too long.
The role was the last thing for a depressed invidual who had an access to alot of drugs. Also Jack Nicholson IS JOKER. Look at his behavior to understand what I mean.
The role was the last thing for a depressed invidual who had an access to alot of drugs.
I can see the merit in that argument. In the end we can't really know though, he's dead, and we can't ask him why he died.

You guys seem to be unable to understand what a mind that has ALOT OF WILLPOWER is able to do.
Far from it.

I have dealt with depression myself much of my life, and I can certainly see how something you do for a living could drive you to madness. I used to daydream about suicide a lot when I was trapped in retail jobs. Thank God I'm free from that hell.
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