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What'd you do to get off your butt today? v. "That's not real exercise!"

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sacrificing clothing.... lmao. totally done that one before! ohh shitting in the woods is great fun, eh? i actually prefer it to most of the bathrooms that are at trailheads.. id rather be out in the open air than smelling up what's in the compost toilet. but i feel you, when I run I don't carry anything either.

the hike today was longer than intended. i hiked a total of four hours. no idea how many miles it was. the tree cover is pretty thick here regardless of season, so as long as you go off trail a bit you can usually find a secluded place to do your bizness if need be. luckily today i had no need :p
Walked down to local shops to use the ATM.. Defiantly beats driving since you can stop along the way and trip out to the many houses covered in Christmas lights/decorations.
Yesterday I did a bunch of exercises I do not know the names of. Some were just stretches to warm up and cool down, but they added to exercise because I have been that lazy lately. :p The exercises involved throwing a 10-pound weighted "basket ball" back and forth with my girlfriend while kind of doing squats; doing about a dozen bench presses (?) with ten pounds--Which is an improvement from the last time I tried bench pressing the bar and couldn't do it; annnnd sort of doing squats again while throwing the weighted ball against the basement wall.

I hope it isn't raining tomorrow so I can take the dogs for walks.
I got home late tonight due to studying so we only had 40 minutes at the gym. I spent the time on the elliptical.
Dumbbell Bench Press 3x8
Dumbbell Incline Press 3x8
Squats 4x12
Alternate Bicep curls 3x12
Dumbbell Pullovers 3x12
Ab Crunches 4x15

I actually skipped working out this past Friday and then had the whole weekend off too, so getting back on schedule today was harder than normal. Now I'm all sore and stiff. Going to hit the treadmill for a half hour after work to loosen back up a bit.
Squats x 50
tricep dips x 20 (baby steps with this one, heh)
push ups x 20
static plank held for 60 seconds x 2
Spent another 10 minutes stretching.
Pilates sit ups x 35

I have posterior rotation of my right hip at the moment; it's almost better (after pilates and physio), so i'm not going way hard - lots of stretching of the hip flexor, glut and adductor on that side.
ab crunches 4x20
back extension 4x20
open arm pushups 3x10
open arm pullups 3x 30sec hold
tricep pullups 3x3
parallel bar dips 3x10

and all done by 7:30am. damn, I am proud of myself.

Arnold press (Shoulders)
Warm up 1 x 15 reps
3 sets of 10 reps

Alternate front dumbbell raises (Shoulders)
3 sets of 12 reps

Dumbbell rows (Mid Back)
3 sets of 10 reps

Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts (Hamstrings / Butt)
3 sets of 12 reps

Ab Crunches (Abdominals)
4 sets of 15
Haven't been posting here much because I've been busy. I finally broke 2,500 km mountain biking this year. No idea how much I've ridden my bikes in total this year because I don't keep a computer on my commuter. I am feeling great. Big props to everyone else keeping it up. Staying fit is important!!!
went on a 9 mile cycle.. pity it was to collect something that will not benefit my health :\
tried hooping for the first time last night, its a lot harder than it looks. it was super fun though, i loved it.
Went for a 1hr walk/photo-taking mission - not as sweat-inducing as normal, but got myself moving for a good portion of time and breathed in a heap of salty-air <3

Last night:

30 tricep pushups
30 normal pushups (from the toes, not knees - but i'm not quite strong enough yet to get to the ground completely, but it's getting there)
horizontal plank held for 30 seconds
30 slow pilates sit ups
30 horizontal pilates leg lifts
50 squats
tried hooping for the first time last night, its a lot harder than it looks. it was super fun though, i loved it.

I have a number of friends who are right into hooping - it's brilliant exercise too! :D

Dumbbell deadlifts (Mid Lower Back)
4 sets of 12 reps

Incline dumbbell press (Upper Chest)
3 sets of 10 reps

Dumbbell Lunges (Legs)
3 sets of 12

Alternate dumbbell curls (Biceps)
3 sets of 12 reps

One arm dumbbell extensions (Triceps)
3 sets of 12 reps

Ab Crunches (Abdominals)
4 sets of 15

45 pushups
Today I took the day off exercise. I have been running everyday for about 3 months now, haven't missed one until today. I was fcking tired man! I walked for four straight hours around town window shopping. Feels good on my legs, it was good workout but didn't feel like it when I was doing it.
6.4 mile hike in 1:50
my hiking buddy ran a bit today and I am super psyched for him...and me.
I need a running partner.

Once I start doing trail marathons, this is not going to be an issue. We chatted with a guy in the parking lot when we got back and he is doing the same one in April as I am and urged me to do the 10K in January. I have been thinking about it before I met the dude :)
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