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What'd you do to get off your butt today? v. "That's not real exercise!"

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2.5 hour walk around the city of hefei. this place is like a second home to me now.
exercise day today - had a few days off just chilling and grindin'...

*28:35;25:22: 36 pushups

* 36;45:32:28: 45 dips

* full body isometrics

*45 squats

*20 alternating sit-ups

*half an hour of ashtanga vinyasa
Right on about bundling up and going outside to exercise in the cold. I love winter hikes, they are even better than summer ones most of the time. Just layer up. Getting fresh air in winter is what keeps me going.

Today I walked to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner and then back... was 4 miles round trip.

Yesterday walked hills for 30 min at lunch, then after work ran 2 miles, did stair climbs over the freeway, then came home and did some hooping.

My hip effing KILLS!! I have always had issues with it. The joint just hurts and it gets so tight, but if I stretch the hip flexor, it hurts 100000 times worse. The only thing that helps is giving it some rest, but that kind of kills my effort to exercise every day. Blah..

Oh euphoria, i feel your pain :( I've just come out the other end of a posterior hip rotation - osteo, then physio, and i've been supplementing it with regular pilates and stretching - and then home exercise. Have you had it seen to by someone? Hip pain is the worst; mine felt like my jip joint was about to blow out whenever i extended my hip sideways. It's still sore, but slowly getting better.
Oh euphoria, i feel your pain :( I've just come out the other end of a posterior hip rotation - osteo, then physio, and i've been supplementing it with regular pilates and stretching - and then home exercise. Have you had it seen to by someone? Hip pain is the worst; mine felt like my jip joint was about to blow out whenever i extended my hip sideways. It's still sore, but slowly getting better.

Ugh yeah it blows. Posterior hip rotation huh? I'll have to research that a bit. I did see a doctor to have it checked out years ago (like I said I've had this going on since I was like.... 16 or younger) and the doctor said something to the effect of lack of cartilage surrounding my hip joint, thus the intense pinching pain when the joint is overused. I'm not sure of the technical term of this, as I was in my late teens when he told me this. He said the best way to care for it is to do gentle exercise with the hip daily. It will get worse if I don't move. So swimming, walking, biking, etc are all good. Running is horrible for it, hiking up steep hills hurts, hooping/dancing can make it hurt too. But I still do all of these exercises even though they cause me pain because I love them too much to stop. If I walk for a long time, maybe more than a few hours, it starts to get tight and realllllly sore. At first I started stretching it out, doing a deep lunge, and that only intensified the pain and made it last for days. Sometimes when I lay in bed at night I can't fall asleep because it hurts so bad. I just don't really want to get surgery, I don't know what to do.
30 minutes run.
60 crunches
60 spinal
10 push ups- then stopped 'cause I did break something shadow boxing the other day! No strength training till xmas for me!!
Did a few lots of weights (upper/lower arms, shrugs, etc.), spent a couple of hours out in the garden weeding and watering :)
Haven't posted in here in a while... guess that's because I haven't done anything healthy since I went to Thailand. It was far too hot to exercise over there, and I lost probably 10 pounds from the food and weather. Came back and got a job as a bartender and I've been drinking far too much-- also developed some Achilles tendinitis. Hadn't run because of my leg and also because my brother took my running shoes. But...

Bought a new pair of running shoes and shorts last night and ran about a mile without any injury to my lower leg! Also have begun to setup a workout schedule with my friend for 2 times a week. Finally, I'm moving to a great new apartment located in the heart of the city, so shopping for fresh produce and unprocessed food for each meal will be the norm, not the exception. Probably the biggest improvement I can make for my health will be limiting my alcohol intake-- this should be easy enough when I'm filling my time with running, working-out, and setting-up our new apartment.

Overall, life is starting to improve.
40 diamond press-ups in the morning

45 squats

20 sit-ups

full body isometrics around lunchtime

half an hour touching myself

aaaaaaaaaaand 23:23:26;26;18;18;20;20;60 dips about 20 mins ago
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Bench press

Incline bench press

Hanging leg raises
Been hobbling around, and had to take the dog out with the bike. My little toe had a very hard collision with a stupid table leg yesterday morning =(. Good news is that despite being a bit black and blue the swelling and pain have declined. Back on the mountain bike tomorrow hopefully!
6.4 mile hike in 1:51 with friend and dog in 37F weather
Decent time considering I am sick and didn't go to work yesterday
OK, so i woke up today at 5am as I always do but decided I wouldn't go for my usual run 'cause it is Saturday and I need a break. SO I grab my bike and ride downtown to look at all the drunken people left on the bars and pubs. It was fun, I ran into a couple of friends I hadn't seen in a while, had a talk with a bunch of drunk girls saw a guy fly out of a bar (literally, the bouncers through him out) and a dude hitting another dude with a shovel. It was fun, and dangerous and good exercise.
Dumbbell bench press (Chest)
Warm up 1 x 15 reps
3 sets of 8 reps

Incline dumbbell press (Upper Chest)
3 sets of 8 reps

Dumbbell squats (Quadriceps - Front Of The Thighs)
4 sets of 10 reps

Alternate dumbbell curls (Biceps)
3 sets of 12 reps

Dumbbell Pullover (Back / Chest)
3 sets of 12 reps

Ab Crunches (Abdominals)
4 sets of 15

Tricep pushups (Triceps)
3 sets of 10

How often do you do this kind of workout? I've been trying to get into a routine and this seems like a basic one to start with.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That's my Monday routine. If you scroll back a little in the thread you'll find my Wednesday and Friday routines which are similar.
36 squats

20;20;26;26;18;18;54 pushups (diamonds, fist to floor and standard)

36;45;28;22;50 dips

upper body isometrics, with a couple of sitting leg exercises
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