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What would you listen to if you were rolling right now/what would you recommend to me rolling right now?

Now I'm really interested in checking out A Scanner Darkly so I can see what you're talking about lol.
I see it's on Amazon Prime, but I don't have it.
And I used to listen to a lot of dark dnb, but haven't lately.

I used to really live like I believed in substance d forever. I thought I could forever when I had a kilo of 4-MMC

A kilo of 4-MMC! I never got to try it unfortunately. Only MDMA, MDA and 5-MAPB

Fyi substance d is an addictive stimulant with psychedelic properties. I recommend the novel. I read it years before the film came out.
"There are no weekend warriors on the d. You're either on it or your haven't tried it"
Wow it's 5am already. I'm not feeling the shrooms too much now. Still a bit though. Really feeling the three rolls I ate. Anyone with music to suggest??

I wish disc two of the album substance d was on YouTube. It's possible that somewhere I still possess a CD copy of both discs.
hey @simstim substance d is a fictional drug - are you using that term to refer to another, real life, drug?

I keep thinking about my 7 year old daughter. She's never seen me high or drunk. Would I ever talk to her about my involvement with something like this thread and the drugs involved? Lol what if she finds out one day about me loving rolling so much that i once tried to just roll continuously for weeks with no concern for the future . I really want my Daugher to have a better life than me and kinda hope she never experiences substance d.
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hey @simstim substance d is a fictional drug - are you using that term to refer to another, real life, drug?


No. I believe it's possible to experience substance d in many forms. For me 4-mmc was substance d. So was MDPV. So is MDMA. So was Meth, 4,4-DMAR, ETC. Even cocaine. New substance d candidates are created all the time.

Substance d will be distributed globally for the rest of time. It's inside the music too.
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ok, so you're using it as an umbrella term - or analog - for a number of substances, art and/or other media.


ok, so you're using it as an umbrella term - or analog - for a number of substances, art and/or other media.


Sort of. I actually believe in a global substance d conglomerate. I think people on forums like this are more aware of it than the average drug user. I feel like substance d has helped controlled and shaped my life. I don't think it's constructive either. Short of nuclear holocaust I believe not much will ever stop substance d distribution. Huge business....
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Substance d is addictive, neurotoxic, psychosis inducing, euphoric, deadly, causes major psychiatric disturbances etc. It's also deeply embedded in our culture at this point in history.
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Lol @me for trying to convince everybody substance d is real while rolling and tripping. If you doubt that it exists I don't know what to say. I'm on substance d all night tonight. Lol
where in the world are you and what time is it?

i can't imagine sitting inside, in front of a screen, when my mdma hits. can you go outside? is there a park or a trail you could enjoy?

ymmv, obviously :)

where in the world are you and what time is it?

i can't imagine sitting inside, in front of a screen, when my mdma hits. can you go outside? is there a park or a trail you could enjoy?

ymmv, obviously :)

I'm in the eastern United States. 6:44am

The mushrooms kept me from being bored indoors last night. Maybe I'll check a park in awhile.

Here's a song that's surely substance d inspired, lol.
you missed the sunrise :(

but still a beautiful time of day. enjoy!
