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What Was YOUR Nightly Fix? v. Can't Sleep Sober

2,640mg DXM + 352mg Chlorpheniramine maleate (the latter chemical is an unwanted source of side effects that can be dangerous but has not been harming me)
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2,640mg DXM + 352mg Chlorpheniramine maleate (the latter chemical is an unwanted source of side effects that can be dangerous but has not been harming me)

I really hope you didn't actually take 88 triple c pills, people have died off less than that.
dxm make sure dextro is the only ingredient, CAPSULES should be that neway
Ok, so i've taken 1 mg alprazolam, 10 oxy mg and 3,5 mg clonazepam; i,ve smoked almost 1,5 gram ak47 and 1 gram hash rolled in joints. Shared one gram of fuxkin potent coke with a friend. The cocktail gave me 2 hrs of sleep.

What should i do. Begin work in 4 hrs; need to catch the train in 3 hrs.

Take half a gram with me (won't use all; just pixk me ups)
Take 0,5-1 mg clonazepam as needed to reduce paranoia

Sounds reaaonable? (I have more stuff but want to appear normal...)
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Smoking half a gram of crackrocks straight pullin' and teleporting into the future

Good shit
No, this will work. I look worn out, pale and fatigued. But i had a stomach bug this weekend and my colleagues know that.

0,5 mg clonazepam
One fat line of coke
One small bowl ak47

My breakfast. I'm calm and content.
Beer and more beer. Some gin mixed in. I don't manage to sleep for more than a few hours when I'm drunk though, or ever. I hate sleeping but it only gets frustrating when I have to force myself to sleep when I have to work and then I can't. Can't wait to get in to see a psychiatrist for new drugs. Don't know what they'll put me on but my anxiety is too much, I can't deal with chest pains every day.
1mg Clonazolam
1 or 1.5mg Clonazepam (I honestly can't remember)
2ml 1,4-Butanediol
600mg Gabapentin
50mg DPH (for allergies mostly, but also potentiation)
A few fat bowls of very good weed
Exactly one beer (this is what happens when all the liquor stores close before I get off work)

Feeling good! Probly gonna pop some L-Theanine here shortly too.
Been doing coke and vaping NEIH all day, but now I'm half asleep:
One far joint with hash
One fat joint with just jack the ripper, 10% tobacco
2,5 mg clonazepam
And like 20 mg of NEIH, vaped. It weirdly calming and not tweaky enough to override the sedation from my cocktail

My eyelids are so heavy.

Today i've done:

0,5 mg buprenorphine, snorted
300 mg NEIH, vaped
Almost a gram of coke
8 mg norflurazepam
1 mg clonazepam

My nightly fix will be:
A joint with hash
1 mg clonazepam
30 mg mirtazapine (prescribed; been out for five days)
75 mg lyrica
20 mg morphine
1mg Clonazolam
1 or 1.5mg Clonazepam (I honestly can't remember)
2ml 1,4-Butanediol
600mg Gabapentin
50mg DPH (for allergies mostly, but also potentiation)
A few fat bowls of very good weed
Exactly one beer (this is what happens when all the liquor stores close before I get off work)

Feeling good! Probly gonna pop some L-Theanine here shortly too.

How does 1,4-Butanediol feel compared to GBL or GHB?
1500mg pregabalin, not really high as using these doasages many weeks already but good take off the opiate wd's.
Been on a stim binge. Recently added:
400!mg tramadol
0,1 g amphetamine
4 mg norflurazepam
Theee joint
200 mg hydroxyzine

Will fall asleep during ufc, so relaxed and sedatet
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Lots of pool (man it’s fun, kind of addicting), and of course cheap beer plus a Jell-O shot out of a syringe.
How does 1,4-Butanediol feel compared to GBL or GHB?

Never actually tried GBL or GHB! But from what everyone describes, it's a very similar feeling, in fact I'm fairly certain that 1-4BDO is a prodrug to GHB (as in, its converts into GHB once entering your system). Other heads feel free to correct me on that if I'm wrong, I'm a bit too high/tired to go looking it up myself.

1mg Clonazolam
2mg Etizolam
0.5mg Clonazepam
1.2g Gabapentin
1 bottle of merlot
2 craft microbrews
2 or 3 bowls of high quality weed
2 fat dabs

Feeling quite splendid if I do say so myself!

EDIT: Added 1 more fat dab. 200mg L-Theanine and 3mg melatonin.
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5.5mg Diclazepam
~0.75mg Clonazolam
0.5mg Clonazepam
1200mg Gabapentin
Weed, and lots of it.

Feeling good. Seems like my benzie tolerance is getting high, I should probably watch that.
How does diclazepam work for you? I’ve been looking into rc benzos and I was wondering how it would work for my anxiety compared to etizolam and clonazolam. I’m already scripted clonazepam too.
I’ll need Seroquel tonight- although I prefer not to. I don’t know how people like this. It makes me so drowsy and lethargic, and it seems to last forever.