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What Was YOUR Nightly Fix? v. Can't Sleep Sober

2 pints of beer
.2 cocaine
2mg Alprazolam
6g Red Hulu Kapuas kratom
2g Northern Lights
50mg Benadryl
25mg trazadone

Just chillin with session 4 of the Simpsons with my girl til we pass out
Topping a great day off with:

Two fat joints (probably used 1 gram or more), smoked one
0,5 mg flunitrazepam
1,25 mg fluclotizolam (a couple of hours ago tho)

Speculated whether the hash from my new source was sativa or indica, and i’m pretty sure it’s sativa. Nice head buzz, mild euphoria (could be the synergy between the hash and the flunitrazepam), feel creative, which is enhanced by the residual stimulation from earlier stim use
Way too much beer, two shots of whiskey (someone bought them, don’t know why I requested it). Hungover as fuck today, questioning last nights decisions.
8mg Hydromorphone IN
0.25mg Flunitrazolam
0.5mg Clonazolam
2.5mg Lorazepam
unfortunately, not really tired yet and out of Triazolam. Damn, this stuff rocked :)
guess I'm going to add 5mg Zolpidem IN.... seems to fit best to this combo and should do the trick! :D
4800mg gabapentin, 3mg alprazolam and 150mg DXM. I've read its good combo, so going to report back.
160mg Methadone and 50mg clorazepate. The amps have worn off it appears. I'm absolutely smashed because of my recent tolerance break. And 50mg clorazepate is quite potent too. It's literally the ONLY benzo I've ever found where 1 pill is plenty even for me. I don't get the same level of relief from like 8ish mg xanax than I do from 1 single 50mg clorazepate. Also I only need one of these every 2-3 days for it to be effective enough which is bonkers to me.

If I take one daily, I end up sleeping far far more than I'd ever want to. It's really one of the best benzos I have ever gotten. And I'm prescribed 2 daily lol. So stockpiling these shouldn't take too long. (+ 2 xanax bars and 1 brotizolam daily, which I also never take when I've taken my clorazepate). I <3 this one.
3 ampoules of 20mg/ml of pure pharma morphine did all three at once with a 5ml syring, i just changed the needle for a smaller one. Oh what a lovely rush that was 99% pure morphine plus a 2mg klonopin, im in heaven =)
30 mg morphine, plugged (on top of earlier doses still active or lingering)
0,5 mg fluclotizolam (3 mg in total today)
30 mg mirtazapine
300 mg chelated magnesium
200 mg theanine
2 grams morrocan hash, smoked in blunts, joints and bong

Zzzzleerpy, drowsy
for me it's really light, like a bowl of indica weed will just put me right out and have me wake up feeling like a million bucks
had this combo yesterday night:
80mg Oxycodone
500mg Phenibut
500mcg Clonazolam
125mcg Flunitrazolam
250mcg Triazolam nasal
it was a relaxed night and pretty good sleep :)
Ugh, the day after using too much of a serotonergic stimulant is horrible. Been taking 3 x 1,25 mg fluclotizolam spread out according to duration. Took the last (for today; saving the rest for later) one hour ago; i’ve also smoked about 1,5 gram of some pretty good hash, two joints and bong hit after bong hit, and drank two 5 % ABV lagers two hours ago. I’m in a pretty good mood tbh. Relaxed and stoned as fuck. Will sleep hard tonight.
80mg methadone, 20mg diazepam, also had around 50mg amphetamines like 10 hrs ago. I think I'll add 50mg hydroxyzine and maybe I'll go for the full 160mg done today. First Imma let my hydroxyzine kick in.

Edit: also, smoking a spliff of 'pineapple haze'. With 6 months break it's quite strong. :D
Clonazepam, alprazolam, and pregabalin to help me sleep and comedown smooth after all the amphetamine I've been doing.
went to the bar to drink. came home bored. took 4mg lorazepam

that shit does nothing for me :/