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⭐️ Social ⭐️ What Was YOUR Morning Fix? v. I Smoke Weed, Eat Yogurt

Hey y'all. 😎 🌄

Any other day than today would be shaping up to a hard meh - shit sleep, woke up sick, puking again, with the family catching a pissy attitude because I can't throw up quietly enough, apparently, but today is still a great day because it's my last day in this shithole town. Stomach is feeling better, a bit anyway, with a few early morning bong rips and some ginger tea and ginger ale. 🙂

So it's looking like I'm shut in in here for the next hour or two, proper smoke sesh in order, then see if we can't initiate a household "good morning do over". 😉

And so it goes, or will go, most of this yet to be addressed, but y'all know the drill:

Coffee, soon hopefully lol
Nic vape
5mg apixaban
4mg ondansetron

Not much at all left to do for packing today, just a couple backpacks really. Most of my efforts today's will be deep cleaning my old room and tuning up my mt bike. See y'all in the mountains. 😉
Good morning kids!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
I had the whole weekend off which was amazing. I haven’t had more than a day or two off every 2-3 weeks or so since January. So three whole days off in a row.. Was just amazing..
I spent the weekend down my boat tightening up the last of my projects that needed to be done for our tuna and marlin season.

Today I’m taking it down easy and just gonna rest a bit, maybe a couple easy shop hours.
So, I’m on my second cup of joe while watching the local woodland critters and birds cruise through the garden and the feeders. Smoking a few cowboy killers, listening to some tunes and about to vape some super silver haze sugar.

Have a great day y’all, and don’t forget to smile!
Always, fair winds and following seas
Modafinil + black coffee

It's a clear day, but too early to be sunny yet.
Will wait a bit before washing the dogs' duvet after almost a week of rain and cloudy fall weather. Need to do some grocery shopping later on (finances demand for creative solutions here), but not after writing one or two sentences for my story, and setting the base for a mini project for work.

It's always nice to read your "morning fixes".
Have a happy day!
Zero sleep...but at least that means fresh French baked goods first thing in the AM. In addition...

20mg diazepam
10g Muang Dang Kratom
Spliff after spliff of Moroccan hash

Hoping to pass out but not set the house on fire...
Hey guys, good morning. 😎 🌄

Super rough, super messy 3:30am wake up today with the stomach fuckery, shenanigans and bullshit all showing up in full effect lol. Had me seriously questioning whether I was going to be able to leave on time this morning, but some ginger tea, ginger ale, some weed, many purgings of the stomach, and curling back into a ball in bed for about half an hour seem to have set me on the path to recovery. Hopefully.
Hey guys, good morning. 😎 🌄

Super rough, super messy 3:30am wake up today with the stomach fuckery, shenanigans and bullshit all showing up in full effect lol. Had me seriously questioning whether I was going to be able to leave on time this morning, but some ginger tea, ginger ale, some weed, many purgings of the stomach, and curling back into a ball in bed for about half an hour seem to have set me on the path to recovery. Hopefully.
My guess it's nerves. The emotion before the big move and it will pass as soon as you are at your temporary home. Which will be today/tonight/tomorrow.
Have a good trip, and a nice welcome and take care!
fresh French baked good
Sounds great! Enjoy them!
Been a pretty good morning
Asked about that in the other thread. Good to know!

I'm having modafinil (third day in a row, never do more than two, but so what) and, of course, yummy black coffee.

A good day to you all!
My guess it's nerves. The emotion before the big move and it will pass as soon as you are at your temporary home. Which will be today/tonight/tomorrow.
Have a good trip, and a nice welcome and take care!

Sounds great! Enjoy them!

Asked about that in the other thread. Good to know!

I'm having modafinil (third day in a row, never do more than two, but so what) and, of course, yummy black coffee.

A good day to you all!

Hey. 🙂

Nerves are certainly probably a part of it lol, but my money is on the majority of my ails being tied into whatever is going on medically with me. But for now, today I feel better. At least my stomach episodes, I seem to be recovering more quickly - I used to be laid out until mid afternoon any time this happened.

But now I'm good, we just gassed up and are about to grab breakfast and hit the road. 😎

The rundown is the rundown, same as above.
Smoke a cigarette
Eat a 25mg sertraline pillie (in addition to arguably unnecessary vitamin pills) and a bowl of frosties and a few mento's separately for breakfast
Get tortured by an exercise bike for 19 minutes
Potentially drink a sugar-free energy drink or a can of diet lemonade
I miss the kick I get out of exercising ...
The only kick I get out of it is the comforting sense of relief I get once it's over and I no longer have to do it. I enjoy walking, but using a stationery bike is extremely vigorous to the point of physical and psychological anguish and I only do it because I don't want to put on weight. Once I get my own house I will consider replacing that with normal cycling.
And a good morning to all you fine folks. 😎 🌄

Didn't really get much sleep, new digs and a headache, but it's all good. Gotta head out fairly early this morning and begin the apartment/room/house hunt lol. Getting in shape with:

Lots of coffee
Nic vape
No weed yet, but shortly 😉
2.5mg bupe
5mg apixaban
4mg ondansetron
60mg testosterone IM

Anticipating that mid morning circadian misalignment brain sizzle, but it'll be okay, and still a boss ass day. 😉

Stay safe, y'all.

lots of Tea
50mg modafinil
100mg opium (no more of that now for 10 days minimum)

small doses but had to be done, desparately need a pain free (or at least significantly lessened) day when can concentrate on what I need to concentrate on or shit's gonna become extremely difficult

and on that note, logging of bl for the next 12 hours
Going to bed early with little clona in the system works, but gets me up and running after only 4-5 hours of medium-quality sleep.
It's 5:30, I'm already up since 4:15, and now drinking the first of what is going to be (again) 3 mugs of coffee with some modanifil, because coffee does little to keep we awake.

Have to finish some work stuff later (too cold for that now) and then I have to look for my modafinil script because I'm running out!

Have a glorious day!