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⭐️ Social ⭐️ What Was YOUR Morning Fix? v. I Smoke Weed, Eat Yogurt

I find Iv hydromorph very close to a heroin high. I overdid it yesterday though, ended up slamming 80mg in a couple hour span. Was nodding hard then started throwing up. I don't want to keep doing it but i have a hard time stopping, then i feel awful after and use again to get ride of that feeling. Awful cycle. I have MS so i do need them for pain, i just have a hard time using as directed.
I'm the exact same, I utterly despise fentanyl. Except for a few medical applications such as surgery, that shit plainly qualifies as a poison much more than a drug, IMO. The trouble was, back then, around 2008 to 2013 was when fent first started showing up as a potentating cut in real diacetylmorphine here. It was spotty, but became increasingly common over the years until at some point it was just all fentanyl, no dia in the mix. I was very careful with it, I've to this day never overdosed on opioids alone, but I'm just about positive one of those hot spot bags would have gotten me. Everyone I knew ten years ago is dead. Fuck that.
You know the fent is crap when old heroin users would rather be dopesick then touch it
Dude I refuse to buy from these Mexican cartels, they are making fentanyl their main drug of choice.
I would like to see the fentanyl contaminate their headstash and the cartel bosses kill themselves. Refuse fent and honestly all street drugs until u know it comes from a pharma.
I had a lil ballsy Chicano spot me a fake xan bar (had a piece cut off lol) and first said 15 and I was like I'll do 5 if that. Then he started getting into saying: " I'm the kinda guy that would make you dissapear" I was thinking like for a nibbled on fake Xanax bar lmfao 😂 I said no thanks but he insisted. But threatening me for 5 buks is just outrageous. I had a whole bottle of fresh pharma kpins and like I couldn't give a crap about those fake xans. Kids these days, barely looked 15yo.

You know the fent is crap when old heroin users would rather be dopesick then touch it

I wonder how far, how bad things are going to get, and if it's just going to lead to another ineffective "moral reawakening" or something like that. A knee jerk over-reaction "wake up call" that will regress drug policy even further, psychedelics included.

I promise I'm not a pessimist, I'm really not, but the world just makes it so goddamn hard these days not to be lol.
20mg Fluoxetine
600mg Oxcarbazepine
50mg Naltrexone
Marlboro Menthol 100s

Gotta go to work later. Scheduled for a piddly two days this week.

Had another extremely vivid using dream last night. That's at least two days in a row, the other night was coke, this night was dope. I've had some drinking ones recently too.

My dreams also don't work like normal peoples dreams. Most people say, oh I was about to die in my dream and then I woke up! Oh I scored some dope and was going to use and then I woke up! Nah, for me, I have watched myself die in my dreams and left my body. Felt the sensations, everything. And I have actually gotten high in my dream, drank, everything.

Don't know where to go with it, but it's getting exceedingly more difficult every day it seems. A lot of addicts I've talked to have said they've lost the desire to use, but I guess I'm just not there yet. I mean I don't want to use because I want to make progress in my life and don't want to ruin all my progress, but other than that, I really want to get high.
20mg Fluoxetine
600mg Oxcarbazepine
50mg Naltrexone
Marlboro Menthol 100s

Gotta go to work later. Scheduled for a piddly two days this week.

Had another extremely vivid using dream last night. That's at least two days in a row, the other night was coke, this night was dope. I've had some drinking ones recently too.

My dreams also don't work like normal peoples dreams. Most people say, oh I was about to die in my dream and then I woke up! Oh I scored some dope and was going to use and then I woke up! Nah, for me, I have watched myself die in my dreams and left my body. Felt the sensations, everything. And I have actually gotten high in my dream, drank, everything.

Don't know where to go with it, but it's getting exceedingly more difficult every day it seems. A lot of addicts I've talked to have said they've lost the desire to use, but I guess I'm just not there yet. I mean I don't want to use because I want to make progress in my life and don't want to ruin all my progress, but other than that, I really want to get high.

I feel you about the dreams man, they fucked with me bad for a long time after I stopped cooking/using meth. For the first 5 or 6 years of my bid, I'd have dreams about cooking and or shooting dope at least two, sometimes three times a week. A lot of times they'd have really fucked up, garbled family themes as well. And in the ones where I was shooting meth, they'd be super realistic. Like I'd see the light flash off the bevel of the needle as I found it to orient for the shot, I'd feel the sting as it penetrated, feel the scar tissue pop, register and get high in my dream, and as soon as the plunger hit home I'd always wake up, bolt upright in my bunk. I'd feel a ghost high for like five seconds, but the dreams were so realistic I could still taste that shit when I woke up.

But it finally stopped. The desire to use didn't, that didn't go away until I gave in, put myself out there at warp speed and fucking traumatized myself lol. Are you still taking the mirtazapine at night? I know a lot of people report crazy ass dreams when on that, I know I did lol, but I enjoyed mine. I described them as "acid nightmares, but in a good way" Might be a good idea to give that a rest though, if you're still taking it, see if that helps?
Galaxy Quest flower. 18.39% ? THC

A CONE rollie !

som Kratom maybe a little over 1 gm hopefully prayer

some ham off the bone.

i didn't even feel the Kratom until i had the ham off the bone . holiday. it helped.

Now AK8 wax THC 76.7%

the Galaxy Quest is all sativa and little tiny packed buds. 😁:weedleaf:

and maybe the Kratom kicked it a bit

he hee🌵
I feel you about the dreams man, they fucked with me bad for a long time after I stopped cooking/using meth. For the first 5 or 6 years of my bid, I'd have dreams about cooking and or shooting dope at least two, sometimes three times a week. A lot of times they'd have really fucked up, garbled family themes as well. And in the ones where I was shooting meth, they'd be super realistic. Like I'd see the light flash off the bevel of the needle as I found it to orient for the shot, I'd feel the sting as it penetrated, feel the scar tissue pop, register and get high in my dream, and as soon as the plunger hit home I'd always wake up, bolt upright in my bunk. I'd feel a ghost high for like five seconds, but the dreams were so realistic I could still taste that shit when I woke up.

But it finally stopped. The desire to use didn't, that didn't go away until I gave in, put myself out there at warp speed and fucking traumatized myself lol. Are you still taking the mirtazapine at night? I know a lot of people report crazy ass dreams when on that, I know I did lol, but I enjoyed mine. I described them as "acid nightmares, but in a good way" Might be a good idea to give that a rest though, if you're still taking it, see if that helps?
Yes I am, but I dropped it from 30mg to 15mg. For most of the time I haven't dealt with too many crazy dreams, it's mostly just been lately. Kind of had me tired during the day, that's chilled a little bit, but I still sleep a lot. Might be a good idea to stop, idk.
Kratom is helping. i couldn't even feel weed today.


20mg Fluoxetine
600mg Oxcarbazepine
50mg Naltrexone
Marlboro Menthol 100s

Gotta go to work later. Scheduled for a piddly two days this week.

Had another extremely vivid using dream last night. That's at least two days in a row, the other night was coke, this night was dope. I've had some drinking ones recently too.

My dreams also don't work like normal peoples dreams. Most people say, oh I was about to die in my dream and then I woke up! Oh I scored some dope and was going to use and then I woke up! Nah, for me, I have watched myself die in my dreams and left my body. Felt the sensations, everything. And I have actually gotten high in my dream, drank, everything.

Don't know where to go with it, but it's getting exceedingly more difficult every day it seems. A lot of addicts I've talked to have said they've lost the desire to use, but I guess I'm just not there yet. I mean I don't want to use because I want to make progress in my life and don't want to ruin all my progress, but other than that, I really want to get high.
You’re not alone (not to sound cliche in saying ‘you’re not alone’) but I get it, I’ve been struggling with wanting to get super high. I could probably call up my prima & have her send me some hydromorphone but I’m really trying not to because I take a shitload of them when I do & despite pain stuff (tramadol) … I just straight up want to get super high off hydromorphone rite now to get a break from PTSD/mental health stuff rite now.
Geez … sorry as I write this I hope I’m not making you feel worse.

You’re doing awesome.
One moment at a time … that’s what I’m doing currently … shits hard sometimes, also a tough time of year. I hope with time things get better for us all

Sending you support & solidarity
Big hug 💜
Yes I am, but I dropped it from 30mg to 15mg. For most of the time I haven't dealt with too many crazy dreams, it's mostly just been lately. Kind of had me tired during the day, that's chilled a little bit, but I still sleep a lot. Might be a good idea to stop, idk.

Did you know it's actually more effective for sleep at lower doses, antidepressant effects take over once you get closer to the 45mg cap. So yeah, dropping to the lower dosage may just have triggered the dreams to crank up. I dunno, I've met a shitload of people who've been on remeron, haven't met one yet who said it was a good long term solution. If you stop and the dreams persist but you think the med was helping, you can always start it back up.
You’re not alone (not to sound cliche in saying ‘you’re not alone’) but I get it, I’ve been struggling with wanting to get super high. I could probably call up my prima & have her send me some hydromorphone but I’m really trying not to because I take a shitload of them when I do & despite pain stuff (tramadol) … I just straight up want to get super high off hydromorphone rite now to get a break from PTSD/mental health stuff rite now.
Geez … sorry as I write this I hope I’m not making you feel worse.

You’re doing awesome.
One moment at a time … that’s what I’m doing currently … shits hard sometimes, also a tough time of year. I hope with time things get better for us all

Sending you support & solidarity
Big hug 💜
Oh nah, no worries about that. I've become accustomed to any triggers at this point that it doesn't bother me. I live in the middle of an open air drug market, and I spend a large chunk of my time on Bluelight, so it doesn't bother me anymore. If I get a wild hair up my ass and decided to get high, I would just do it. And there's been a bunch of instances where I haven't, so I think I'm good.

Did you know it's actually more effective for sleep at lower doses, antidepressant effects take over once you get closer to the 45mg cap. So yeah, dropping to the lower dosage may just have triggered the dreams to crank up. I dunno, I've met a shitload of people who've been on remeron, haven't met one yet who said it was a good long term solution. If you stop and the dreams persist but you think the med was helping, you can always start it back up.
Yeah I had heard that about the antidepressant effect at higher doses. It honestly doesn't even do a lot for me. Can hardly tell I've taken it, unlike say Seroquel or something where I get the munchies or the Seroquel shuffle lol. So I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to take it any more. I feel like it just makes me sleepy the next morning so maybe I should stop. Feel like coming off naltrexone too. Id probably be fine with just the Prozac and trileptal.
The one combo that worked for me for a while was prozac and lithium, but I had to stop the lithium cause it started fucking with my thyroid. After almost 20 years of doing the mental health med shuffle, I finally just said fuck it, I'll either learn to cope without meds, or I won't.
The one combo that worked for me for a while was prozac and lithium, but I had to stop the lithium cause it started fucking with my thyroid. After almost 20 years of doing the mental health med shuffle, I finally just said fuck it, I'll either learn to cope without meds, or I won't.
Yeah, I've been bouncing around on different meds for 12 years or so now. Unfortunately if I come off all meds I get really manic and end up getting high, spending all my money, or having sex with anyone and everyone, and ultimately blowing up my life. Bipolar 1. So I started trileptal as opposed to depakote or lithium, since there's a lot less medical upkeep with it but it still works well. So far so good. A lot less side effects and issues as opposed to antipsychotics. I was just still really depressed so I started Prozac. Wouldn't be able to take ssri by itself because of the mania, but with a mood stabilizer it's fine. I'm on the highest dose of the trileptal.

I'm still hopeful that one day I'll be able to come off the meds, but don't want to test it in early sobriety.
I wonder how far, how bad things are going to get, and if it's just going to lead to another ineffective "moral reawakening" or something like that. A knee jerk over-reaction "wake up call" that will regress drug policy even further, psychedelics included.

I promise I'm not a pessimist, I'm really not, but the world just makes it so goddamn hard these days not to be lol.
I don't know, they've been "morally rewoke" for like forever it seems to me. What have they ever done to successfully exert their control over people getting high? It just led to these fettys and xylazine and crap. On the other hand, it's true, some sort of backlash may be coming. I'm picturing the next president sending the National Guard into cities and setting up internment camps for street addicts (I promise you, I'm not a conspiracy theory sort of guy). But that won't really change human nature either.
But do something humane and understanding and tolerant? Doesn't seem likely.
Happy fucking Saturday kiddos!

It’s a beautiful winter morning here in the pine barrens.
I’m just sitting here watching the woodland critters and birds waking up, as I wake up while gazing through my rear slider.

Tuning out to some stick figure and classic rock on the ol’ radio.
Sipping on a redbull, drinking some aqua, and smoking on a few marlboros.
Bout’ to twist up a doobie snack of some raspado with maybe some sugar sprinkled in.
Gotta run a few errands, and get some work done in my shop today but other than that I’m off work till Tuesday.

So besides that, I’ll just be chilling right on into the new year, high as a fucking bird.

Stay lifted y’all and I hope you get the most out of this gorgeous weekend!
I got all the good vibes yall need and always stay smiling!

Always, fair winds and following seas
I love watching critters outside, see how they roll lol. My ancestors (the Taino native side) believe that birds are ancestors, passed on loved ones or spirits watching over you or giving you signs 💜
Do you live in PR? I've been wanting to go explore the El Yunque forest. Sounds really incredible, though maybe the hurricanes tore it up a lot.