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What Was Your Morning Fix? v. I Can't Breathe, I Need A Cigarette

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Bloody mary, spliff, dope, now some coffee and gonna go have a cigarette as soon as this Chevy Chase movie that for some reason is playing in my kitchen is done
Rolled out of bed lit a cigarette and huffed some Nitrous... talk about an interesting way to start the day.

Smoking a bowl now and drinking lots of coffee as always.
Cigarette, swiftly followed by 2mg clonazepam and a red bull. Than an hour or so later 50mg of amphetamines.
80 mg of lisdexamfetamine
1 cup of fresh ground Haiwain coffee in a french press with 4 sugar packets
.25mg clonazepam

Look out world I'm highly medicated and under-motivated.
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Alcohol and cigarettes.
Literally woke up at seven and started drinking with my brother's friend.
2 bags of heroin IV
.5mg of alprazolam
fat bowl of marijuana
iced coffee

This mornings fix (though I hesitate to call it this morning, considering I never went to bed. Not because I couldn't sleep but because I was trapped out and about:
12mg Bupe (suboxone)
3 medium hits of a puddle
10mg Clonazepam (over the course of the night, along with the meth, 5mg's just now)
2 bowls chronic, one indica, one sativa
1 cigarette after I finish these bowls

And then hopefully I'll catch some Z's after the cig.

Bonus: Found 80% of a 30mg IR Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine pill on my kitchen floor. I feel bad complaining that of course this happens when I already have unlimited shards. Just like I get a vicodin script after getting on MMT. Timing. Oh well, I'm still stoked.
the fattest lines of meth I'd ever seen with my singer and bassist (2am)
a cigarette(s)
a shake joint with my bassist
2 cans of warm Natural Ice
1 bowl of good weed
.125 clonazepam
and a shot of NyQuil because its cold season and I want to go back to bed.
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coffee, cigarette, and a variety of supplements so that i don't get severe brain damage from very little sleep over two days, and to help revitalize and recover and whatnot. i only dosed twice, but that last line I did was kinda huge.

EDIT: just added 5mg diazepam and .3g heroin smoked off foil, gonna eat some food, take more supplements and maybe buy some weed if i still feel kinda crappy later, although i dont feel too bad right now so I guess that wont be happening.
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one lunesta, one vicoden, waited 30 min and then did 5 fiery lines (crystal)...i fuckin love that wave of going down then up, and vice versa. about to go smoke a stoge soon :)
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4mg buprenorphine SL
40mg Adderall (30 XR-10 IR) Oral
Bong Rip

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