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What was your morning fix? v. Handful of pills, and sane again!

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0.5mgs buprenorphine
Some killa Hashish oil/Shatter
Chocolate Carnation instant breakfast
Pink Floyd playing on the radio;)
40 oz. of 6 percent alc malt liquor and the little bit of weed i have left.....ah yeah and i took 8 mg. odansetron cuz my stomach was kinda jacked this mornign(been drinkin kinda alot)
Lucky......I was supposed to get some bup yesterday but have to wait til tomroorw(it's ok though as I'm not currently opioid dpendent...........some Floyd sounds good for the headphones right now....thnx
90 mgs methadone
7.5 mgs valium
30 mgs promethazine
Mountain dew 20 oz and cup of coffee
woke up at 5pm and got a dime of white chine on front from my neighbor... slammed dat shit and am still nod out high:|!!! I love my neighbors...
12.5 mgs promethazine ( I'm very sensitive to the stuff )
Couple bong hits of weed
Cup of coffee and piece of toast
Cigarettes and soon to be methadone. Just waiting for the bus so I can get my dones
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Woke up at 6 and took 40mg of Hydrocodone and smoked a few hits of some pretty decent weed. Now, taking another 10mg of Hydrocodone and 50mg of Benadryl to try to nap. Broken foot = no fun
"Wake'd n' bake'd" this am, at like 6:30am, because I'm in the mid. of tapering down from 70mg methadone. WD's setting in..

~45mg m-done (eyeballing my own taper because MMT clinic is soo baked up) + 5mg valium sl + 300mg IV raw coca; wheew bellringer, tasted that raw through my whole nasal passages and taste buds! + ~.23g's (3 caps) of South Colombian-style heroin, chunks though; finally gotta' rush since lowering my 'done so fast + 2 bowls of cannabis + NALT/N-acetyl-l-tyrosine, l-glutamine, vitamin b6, and 150mg suntheanine (pure L-isomer) + Coffee.

Now I'm curing cotton mouth with lemonade, it's beautiful outside today here. %)

Might take another 5mg sublingual valium & 150mg l-theanine? Hmm? Definitely more bowls to come, but have to mow the lawn. Dammnit!
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I guess I woke up at 8:30. Grabbed 160mg of OP oxycodone and sucked off wax. chopped into many pieces and tossed into a coffee mug. Brewed boiling drip coffee into cup containing pill chunks. Let sit for 30ish minutes, drank half, microwaved for 30 seconds, drank remainder and pill chunks.

Also swallowed some supplements: Melatonin, Valerian Root, Hops, Chamomile, Passion Flower, Taurine.

Nose started itchin, good sign.

Ate a greek yogurt.

Smoked some wax, puffed an e-cig (pale imitation of the real thing).

Letting 3mg of Clonazepam melt under my tongue, got a green tea waiting and two ashwagandha capsules to go with it.

Contemplating a small dose of crystal, but not sure yet.
a shot of morphine and a low dose, 10mg, of valium.

time to get home and add a bit more into the mix, settle in on the couch with some "Sons of Anarchy"; which im sure ill be paying a great deal of attention to ;)
herbalife shake wif peanutbutter and banana.

now gonna smoke a bowl of some kinda kush.

ahhh sobriety.
Just ate 90 mgs of methadone Smokin a cig waiting for the bus. Also had a cup of coffee and 16 oz mdew.
Phuck I have to shit sooooo bad! Hurry up bus!
I just woke up, so it's technically still my morning...

0.75mg of Xanax
50mg of Topamax
2 cups of coffee
A cigarette
Bagel toasted with cream cheese.

Prolly 40ish mgs oxycodone.

16oz white grapefruit juice, and 2 Zantac pills as an experiment, an hour b4 dosing 120mg oxycodone.

Immediately followed by 4mg clonazepam, 30mg diazepam and 1600mg gabapentin.

All that while smoking bowls of crystal between dosing the pharms. And yet I'm still starting to catch a nod... Nice.

Plus a few cigs and I'm about to smoke some
Cannibus wax to put some icing on this decadent cake.
0.6mgs buprenorphine
0.1 grams of some killa hashish shatter oil
Ibuprofen for my tooth
Energy drink and subway;)
Well I didn't sleep last night. Smokin speed and weed and bangin H all nite. Out of h now so I'm About to go get me some methadone. And prolly take 90-100 mgs with 25mgs of promethazine and some more Speed and weed then maybe a coffee lol oh and can't forget my marb blacks and my brand new e cigarette yay
My heart was racing bad last night. No stims involved. So I took 2.5mg lorazepam SL and .25 alprazolam orally. Gonna have some drinks in an hour or so.
600mg tramadol and a joint. Was/am still sedated from the downers from lastnite.
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