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What was your morning fix? v. Handful of pills, and sane again!

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Sparked teh bowl after my first cig of the day
Ate an uber dank deli sammich
Now got a joint burning listening to Amnesiac

Might eat a xanax in a little while...
70mg methadone
5mg valium
3mg clonazepam
300mg gabapentin
150mg l-theanine

Now drinking a mango x pineapple smoothie, mmmm! And some fresh McD's fries. Now I just need weed to perfect this day :)

EDIT: Weed/dabs and Nas- Illmatic and Jets To Brazil- Orange Rhyming Dictionary on rpt.

I think I've quoted you before but I must say again-- I like your style, hangyourhead. We'd get along, I promise. Especially this being a morning fix. I bet your nightly dosing will be awesome as well.

I'm not about that life in the morning unless I have the day off like today and everyone at home gone, perfect!:

1,800mg. Lyrica
250mg. Nucynta ER
20mg. Opana IR insufflated
80mg. Focalin XR

Pretty good. %)
15mg valium sl
600mg gabapentin
300mg l-theanine
Cuppa' hot cofee

About to go drink my methadone.
4 shots of whiskey
~11 grams of bali kratom
.325mg clonazepam
top-notch pot

Should be nice once this kicks in. For now I just feel a bit tipsy.

EDIT: One hour later and the klonopin and kratom become noticeable. I feel at ease. Small urge to drink but not really. Gonna stay sober and smoke my brains out tonight.
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200mg 5htp followed by 200mg an hour later.
.1 Buddha in two doses
40mg dxm
1 dip followed by another
4mg Bupe
1 brew
vape pen

I'm gonna go back dosing only 2mg of bupe and see how that affects me as I read on another forum that "less is more" with buprenorphine, due to a thing called NORbuprenorphine, or something.
Couple rips of some good weed
Swallowed a 25mg addy XR and dumped a capsule orally with some tea
Bowl of mids

Done at work, now I'm gonna try to eat and then ill probaly dose 2mg of bupe and clean the bathroom. Might as well while its still working.
Broke the fucking mouth-piece on my only bowl... goddamnit. It's still usable to smoke bowls outta', just have to put your mouth on a broken stem type part. Still pisses me off, because I was drizzunk and benzo'd.

Woke up today-
8mg lorazepam sl
150mg suntheanine
500mg l-tyrosine
800mg cimetidine
25 dph

waiting to + my 70mg methadone into the mix...
traded coffee for beer the last two mornings

enjoying world class east coast beer in the southwest is a luxury that will soon be done :( gotta start searchin out the local stuff soon.
2 stamps of what I'm assuming was Wilmington DE dope. First time I ever tried stamp bags.
4mg Bupe
1 brew
vape pen

I'm gonna go back dosing only 2mg of bupe and see how that affects me as I read on another forum that "less is more" with buprenorphine, due to a thing called NORbuprenorphine, or something.

Yes that's a good idea small doses gives all the bupe a chance to convert to nor-bupe which is a full agonist and un converted bupe that comes from high doses is only a partial agonist acting more like an opiate antagonist than anything really blocking any chance of euphoria and pain relief from the sub or when you take another opiate. Patients who get bupe prescribed for pain not for addiction matinence they get pills that are 0.2 mgs to take every 4-6 hours because it acts nor elike a full agonist that way.
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