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What movies affected you so much that you can't bear to watch them again

Belisarius said:

"Thirteen" -- Glad I saw it. Made me think. Not going through it again.

Good pick. I forgot about that one. I liked the movie but it left me feeling uncomfortable and disturbed.
good call, dd.

i have not seen 'dancer in the dark' since i saw it first. i had trouble standing up when it finished as my legs were shaking so much. the theatre was also half-empty as so many people left during the picture.

i'm not sure i want to see it again.

I am gonna have to get some of these out. I also assume they will be viewed once and cast off forever.
i think that if a movie really really affected me i'd actually be more likely to see it again. not often, but i enjoy watching powerful movies - even if they're sad or disturbing.

dancer in the dark and requiem would be the two i've come closest to not watching, however.
Ok, you guys have made me curious. What is Dancer in the Dark? I want to see it now :)

I could definitely do without seeing the movie May again. It wasn't even a good movie :\ Just straight up gory.
oooh now i remember....An AMerican WErewolf in London, the one that came out in 1982?
God i was so young when i first saw it....i was honestly and truly affected lmao i still remember the werewolf morphing scene, the forest scene where the bestfriend gets ravaged by the wolf, and just the overall depressing feel of the movie till this VERY DAY.
But yeah ive seen it several times lol....im a masochist.
Originally posted by Pure_XTC
Ok, you guys have made me curious. What is Dancer in the Dark? I want to see it now :)

it's a lars von trier film (he also did the idiots and dogville, amongst others), starring bjork (and she's absolutely fantastic)...i won't give it away, but it's really, horribly depressing.

and it's a musical. see it if you like weird and sad :)
another vote for passion of the christ. i watched that movie totally froze on meth with my mom (my mom was not intoxicated nor did she know i'd been up for 2 days) not good.

kimmy you have to watch dancer in the dark
Ah, and "Alive." Saw it once, but even with the happy ending I wouldn't watch it again.
The Ring and The Shining....and pretty much anything with Ben Affleck...(something about him just grates...)
This might qualify as cheating, as because it is SO good, I force myself to rewatch it every couple of years, but my vote goes to Schindler's List.

the end is just so horrible. :( i haven't made it more than halfway through any other time i've watched it, knowing the way it does end.
And another vote for Passion, besides.... the book was better.

I can't watch AI or The Pianist because both leave me with that 'trapped' in a movie feeling. I spent the entire length of both films saying, 'damn, it can't get any worse!'
hhc_king said:
i agree i watched it on a massive come down....bad idear ..i carn't watch it anymore even know i love it...its like looking at the sun..you know its bad for you but u still do it ..;)

That reminds me of the quote from Arrofonsky's other brilliant (and far more watchable film) Pi: "When I was young my mother told me not to stare into the sun. Once, when I was eight, I did....."
The death of Hooch was quite sad indeed :(

-I found Pi to be too much of a mental tweak to want to watch again anytime soon.

-Schindler's List came to mind as I read the question. But now it looks like I stole it, thanks :). There were several crippling scenes in the movie that just drags your heart through a grinder. Not a movie for the light hearted.
Dancer In The Dark is the only one that comes to mind but then I do tend to avoid films that will upset me.
brothermarcus said:

i have no need to ever see that again, or to share it with anyone else. it's cool that i made it through it, but i don't want to ever see it again. no.
I almost threw up when she fed that man...probably one of the most distrubring things I have ever seen.

The movie I feel I should never watch is The Exorcist. I am a big horror fan, but this movie just disturbs me on so many levels...it just feels evil. I still own it though.

Brokedown Palace put me in such a bad mood after I saw it in the theater I get nuts just thinking about that movie. I can handle drug-fucked up movies, but this one just made me feel reall really really bad. I have no intention of ever seeing it again.
The Cook, The Thief, his Wife & her Lover.

the last scene is one of the most disturbing things i have seen on film. Apart from the fact it is generally and obnoxious movie all the way through and is just, well, out there as far as a script goes.

Kudos to Dame Judy Dench though, she looked hawt all the way through.