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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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^ recap here is a good little timeline. A "general idea" of times of mdma and production routes theories.
@G_Chem So, I finally dried out my A/B extraction, you were right, I hadn't lost everything. Took ages (like two days) to dry out and then I washed it with water and it took another two days to dry out even with a fan.

I tried it this weekend. Overall it didn't make a huge difference, but, there were a couple of points to make.

1) I've been put on propranolol recently because of migraine symptoms. I didn't see interactions online with this, and tbf haven't noticed much being on it, but it could have been an issue maybe
2) I thought I had dried it out but am willing to accept there may have been water left in, I don't really know how to tell how dry it is
3) I did 200mg rather than my usual 280mg. I'm a bit on the big side so even in the magic days I needed two pills to feel much, but I had assumed 200mg would have been plenty
4) All the reagent tests were as normal, except for marquis. This was a lot less strong, went to lightish purple rather than black, and took quite a while doing it. Mandelin, Mecke and Simon reacted as strongly as usual.

The experience with fairly weak, but felt cleaner. It seemed on the verge of doing something but never quite got there. And I was definitely coming down after 3hrs if not before.

So, either:

a) the a/b extraction didn't get rid of the problem contaminant
b) it wasn't the magic mdma in there (stereo isomer, positional isomer, etc...)
c) it hadn't dried out enough and I actually took a much weaker dose.
d) the propranolol messed things up

That Marquis reaction was definitely strange and different compared to what I was used to.
I remember that in the years I used to go clubbing every week or so (from 95 to 98 more or less) pills were quite stimulating, at the point that with two tabs, one in for the club and one for the after we were able to dance with all our souls from 1 am to 12 pm :)
But occasionally we would find several different ones with similar but not the exact same effect, I remember very well two cases: one was an extremely clear experience, not urge to dance, but was glowing from the empathy and feeling well with the whole universe.. I guess this means pure mdma (i'm in europe anyway... if that's matter)
Another time was the perfect extasy for me... very long lasting, very psychedelic (closed eyes visuals) in a way completely different than lsd, mushrooms, 2cb etc... still totally social and dancey... still wondering what substance was...

@G_Chem So, I finally dried out my A/B extraction, you were right, I hadn't lost everything. Took ages (like two days) to dry out and then I washed it with water and it took another two days to dry out even with a fan.

I tried it this weekend. Overall it didn't make a huge difference, but, there were a couple of points to make.

1) I've been put on propranolol recently because of migraine symptoms. I didn't see interactions online with this, and tbf haven't noticed much being on it, but it could have been an issue maybe
2) I thought I had dried it out but am willing to accept there may have been water left in, I don't really know how to tell how dry it is
3) I did 200mg rather than my usual 280mg. I'm a bit on the big side so even in the magic days I needed two pills to feel much, but I had assumed 200mg would have been plenty
4) All the reagent tests were as normal, except for marquis. This was a lot less strong, went to lightish purple rather than black, and took quite a while doing it. Mandelin, Mecke and Simon reacted as strongly as usual.

The experience with fairly weak, but felt cleaner. It seemed on the verge of doing something but never quite got there. And I was definitely coming down after 3hrs if not before.

So, either:

a) the a/b extraction didn't get rid of the problem contaminant
b) it wasn't the magic mdma in there (stereo isomer, positional isomer, etc...)
c) it hadn't dried out enough and I actually took a much weaker dose.
d) the propranolol messed things up

That Marquis reaction was definitely strange and different compared to what I was used to.
what mdma salt did u make? asking because with HCl salt you should obtain a much potent substance than the original, with full on effects at 120mg
mmm i'm more and more convinced that the amination process they use is the responsible for the crappy mdma... Leuckart, Al/Hg amalgam and NaBH4 reduction... with those no one ever complained...
Late 80’s to late 90’s - Era 1 - Leuckart Mdma.

Marked by longer duration, increase stimulation compared to pure MDMA, and a Marquis reaction that goes black to dark blue over a minute. Typically induced nasty Tuesday blues, users often reported feeling wrecked in the week after
2000-2009 - Era 2 - Smaller Scale Production, often Al/Hg (relatively.. overall more chemists and more variety)

Duration shorter, more in line with pure MDMA. Less stimulation but also less nasty after depression, afterglows become more common. Marquis reacts purple to dark purple/black.
Interesting distinctions here. This stuff is sp hard to be objective about, but this does resonate.
When I first began using MDMA, and right up to 2000 in fact, I would indeed experience quite intense blues and depression the week afterwards particularly that midweek crash where consoling oneself and exercising mind over matter would simply be impossible owing to the biological dominance.

And in the early 2000s is when I was taking more MDMA than ever but really not suffering the same acute dip and depression afterwards each time, with more of an afterglow.

I remember well those intense, hellish comedown blues with so much sadness.

And I cannot recall experiencing that to anywhere near the same extent in early 2000's.
I began taking MDMA in 2014-15 and have never experienced the Tuesday Blues, or similar, for reference.
Hello everyone! Have some experiences to relay:

This past weekend was 1 year since I last rolled, which was with the magic mdma. Was really, really, nervous I was going to get crappy mdma, lot of pressure to have a good time if you know what I mean. Friend of mine ~2 months earlier found some "quartz" looking MDMA (white/transparent, scentless, large full looking crystals), it turned out to be the good stuff according to all the people I know who had tried it an earlier festival that are also on the same page about this MDMA problem. I didn't get to try it, but we were all very excited and it was definitely the stuff by their estimates.

Unfortunately, my friend who had acquired it was unable to get more in the time between that festival and the one I just went to. So, all he had left was ~1 gram of it from that first festival. He felt bad since I had asked to get some from him in case it would be all gone by the time I wanted it, but he had reassured me we could easily get more, but it was unavailable... So, he gave me and girlfriend 100mg each of that precious gram. My friend has begun calling this sort of MDMA "Bliss". I really wanted a second set of 100mg capsules of it for another night, but it wouldn't have been fair to everyone who wanted it, we figured we would split it as best we could for everyone to have one really good night. He had some other stuff called he "Honey", a light tan/golden/yellow color, that he said is good but in his estimates/experiences it is not quite the magic/"Bliss".

We took the 100mg of "Bliss", I was unsure if I was going to get what I wanted out of it, fearing I was going to jinx the experiences by expecting too much and being too certain of the drugs properties based off of second-hand reports and the physical appearance of the drug alone (passing plenty of tests as plenty pure MDMA). And... I was most certainly not dissapointed, it was like time rolliing all over again, and it happened similar to the year prior; there was a longer period between taking it and beginning to feel the comeup, a much more gradual and loved up come-up, immediately synergizing with the LSD visuals, that MDMA-vision settling in; people around look beautiful, lights have massive halos around them complimenting the LSD fractal-like patterns. My girlfriend always mentions how good her hair feels brushing on her shoulders when its the magic stuff. I certainly had to stand up and do some pacing/stretches/deep breaths as it felt like it literally knocked the wind out of me, but it was so lovey and gradual that it never overwhelmed me or made me anxious/paranoid. what pursued was the best night I've had since, well uh, the last time I had this stuff a year prior. I can 100% confirm its the magic stuff. I feel like my connection with my girlfriend and other friends has been renewed, rejuvenated and reinforced after that night. Full mydriasis, very cuddly/melty and loved up as we just lounged in the grass by the river for the come-up, but once we got around high energy music, getting up and dancing like maniacs wasn't a challenge at all.

Another point, a friend of mine who I've rolled with many times, the past few times he's had MDMA, its not been the magic stuff; he gets really tired, yawns like crazy, eyes don't fully dilate, becomes more introverted, sometimes overwhelmed, and generally doesn't have a great time. This time I made sure he got 100mg of the Bliss, I don't even really talk to him about the magic versus meh debate thing, and he said it was the best night he's had in years. He had fully dilated pupils, up and dancing, permanent grin on his face, and no yawns/wanting to lay down and keep to himself. Even he commented to me about the yawns and stuff, just totally different symptoms.

Some other points that I notice with the magic stuff; just the way music sounds changes, its difficult to describe but it feels like its being hardwired into my brain, you reeeeaaaalllyy feel it. Very strong jaw clenching, didn't have a sore jaw or chewed mouth the next day, but my girlfriend and I were almost chattering. Cold temp feels REALLY cold. Quite sweaty, but I think this is mainly because it really makes you want to dance as opposed to lean against something and nod your head. ZERO hangover or comedown, I took it on Friday and I'm still glowing now almost (again, disclaimer, even from MehDMA I don't get a hangover/comedown)

Didn't end up rolling a second night as I was unable to find anything that looked promising. My friend, the one who i'm very on the same page about this stuff with, found some stuff that was a fine white powder, tested just fine, he took 150mg of it and said it was pretty good but "definitely not the dank dank". Difficult to say since he took 100mg of the Bliss two night previous, but IME I roll just as hard if not harder (not sure why) the second night a roll on the same dose and he has found this to be true as well.

I spoke with the people running the drug testing using Raman and FTIR, really didn't have time to delve into this whole discussion that this thread is about, but they showed me a bit of how their machiens work but I was sort of confused. It produces this graph that they find the "best" match to in some database of substances. Which instantly confused me as, if its MDMA, shouldn't the graph be EXACTLY the same? What causes the differences in graphs produced by two samples of perfectly pure MDMA? What about substances not in this database that could produce similar graphs? Would MDMA regioisomers and isobaries produce similar/same graph as MDMA? They showed that "rogue peaks" indicate other substances, but really couldn't tell me much about more subtle differences between graphs, or what the peaks are based off of (i.e. if the peaks are based on molecular weight, couldn't regioisomers/isobaries produce the same graph and thus fool the system?).

Just looking at the graph that the MDMA sample we brought in looked like, overlayed on the MDMA reference graph, they were certainly not identical, it was the same shape and definitely a fit (as in, the 6 main peaks that indicate MDMA were clearly matching), but there was ton of other "noise" and smaller inconsistencies going on. They didn't seem to think much of this, so its possible that the FTIR just gets a slightly different reading every time even with the same sample just based on the nature of the test? IDK shit about all this stuff
The MDMA I have been taking since circa 2014 till now, even when it felt like I had MagicDMA, never was as strong and as psychedelic and physically stimulating as the MagicDMA I used in 2011 to 2013. Also duration was shorter by like 2-3 hours.
Its getting more evident that long lasting tolerance must play a bigger role in this than i thought.
Seeing as everyone says "the first time is always the best". Meaning the first few times your introduced to the substance.

This would explain Older MDMA having more magic to most people.
some evidence to support this claim:

Friend A has been rolling roughly 100mg every month or two.
Friend B has had his hay-day with MDMA in the 90's and hasn't rolled since.

Both had 100mg of the same batch.

Friend A says he felt "chilled out" and in the zone but not as much as from earlier batches.
Friend B says he ended up only taking half the dose and had a really great time, he then had another great night on the other half.

This makes me think its not always the product quality giving us magic but the stored neurotransmitters being unleashed.

I myself have always correlated Pupil Dilation to the "magicalness" of the experience, magicDMA should make your pupils almost completely eclipse your iris at 1-200mg.
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Its getting more evident that long lasting tolerance must play a bigger role in this than i thought.
Seeing as everyone says "the first time is always the best". Meaning the first few times your introduced to the substance.

This would explain Older MDMA having more magic to most people.
some evidence to support this claim:

Friend A has been rolling roughly 100mg every month or two.
Friend B has had his hay-day with MDMA in the 90's and hasn't rolled since.

Both had 100mg of the same batch.

Friend A says he felt "chilled out" and in the zone but not as much as from earlier batches.
Friend B says he ended up only taking half the dose and had a really great time, he then had another great night on the other half.

This makes me think its not always the product quality giving us magic but the stored neurotransmitters being unleashed.

I myself have always correlated Pupil Dilation to the "magicalness" of the experience, magicDMA should make your pupils almost completely eclipse your iris at 1-200mg.

This is a problem in some instances, yes, but there has been numerous reports of MagicDMA producing intended effects reliably, then same user takes MehDMA and doesn't enjoy the MehXperience, than a week or less later takes MagicDMA and rolls just fine.
I think we can narrow our hypotheses down to two main ideas;

1.) "The problem is the MDMA itself". Producers of MDMA are either inadvertently or intentionally synthesizing an isobaric or isomeric (regioisomer, structural isomer, "isobaric amine", etc.) produces similar effects to 3,4 MDMA and registers as MDMA on many testing methods due to identical molecular mass or some other similarity. There is a substantial amount of literature on the difficulties of differentiating between these.

It is possible that producers are either creating this stuff on purpose as its cheaper/easier and they know they can get away with it. It is also possible that its happening by inadvertently due to changing production circumstances. I tend to want to believe the latter as I feel in the age of the internet there'd be at least something somewhere about it if it was on purpose due to cheaper costs and not a lot of people noticing.

What we need to know more about: What are the exact testing methods of available drug testing services? What are they looking for and how? Are the machines capable but only capable if you're looking for these things specifically?

2.) "The problem is something leftover in the MDMA" Depending on the production method chosen and skill of the chemist, leftover precursor or "organic impurities" are present in the final product and have an orders-of-magnitude impact on the subjective effects dose-for-dose. There is some literature on leftover precursor and organic impurities, but zero literature on the effects these might have when ingested.

It is not uncommon for MDP2P and other precursors (see Ecstasy Data) to be found in MDMA samples, it is possible that these interfere with the action of MDMA directly, but at the same time there is no evidence to say so. I do not believe it is possible that leftover precursor/organic impurities are the cause of differing effects purely due to diluting MDMA in a sample as they occur in such small amounts (usually, and in my own case).

What we need to know more about: What the hell are organic impurities and how could they affect the subjective effects? Have they ever been measured by drug testing services? Could the organic impurities from specific synthesis methods actually be beneficial? This all sort of reminds me of terpenes.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15826368 "The identification of 3,4-MDMA from its mass equivalent isomers and isobaric substances using fast LC-ESI-MS-MS."
https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/236243.pdf "Synthesis and Analytical Profiles for Regioisomeric and Isobaric Amines Related to MDMA, MDEA and MBDB: Differentiation of Drug and non-Drug Substances of Mass Spectral Equivalence"
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15693185 "Chromatographic and mass spectral studies on isobaric and isomeric substances related to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine."
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25617761 "Organic impurity profiling of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) synthesised from catechol."
just read the abstract, sounds pretty interesting. From what I understand it sounds like there are specific "organic impurity" profiles that result from specific synthesis routes. I imagine the volumet of organic impurities created by a specific synthesis route varies by skill of the chemist/quality of the synthesis execution. Maybe some routes create specific organic impurities that interact with the MDMA? Or some routes on average create greater volumes of their organic impurity profiles than others (as in, XYZ method generally results in a smaller amount of organic impurities than ABC method).
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There is something I keep noticing when looking at offers from some vendors, it's not rare that one vendor has got 2 different types of MDMA on stock most of the time, say Cola and Champagne, and they also have slightly different prices.
This seems extremely odd to me, is it 2 different substances, or are both MDMA? If yes, are the visual differences due to different impurities from different routes? Or is something being added at some point to cater to different customers with different visual expectations for their MDMA? I've heard people swear by either. Don't really know what to think but this type of tactics only contributes to confusion in the market...
I wonder how it is that people can get away with selling unwashed crystals AND convince their customer base to look for some colour given by the impurities as a sign of quality.
Cold temp feels REALLY cold.
Guys can you believe I have so many times forgotten, or rather failed to remember this specific aspect of MDMA. Reading that has got me wondering:
When I first began my MDMA use in 1996, it was impossible to take the drug and not become aware of the way it greatly enhanced your perception of cold when you went outside on a chilly night for example or even if you left the nice warm living room to visit the toilet you would be perishing cold until you returned to the warm environment, always telling a story on your return about your experience of having been out in the Blizzard and glad to be back again unlike Captain Oates lol.

This effect was especially pronounced at the legal indoor Helter Skelter and Dreamscape raves we used to visit in Milton Keynes. Everytime we would go outside you would be literally freezing and couldn't wait to go back in.

Now when I think back to my heavier years of consumption between 2000 and 2005 when I took the vast majority of my MDMA and considered the vast majority of it to be of excellent quality and in no way lacking and inferior as far as I considered at the time, I really do not have much if any recollection of experiencing this same phenomenon regarding the enhancement of a cold environment while on MDMA.

Maybe my own physiology was different and I just didn't experience this personally or perhaps my nervous system adapted to the effects and regulated my temperature better but I genuinely do not think I was experiencing this affect anywhere near the same degree in the early 2000s unlike I was between 1996 and the late 90s.

I only mention this in relation to @G_Chem 's proposed timeline for the different eras.

I'm very open to the idea that there were some subjective experiential differences between the MDMA I was taking in the 90s and that of the early 2000s.

But I certainly was not complaining and in relation to what we were discussing beforehand i.e. the midweek blues and depression following use, I think I will have to say I preferred the MDMA of the 2000s because the comedowns seems so much easier to deal with for me.
Indeed the vasoconstriction would often make my hands and feet very cold, but it seems on the good stuff i would be sweating profusely especially when coming up, this was in the summer though apposed to winter.

funny how the absolute best stuff ive had was either brown or purpley pink and had the most Pungent saffy smell.
I dont know about yall but i would taste my rock, and the Magic always had a specific taste, not just full on bitter.
Indeed the vasoconstriction would often make my hands and feet very cold, but it seems on the good stuff i would be sweating profusely especially when coming up, this was in the summer though apposed to winter.

funny how the absolute best stuff ive had was either brown or purpley pink and had the most Pungent saffy smell.
I dont know about yall but i would taste my rock, and the Magic always had a specific taste, not just full on bitter.
Yes indeed, we have highlighted these specific characteristics as well, taste and aroma (or shall I call it flavour? Haha, just think of it now MDMA quavers or Monster Munch!)

There have certainly been quite some variables over the years so I guess we shouldn't be surprised really on paper that there has been variation in the actual product and experience over time.
Interesting note here. I just heard from a friend that just traveled back from one of north americas biggest and most drug inclusive festivals. They usually have drug testing on site at this festival and are very adamant about harm reduction and drug testing.

This year, they had it on site again, and it was MASS SPECTROMETER!!! At a fucking festival!!! They werent just testing with the standard reagents, they were going to MS at a festival to test your drugs. AMAZING!!!! Thought this thread would like this note.
I have always been naturally highly resistant to cold, when people are already having hoodies plus winter jackets I am still going around in short sleeves and the paper thin pants.
On MDMA I have to watch out to avoid overheating.
I remember I had a few rolls in the woods on winter, at night.
Temp probably between 2 and 5c, windy, high humidity, I was in t shirt and rolled my pants up my shins, found a small pond and just walked in and felt the water was cold but did not even begin to make me feel cold in a few minutes.
Then I put my shoes back on on wet socks, an hour later my socks were dry.
In a club I am always literally pouring, I look like I came from outside and it was raining.
@Hilopsilo Man, two great posts. I think I felt a little shiver just reading over the first one. You so adeptly described the nuances of a good experience. You commented that, "My girlfriend always mentions how good her hair feels brushing on her shoulders when its the magic stuff." Me too. On good stuff, I am constantly running my fingers around in my hair. You also said, "the way music sounds changes" and I 100% agree. On the right product, I will hear things in music I never heard before (no matter how familiar I am with the song).

@G_Chem The product I had access too in 2000-2005 matches your description of the 90s product. It was definitely more stimulating with a super rocky Tuesday afterwards.

@epic11 So, does this mean if I went to the right festival I could bring all my samples in and get them tested, and actually chat with the people running the tests about the results? That is pretty exciting news that they have a mass spectrometer at a festival.
@Hilopsilo Man, two great posts. I think I felt a little shiver just reading over the first one. You so adeptly described the nuances of a good experience. You commented that, "My girlfriend always mentions how good her hair feels brushing on her shoulders when its the magic stuff." Me too. On good stuff, I am constantly running my fingers around in my hair. You also said, "the way music sounds changes" and I 100% agree. On the right product, I will hear things in music I never heard before (no matter how familiar I am with the song).

@epic11 So, does this mean if I went to the right festival I could bring all my samples in and get them tested, and actually chat with the people running the tests about the results? That is pretty exciting news that they have a mass spectrometer at a festival.

Thanks ahaha, halfway through writing I ran to the bathroom as I swear my pupils were dilating just thinking about the experience. I address that question to @epic11 below a bit.

Interesting note here. I just heard from a friend that just traveled back from one of north americas biggest and most drug inclusive festivals. They usually have drug testing on site at this festival and are very adamant about harm reduction and drug testing.

This year, they had it on site again, and it was MASS SPECTROMETER!!! At a fucking festival!!! They werent just testing with the standard reagents, they were going to MS at a festival to test your drugs. AMAZING!!!! Thought this thread would like this note.

So I think its safe to assume we were at the same place ;)

Its absolutely wonderful what they have set up, but rightfully so, their main concern is making sure people don't die, not making sure people got the dankest drugs and have the best time possible. The capabilities of their instruments, level of expertise of the technicians operating them, and the time constraints (people might wait 2 hours in line, they want to get people through fast so people don't decide that the wait isn't worth it and take things without testing), its just not the time or place to delve deeply into a bunch of slightly more than half-baked theories and anecdotes. They had like a dozen machines going, but you've got basically thousands of people who want their stuff tested, multiple samples, paperwork, and amateur technicians (I don't mean that negatively, but they are just volunteers who have been shown how to operate the machines for their purposes, nothing more, and certainly not accomplished chemists).

For MDMA they use FTIR, which can only detect substances greater than 5%, as in, anything contained within the sample that is less than 5% wont be picked up by this technique. They check out the mass spectra of the substance and simply match it to a substance in their database. As I said, they couldn't really give me a straight answer as to why the graphs varied sample to sample even if the conclusion was the same. They also run a fentanyl test on all substances.
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