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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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I think some people lose the magic but im a long term roller who rolled weekly sometimes two days a week for 3 years then i started putting more breaks of two three weeks between rolls took a break for some years due to pretty much completly dissocasting from reality from drug use then used heavily again when amazing pills were showing up. I have rolled more times in a year than most people will roll in their entire span of using mdma. I never lost the magic i find straight crystal to always be a bit 50/50 i only use high quality presses when i had them and would have a decent stash since it was cheaper and i would roll alot. Most "dutch presses" while mabye made in the netherlands are not true "dutch" so many international players set up shop in holland cause the law is wack if they get caught with 500 kg mdma they might spend up to 5 years in a dutch jail. The true dutch quality presses if you ain't getting from a proper dutchmen its probably fake or made by the eastern european mafias
@G_Chem new test kit, new results:

Mecke - grass green to black
Marquis - straight to black, then purple black
Mandelin - Maybe a slight bit of turqoise but then quickly to black with some orangey red
Froehde - Slight flash of green maybe then black
Liebermann - Flash of green then brown/black

So it looks like my marquis had died in the old kit. Mandelin result is a bit strange. That orangey red blob was very noticeable and I tested it twice. On the reference chart they supplied, the orange blob looks closest to Procaine, then maybe PMA/PMMA, alpha-PVP or modafinil. I think procaine wouldn't produce a colour change in the other reagents so could that of been a contaminant? And one that came through the A/B extraction process?
Interesting.. Thanks for the updates!

That orangey red is unique, I’ve never seen that with the Mandelin before.. I’m starting to wonder if the Mandelin might be our ticket to having a reagent which can differentiate.

I cannot recall, as well as no notes, which have ever spotted any orange/red.. If it was procaine you’d likely be able to tell via some local numbing when placed on tongue similar to cocaine.

Hmmm this has got me curious.. This may be a good lead.

I just checked if my kit has mandelin and it does. Im also sure i have some mehdma. Whos trying to get another mandelin test done?
would love to know where the posts i contributed to this thread have gone? lots of test result pics and very nice picture's of the glass like and amber safrole product i was getting last year etc? tried searching the thread. had some really good back and forth posts with @G_Chem which have vanished it seems?
you are correct g chem - the mdma above and in this fresh photo im posting does indeed turn to jet black, no purple. and im guessing isnt made from safrole. going to check a video i recorded from testing the mdma i purchased at the frontend of june. pretty sure this tested purple? ill post the video over this weekend. signal isnt great at the moment, taken me long enough to upload this photo -

^ the second photo is the amber/yellow i speak of. and gave me a feeling of sheer bliss, i still have some of this and will no doubt revert back to it after i try the clearer sample handed to me. the smell of the two are very different from each other might i add? the clearer glass is quite a over powering smell

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^ this is product i got from a local source who bought it via DW between christmas - march / april up until around may time when it was no longer available and a close friend sourced this which has a weird off tint / yellow like glass, i was sceptical at first as not a fan of "cola". however this isnt cola, this is the cleaner product ive been speaking of. 90mg/100mg had me in a state of pure bliss. photo below :

(im sorry for this photo not been as clear as the other, this clearly show's these are'nt the same product. off tint yellow/tan like & clear white)

both very clean and different from each other in terms of high, and comedown.
ignore my last post - found them. the search function on here is terrible? man what id give to have some of that amber/golden like md on the second photo again :O
Did some more mandelin tests:

A/B extracted MDMA (re-test): maybe slight green but then black. Definite orange extra colour
MDA (mehDA): Straight to black, no orange, long term slightly brown black
MDMA 2 (meh): Maybe even shorter green phase then black. No orange colour. Long term slightly brown black
MDMA 3 (meh): Straight to black. No orange colour. Long term slightly brown black
Not sure tbh, I've only had proper MDA a handful of times. 2 of the times i think I was just sold regular MDMA or a mixture of the two, since the effects just seemed like regular MDMA.

2 times I've had 100% confirmed MDA , the first time was from a vendor in 2015 and it was utterly fantastic, nothing "wrong" with it. I remember thinking I would never take normal MDMA again since it was so much fun, but it left me with this stimmed out feeling that kept me from sleeping for ages, that tossing and turning trying to sleep and it just doesn't happen. The second time, I took it with LSD and it got almost too trippy, decided I prefer pairing MDMA with LSD. Again, MDA left em with this sort of hangover, nothing emotional, just sort of cracked-out-can't-sleep feeling.

It's harder to tell with MDA since the psychedelic aspect is sort of magical in and of itself, yknow?
experienced this myself a fair few times with mda.
^Those pics, thats the stuff 100%
they were both magical, but the amber/off tint not so glass type looking stuff in the second photo is where the real magic was at. empathy, euphoricness - comedown so mellow and more of a sudden drop off compared to a slight rough bumpy comedown. i will post some recent finding's in the next few days/weeks when i finally get round to indulging in some messy get together's for friends birthdays and such :) *note those are 2 diff samples of mdma from last year* theres more pics of different product i came across on page 56 etc.
all the mehdema ive mandelin teseted had small tinges of green at first then black
yes that weird green/blue tint then to jet black within a few second's. seen this alot last year, and the mdma itself wasnt quite what people remember. lacking is what we all said :) love the "meh'dema" wording lol. as thats what it pretty much is.. mehhhh
yes that weird green/blue tint then to jet black within a few second's. seen this alot last year, and the mdma itself wasnt quite what people remember. lacking is what we all said :) love the "meh'dema" wording lol. as thats what it pretty much is.. mehhhh

Yeh, 'MehDMA' is a brilliant description isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I still have a fuckin great time off the Meh stuff, but it's just not the same as it was. The 'Meh' only provides a strong come up, then it just fizzles out and I'm sleeping like a baby after 3 or 4 hours. Yes, it's very nice but it doesn't quite get you 'there'. It's a bit like coming up on acid but not actually having a trip - which is nice, but you can't help feeling a little cheated...
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Yeh, 'MehDMA' is a brilliant description isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I still have a fuckin great time off the Meh stuff, but it's just not the same as it was. The 'Meh' only provides a strong come up, then it just fizzles out and I'm sleeping like a baby after 3 or 4 hours. Yes, it's very nice but it doesn't quite get you 'there'. It's a bit like coming up on acid but not actually having a trip - which is nice, but you can't help feeling a little cheated...
nice to see you still posting btw - amongst others who got this thread going and kept the information and such on point - funnily enough ive just had a similar conversation with someone i hadnt seen in awhile, she had some mdma on friday night which she described as dull and lacking lol (however this was cola/tan which hasnt been around for awhile from what i know of? also not to be mistakened for that wonderful bliss amber i posted above) - claims she has'nt had anything of good quality since around august/september when living on the doorstep and part of our . (her words for "circle"). Making me wonder if what im about to source and have a look at is going to be a waste of time.. i know pricing isnt allowed on here but i noticed a big price drop just as i stopped and had a long break last year - i was told by friends that this cheaper stuff was lacking aswell and they to havent seen anything magical for a few months at a time and just the odd small bit of bliss in between :/.
nice to see you still posting btw - amongst others who got this thread going and kept the information and such on point - funnily enough ive just had a similar conversation with someone i hadnt seen in awhile, she had some mdma on friday night which she described as dull and lacking lol (however this was cola/tan which hasnt been around for awhile from what i know of? also not to be mistakened for that wonderful bliss amber i posted above) - claims she has'nt had anything of good quality since around august/september when living on the doorstep and part of our . (her words for "circle"). Making me wonder if what im about to source and have a look at is going to be a waste of time.. i know pricing isnt allowed on here but i noticed a big price drop just as i stopped and had a long break last year - i was told by friends that this cheaper stuff was lacking aswell and they to havent seen anything magical for a few months at a time and just the odd small bit of bliss in between :/.

I think price is irrelevant tbh. Every now and then a batch crops up that makes you think "Yes, it still exists and it's not just me being a fucktard".
I think price is irrelevant tbh. Every now and then a batch crops up that makes you think "Yes, it still exists and it's not just me being a fucktard".
another thing - that meh stuff, you seem to just be chasing the first dose you take. Its like you say you feel you've been cheated as you know how much better the special product we come across every once in awhile is. in terms of actual comeup, high - and comedown etc.
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