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What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 100 13.5%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 98 13.2%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 27 3.6%
  • Tramadol

    Votes: 22 3.0%
  • Benzodiazepines

    Votes: 292 39.3%

    Votes: 20 2.7%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 45 6.1%
  • Meth/Amphetamines

    Votes: 39 5.2%
  • Cocaine/Crack

    Votes: 13 1.7%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/TCA/TeCA antidepressants

    Votes: 21 2.8%
  • Other Opiates/Opioids

    Votes: 65 8.7%

  • Total voters
Clonazepam my dr changed my 25mg Diazepam dose over to Clonazepam without checking equivalence so 24mg daily 84 a week

This shit right here. Is hilarious. I would be in kpin heaven. Hope you weren't driving after that genius doctor prescribed you that giant dosage leap.

Benzos and phenibut tie for my vote. I've heard the withdrawal from certain antipsychotics is pretty brutal as well.
I went through
- opiate
- alcohol
- spice
- speed

withdrawals, but they ain't nuttin compared to a benzo wd. Unbearable pchysical pain, even with a slow taper. I LITERALLY felt like someone's burning my brain with a lighter. There are no words for how horrible it is. I did my taper for a month. I couldn't take the pain anymore, I guess I'm going to be a benzo-slave for the rest of my life. :(
Yeah I was driving I felt like suing the dumbass Dr who gave me 24mg a day once I cut down a bit I managed to make some money until I told Dr I had cut down was were he'll after 3 months of them I'd never heard of em my dr was amazed pharmacy filled the script!
PW from bupe is the worse thing ever. Its like being raped by satan himself. I have been thru shit, but PW`s from bupe are no joke 8(
You go from 0 to 100 real quick ;)

Methadone WD is fucked up too because it takes so long, but like i said PW`s from bupe = trying to kill yourself bad 8o
Methadone WD is fucked up too because it takes so long, but like i said PW`s from bupe = trying to kill yourself bad 8o

Oh I do agree with you! Have been there. I'm not exaggerating if I tell you people get sick for a month. Really sick.

But a more commonly used 'drug':
Alcohol! That's 24 - 36 hours period of hangover. It can't be something that much acceptable IMO.
It depends on the dosages and the half-life of the particular benzo. I think people consider short acting ones, e.g alprazolam aka Xanax, worse than longer acting ones, e.g diazepam aka Valium. But as far as I know, there is no painless way to get off. You will inevitably feel shit as your receptors get back to normal function. And it takes ages for that to end. In your case you just replaced one benzo with another longer acting one. I think the reason a lot of people consider benzos the worst to withdraw from is the length of the withdrawal and the severe mindfuck of the whole experience.

I experienced a moderate alcohol withdrawal once, and while it only lasted no more than a week for the main symptoms, it was still pretty bad and the mindfuck-y/anxious/hallucinatory aspect was the worst part. I can only begin to imagine what it feels like to be in that state for months. No thanks for me, I stay off benzos.

Opioid withdrawal on the other hand feels more organic. Yes, physically it's a hell of a ride, but I would say that there is that distinct feeling of "I know it'll be over soon, just need to wait patiently" and the mindspace is a lot clearer than with GABAergic withdrawal. It's also heaps shorter unless it's methadone or the likes one is withdrawing from.

That said, I think nothing compares to the not-unlike-datura experience that is benzo/GABAergic withdrawal. Oh, and it's bad for your membrane.

I've obviously been very lucky then because I'm now down to just 6mg a day from 30mg and have had no side effects at all. On friday I reduce again to 4mg and then the following week I'll be on 2mg and then I'll be completely off the diazepam and benzo free. I'm still on other medications, ie antidepressants, one of which is effexor so I know I have that joy to look forward to but I've been ok so far.
Worst Withdrawal

Benzodiazepine withdrawal is the absolute worst thing on earth, particularly Xanax. I was prescribed 10mg/day of Xanax along with 3mg/day Klonopin and 150mg/day Wellbutrin in 2012. Had a seizure after ditching the Klonopin in 2013 and then 2 more seizures in 2013 and 2014 due to being an idiot and constantly taking wayyyyy more than the prescribed dose of the Xanax. It started out as the most amazing drug ever until my tolerance went up. I got to the point where I couldn't even remember how many bars I'd swallowed in a day. I had blackouts constantly. I had ridiculous anxiety, insomnia and depression if I didn't have huge amounts of Xanax in my system. My tolerance became insane. Still struggling to taper with Valium and I'm down to 30mg/day after 8 months.. was switched to 100mg/day Valium in March 2015 to replace the Xanax and the dose was tapered down slowly but still I'm always running out early. I now have 1/2 of a 10mg pill left and I can't refill till tomorrow. Every time I refill I say to myself "this time I'm going to do it, only 3 pills per day".... rarely happens. Thanks to benzos I'm still living in what feels like permanent hell. I wake up to an overwhelming feeling of dread every day, anxiety all the time. I've tried kratom to help with the w/d symptoms, drinking occasionally, and smoking weed semi-regularly in small amounts but none of it can alleviate the mental and physical torture of the benzo withdrawal. I've been through opiate withdrawal and cocaine withdrawal and as horrible as those are, that's Disneyland compared to trying to kick benzos. FML.
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I'm going through methadone + xanax withdrawal, 3 weeks into it, never have gone through so much torment, it was a monetary issue cold turkey type of detox, I wasn't ready for it......... Didn't taper, 80mgs of methadone, 2 to 4 mgs of xanax daily before I stopped cold turkey, I know its stupid but I didn't try to get any medical help, I was just tired of them giving me more drugs or a substitute drug, first two days I tried to fight thru it and even went to work. Not smart, people saw it all over me, just told them I was under the weather, but nearly collapsed both days from pure exhaustion and pain, anyways Im probably ranting from my brain being so foggy but in my case I think the xanax was the hardest part of this ordeal. In any case I would suggest getting actual professionals who actually know what's going down before trying to quit cold turkey.
PS I went thru a 3 day withdrawal before this one and had a seizure on a public bus, not fun....... I was trying to combat insomnia with nyquil which did not put me to sleep, not a smart idea, but all the detoxers out there know sometimes you would do anything for the nightmare to be over. So good luck to the people trying to get clean from these evil things we put in our bodies, its gonna be a tough fight but when you win all I can say is your now the champion, and being champion feels so much better than being a addicted loser (I can say I was a loser for a long time).
Benzos by far, it's such a evil withdrawal.

I pray I will never be stupid enough to put myself through something like that again
In my experience, Oxymorphone has some pretty bad withdrawals.

But the worst I've ever experienced is the comedown from a few days of an Adderall binge. Not even meth gets to me like that stuff.

LOL (not laughing at you but with you. Or maybe I should be crying out loud) As I'm typing this on my cell phone I'm experiencing what the above user has explained. Pure HELL coming down from an adderall binge. I don't think many realize how bad the withdrawal syndrome that accompanies amphetamine use is.
The come down is evil, then that is compounded by the worry of the opiod like withdrawal that is soon to follow. Then there is the binge eating on top of compacted bowels and extreme somnia or insomnia.

All that being said and I still would experience a couple of weeks of that over just three days of benzodiazepine withdrawal (especially from clonazepam.)
Oh ya and baclofen withdrawal. Ewww that's a nasty one too.
Benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzosbenzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos benzos
Tramadol withdrawal is pretty shitty, (with the SNRI + Opiod) but of course I voted for benzos. GABAergics have AWFUL withdrawals.
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Tramadol withdrawal is pretty shitty, (with the SNRI + Opiod) but of course I voted for benzos. GABAergics have AWFUL withdrawals.

Yes! Tramadol has terrible withdrawals. I've gone through them very often. Fortunately it doesn't last all that long. Benzos are, as you say, still worse though, mainly because it just lasts forever. I feel worse in tram w/d than I do in benzo w/d, but the duration makes benzo w/d a lot worse.
Yes! Tramadol has terrible withdrawals. I've gone through them very often. Fortunately it doesn't last all that long. Benzos are, as you say, still worse though, mainly because it just lasts forever. I feel worse in tram w/d than I do in benzo w/d, but the duration makes benzo w/d a lot worse.

Last time I quit benzos it was STILL going strong at 3 weeks so I just fucking tapered it was way way way better no lasting effects
When I detoxed from benzos last year it took months for me to get back to normal. The rehab I was in doesn't do (very) slow tapers. God that was a horrible time.
This touches home ^

Agree ^. On day 3 of pretty mild wd, but it's the guilt that I'm struggling with this time around. A few family members knew about my history and asked me if I thought I'd ever use again. To which I replied "no fucking way". Now I feel like a fraud and am doing this round of wd's on my own so that I can hide the latest failure.

Oh yeah and the boring self indulgence and misery. Haha
I know benzo WD is the absolute worst, sitting in your bed in rehab counting down the seconds till you can get your Ativan next and begging your roommate to not let you fall asleep and even making them take turns to keep you up fighting the sleep meds so you can go get that next dose as soon as it hits 6 hours from your last one then sitting crying for 30 minutes after getting the Ativan at how much you've fucked up your life till it finally kicks in and you stop yelling at your roommates for wanting to go to sleep. and you still manage to fight off the sleep meds on top of your minuscule dose of Ativan and trying to cheek the Ativan to add up to a bigger dose but can't go more than 30 minutes without just taking what you have. I needed to get that off my chest but also the paranoia is the worst, watching the lights move accross the bottom of the door for hours and every 30 minutes when they walk in and check on us you have to make sure they aren't looking for the meds you've been cheeking or trying to steal something and even getting just plain rude and aggressive if they try to stop and talk to you when they are just feeling bad that you hadn't slept since you've been there. it's some soul sucking shit