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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

LSD with a bit of MDMA...its the best experience you could ever imagine...

or a hefty dose of hydrocodone puts me into a pretty good mood without much sleepiness and with a whole lot of comfortable itching...thats right fellas I like the itch...
The 10 hour itch!

bishop912 said:
LSD with a bit of MDMA...its the best experience you could ever imagine...

or a hefty dose of hydrocodone puts me into a pretty good mood without much sleepiness and with a whole lot of comfortable itching...thats right fellas I like the itch...

Yeah, I used to get that same, wonderful itch from oxycodone(percodan)!;) <3 =D
Mushrooms + MDMA + Meth

I prefer hippyflipping over candyflipping
For euphoria+utopia=LSD+MDMA+K+Nitrous...pity the utopia doesn't last. Or, conversely, it always lasts and always will but I'm rarely high enough to break through to its level of reality.
TheTwighlight said:

Just curious, but why a low dose of LSD with the MDMA? I didn't actually say it or specify, but I meant high dose of LSD with a mid - high dose of MDMA. I've had the most incredible visuals of my life that way.

Also, I don't think I've ever taken a low dose of LSD with a high dose of MDMA.

Because LSD has the tendancy to overpower the MDMA, pretty easily actually IME. If I want to trip hard I'll take my psychedelic of choice with N2o and maybe some K as a chaser;) .
Methamphetmaine or morphine....both produce utter and total bliss, in different ways, but each is so sublime as to truly be unmatched by the other drugs IMHO.

MDMA and a mix of BZP/TFMPP have also given me some very intense euphoria. But nothing like meth or morph.
Its tough for me to decide between the two but either...

MDMD + Intranasal Ketamine
Intravenous Heroin + Intravenous Cocaine

I don't remember the experience to well but my friend and I agree that it was fucking amazing. We managed to discuss and figure out the meaning of life while on this combo but we forgot what it was when we came down.
I love the Euphoria that comes with MDMA, but the most intense body high I've ever had was off of Mushrooms.

So to combine the two, which I haven't tried yet, would be amazing I think :)
ClubbinGuido said:

I don't remember the experience to well but my friend and I agree that it was fucking amazing. We managed to discuss and figure out the meaning of life while on this combo but we forgot what it was when we came down.

LOL. Similar situation awhile back. I remember the first time that I used that combo. I was also with a friend discussing "the meaning of life" and I swear, I think that we really had it figured out...but neither of us could remember when finally coming down.

We did follow-up though. My friend had his wife video tape us but it was evident that we used too much Ketamine because we couldn't stay on the subject of life. I thought that I was Marlon Brando on the GodFather and my friend thought he was on television selling various things laying around the house on the home shopping network.
i'm gonna sound like i'm 14 but the most euphoric drug to me was always the combination of dxm and weed. it made everything beautiful, my stress melt away and music amazing in an almost sexual way. i liked this combination so much i did it almost daily for from age 17-20 and wound up in the state hospital. after experiencing the glory the state hospital has to offer i no longer fuck with dxm, and weed makes me paranoid (but i smoke spice, chillin xxx and similar with much enjoyment.)

at this point the most euphoric to me is ghb. great dancing euphoria, takes my social inhibitions (which are usually quite high) down a notch (or three) and enhances other shit. i can see myself developing a habit with this shit which would in some ways be better than dxm (not going fucking crazy) and in most ways infinitely worse (gaba withdrawal does not sound like fun.)

edit: i have probably tried over 50 drugs and used many of them a shitload of times so my love for dxm is not from lack of experience (and i do not consider dxm a psychedelic, just trippy.)
MistaJeff said:
The one time I took MDMA and Magic mushrooms was the height of my existence. I was in a park toking with my friends (I was already so high I didn't notice the weed) and I ran off to a corner to piss. When I came back over to my friends I was standing on a wall about 3.5 feet tall and was looking down at them, they were both sitting Indian style under a tree. While I was looking down at them I realized that I was Odin, I was a god and everyone else was below me. I have never felt so content and happy with my life as I did at that moment.


id have to say back when i first started using e i double launched and snorted a few caps..later came to realize it was laced with meth...but it gave me the best high i ever could have dreamed of..i was flying for maybe 5 or 6 hours..
First time i tried MDMA is definately number one, closely followed by the first time i tried IV morphine (whilst coming down from mdma...)
I have never felt so good in my life as when I was high on:

Meth + ghb + ketamine while eating kfc delivery(after three days of no food), dancing to house music and smoking cigarettes. If I had somebody to fuck at the same time..... well that would have been my cherry.

Don't think I will ever get to reach that peak again.