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What is the most euphoric, utopia-esqe drug that you've experienced?

The rush you get from hitting meth is just sort of ridiculous.

But for me personally, I was already high as a kite on some nice meth when I decided to try some black tar for the first time.

That rush was ridiculous. I hit it, and walked out of the kitchen into the living room where a bunch of people were, and just laid down on a sofa.
Hooby said:
MDMA + 2c-e

FTW. Just tried it last weekend. Before that I was all about that cocaine euphoria but holy shit was I blown out of the water by that combo! 8o
Opiate/Lsa blend

Rexeh said:
Never tried MDMA unfortunatly. :(

My most euphoric drug experience was Morphine insufflated, closely followed by LSA seeds (HWBR). Mescaline can be pretty euphoric as well :D

I forgot about that, I'm glad you brought it up. I had a couple really good times after I chewed 4-5 HBWR, swirled it around in my mouth with water for 10 minutes, and spit it out. Then, about 45-60 minutes later, I took methadone.
That seemed to be a wonderfully symbiotic mix. The opiate(of your choice) takes away some of the rough-around-the-edges effects of Lsa, and adds a perfect euphoria to the experience......=D
Re: Meth + H

imakickassninja said:
The rush you get from hitting meth is just sort of ridiculous.

But for me personally, I was already high as a kite on some nice meth when I decided to try some black tar for the first time.

That rush was ridiculous. I hit it, and walked out of the kitchen into the living room where a bunch of people were, and just laid down on a sofa.

I can imagine that would be a great mix. Each on it's own makes you feel wonderful, and together would probably be great. I never had any steady meth connect, so I never had the opportunity to do both.

***But please be careful with both of these 2 folks, as either can really fuck your life up if not done in careful moderation. I tried that, but I liked H too much to keep moderating after the first 2 years, and it got a hold of me!
high dose mdma/mda that euphory is too strong
good quality cocaine + black tar heroin smoked = CRAZY euphoric.

HIGH dose of mdma/mda is a compleat diffrent euphoria. but also awesome
Heroin/Morphine IV
Oxycodone/Hydromorphone IV
Cocaine/Amphetamine IV

euphoria is different for each set but all wonderful.. best euphoria is probably when i shot coke and oxycodone at the same time then shooting some DPH to boost.

LSD/shrooms have a magically wonderful euphoria... as does MDMA (but the crash from MDMA is rough)

hydromorphone IV is pure heaven for about 6 minutes then it completely wears off (terribly short lasting high)

oxycodone IV is euphoric as hell, speedy but also sedating.

ritalin/focalin/amphetamine/cocaine IV all pretty much feel the same, and is probably my least favorite euphoria's of the ones i listed.
Its a tie between two combos:
-real hash, opium, pure/clean mdma and pure/clean/strong lsd had me with a grin on my face for months
-oxycontin, valium, and quality cocaine had me completely bathed in orgasmic euphoria

close honors combo would be a good dose of DOC/LSD and a high dose of Oxycontin...the visuals/dreams id have while nodding were something to behold:)
ketamine combined with mdma and/or meth.

also had the experience on a variety of psychedelics but the above combination will always work in any situation.
the most euphoric drug for me and the most bliss i've ever felt is nitrous. usually 5-6 bulbs in a row, until the cracker gets to complicated to work.

everything just goes away and feels so good and its awesome, I LOVE IT
Ecstasy overall, but I had the most euphoric ego loss trip of my life on mushrooms.

The most euphoric moments I've ever had though were 14 hours in a tent at a music festival with a man I fell in love with. Just holding each other sent us into our on private universe. This was after 2-3 days of being up on acid, E, K and mushrooms. I think we were really only feeling about 6 pills of E at the time.
Methamphetamine with morphine.

Don't post that shit in Drug Culture. -GM
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I.V. heroin/a candyflip with molly not pills. As an above poster said low dose of LSD but a massive dose of MDMA, absolutely breathtaking.

Just curious, but why a low dose of LSD with the MDMA? I didn't actually say it or specify, but I meant high dose of LSD with a mid - high dose of MDMA. I've had the most incredible visuals of my life that way.

Also, I don't think I've ever taken a low dose of LSD with a high dose of MDMA.