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what happens when acid gets too intense

No no, it doesn't trivialize it at all. I firmly believe in aliens and am not scared of them when I'm sober, but these were more like cosmic insect murder machines. Like if you could imagine tapping into he hive mind of a race of interdemensional assasin bugs. Very very scary stuff.
I think I kind-of understand the "tapping into a hive mind" concept. I can relate it to my own experience, metaphorically if not directly.

I've tried to interpret the trip many many times over the last year but I still can't make any sense of it. It wasn't like ego death, where you feel something from within. It was an external experience, I could see their ship and their drones scouting out my house and neighborhood. It makes no sense. I was too afraid to confront them during the trip, for fear of bein killed or integrated into the hive. I got visions of the aliens and I could hear women being tortured. Not just in the back of my head, the voices were screaming. Idk it seems past ego death, this was more like body death.
Well, I guess that leaves you with two choices: either stop tripping, or find a way to confront these entities. You mentioned before that they're speaking to you, using emotion as a sort of proto-language; have you made any headway decoding meaning from what you've felt? Do they "speak" directly to you when you hide from them, or only in general?

I don't have time to read through this on my phone, but I will share a brief story. My good friend had a friend quite a few years ago that sold LSD. He kept a vial on him. Well, quite idiotically, he kept it in his pocket. As you can already guess, the filled vial broke in his pocket unbeknownst to him. This was some pretty potent stuff. By the time he realized it had broken in his pocket, it was too late, and he was near peak. He was striken with panic. Needless to say, he basically had a psychotic breakdown, destroyed his home, and had to be put in a psych ward for some many years after this. My friend said that once he got out, he was never the same person.
Please. This story is an urban legend. It's always a minimum of two degrees of separation (friend of a friend, or further). And, of course, these stories always end with the person either being committed, or mutilating their body somehow (peeling off skin, staring into the sun, etc). The pattern is obvious. Don't repeat this tripe, for all our sakes.

This is the purpose.
It sure is. Welcome to BL, we hope you enjoy the ride :D
When I attempted to hide and shut my mind off from them, the intensity and frequency of our communication increased even more. They were speaking thorugh m emotions, like they made me feel like I was being tortured and sent images of other beings, human and alien beig tortured and killed. All I can get from them is that A. They wanted to kill or abduct me or B. They wanted to know who or what I was. Either way, it was vey menacing.
Yeah, I've actualled completely stopped using psychedics now. I plan to take a year off and see if it helps. Tripping just makes me feel in glactic danger, if that makes sense.
Do you guys think this was just my mind, or do you think they might be real entities?
My best friend and brother have claimed to see these drones and feel something talking to them on high doses of LSD. I wonder if they are like the 'spirit' of the chemical? They seemed similar to the beings that some people contact during dm sessions.
If they are spirits of some sort, I'd say they are the spirits of your mind - the constituents of your cognitive ability. Each of us is made of many parts. The brain (hardware) has separate structures for logic, visual processing, emotion, interpersonal contact, motor skills; my theory is that in the mind (software) each of these forms a conscious or proto-conscious being in its own right, and together they play the team sport of "being you". If any entities were to be encountered during a psychedelic trip, it would most likely be these.
so im a pretty experienced acid user an ive taken trips of up to 25 potent hits in a day, an not even that day did i lose it (it was summercamp :)). but the other morning i was home alone with nothing to do for the day an decided to dose my self, only 4 drops from a vile. an ive taken this much before out of the same vile like 4 times an was cool) but maybe it was cause i was alone an sitting in my own home, but at one point it all just hit me really hard real fast an for a few hours i was enjoying myself, an its not like i had a bad trip i was in a good mood but like it was just almost way too intense for like 10 minutes i felt like i could have passed out an as you can imagine things were looking reaally goofy i felt like reality was only 2d an i was paper thin an that made everything feel really tight i felt like i couldnt really move...idk i just wonder what happens when its too much for someone? can you just pass out if you take enough?

I'm experiencing this at this very moment. It is wild as fuck. Hope you can see this wherever you are 7 years later.
I always carried 40 mg of diazapam....to make sure if things got dicey or I had to come down quick I had the ability
Close your eyes and remember you're just tripping lol
Agreed, just meditate and center yourself or waste the trip on a benzo if it's too much, it'll always pass and you'll always go back to baseline so it's nothing to fret over too much