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What drug/s are you scared to try?

Heroin is about the only DEFINATE no that i have.
I know too little about other shit to make judgements. As long as i've researched a drug, and have read about all known effects and side effects, and know all the dangers involved, i'll pretty much try just about anything once.
However, i will absolutely NEVER inject any substance into my body, thats just wrong.
Hrmm....scared to try? With apollo on this one. Sort of. Fear is not a factor. Respect is.
Hopefully I will get to try everything at least once in my lifetime, just that some I would rather postpone to a more suitable timeframe and mindset.
Never say never...but these are looking to be the big 3:
Heroin: I have far too addictive a personality for this and I've seen what a lifestyle choice it can be. The closest I've come is shooting 10mg of methadone and was sick for 24hrs +. I don't want to get past that stage.
Crack: Addictive and doesn't sound like what I'm after in a drug.
PCP: Haven't heard anything that makes me want to try it.
For those saying they wouldn't be "desperate" enough take drugs IV, I think there are far better reasons than that not to. A little preparation time is nothing, given that drugs are part of a lot of our everyday lives. You take the time to plan a weekend away camping, making sure you have the right equipment and enough supplies. I take the same view with altering my state of mind.
The impurities you are putting into yourself and the highly addictive nature of the needle is what should be scaring you off. I certainly wouldn't recommend anyone start.
I'm tempted to try anything once, even in small doses. I concur with apollo, drugs deserve the appropriate respect.
The only drugs that I will never touch as long as I live are: MPTP & PCP
I.V Anything
when I'm 65 years old, bored, and about to die:
[ 22 October 2002: Message edited by: CrazyAustralian ]
Chroming...... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr YUK!!!!!!!!! dang i'm gonna go chuck i'll be back in five...... *shudders* at thought of what that shit does to your body/mind
I'm a bit scared about these 2 especially: Shrooms,heroin & any other newish substance(research chem.),etc...
Seems hard to judge dosage with shrooms compared t LSD & MDMA, which are my favourite :)
If someone could provide me with a safe dose of shrooms I may be persuaded ;)
As for the heroin, it's apparently the cleanest drug for our bodies if used correctly...it does nothing damaging long term to you organs sp.
I haven't looked into DMT and it's effects, but it seems to be a popular one to avoid.
PCP is really the only drug I would avoid at all costs. IV is the technique I will NEVER touch, it just gives me anxiety attacks self-administering needles (I'm fine when some else does it though).
Crack would come in second place in terms of avoiding, but I'd still probably give it a shot if I was offered.
I used to help out heroin addicts by providing emotional and physical support. I had until quite recently been excessively passionate about spreading my opinion about the drug and was totally dead against anyone touching it (I'd still try to support them though during their pain). I was so against it that I made one or two 'uncalled for' outbursts on this very forum. But it seemed that time changed the way I feel towards it. I now have friends that use it very casually and now believe that it isn't the sick, twisted creation that the media make it out to be. So to cut the heroin story short, yes I'd probably smoke if offered. After all I once said I wouldn't snort, shaft, smoke weed, pop pills, drop LSD or 1,4B... Time changes the way we think, always.
Benjamin Franklin once (loosely) said "We are all born ignorant, it requires special effort to remain ignorant."
[ 22 October 2002: Message edited by: Raving Loony ]
Scared to try Datura, nutmeg, Ayahuasca brews.
Wouldn't do most inhalents, pcp.
Not sure above research chems yet. Probably wait a while till more is know.
Personally I'm of the mind that I'd try anything 2-3 times.
However, I respect any persons decision to avoid a drug, as long as its not out of ignorance, get the facts before you take something, but get the facts before you condemn it also.
That said, I don't think inhalants would be worth the damage. And I don't wish to head down the path of recreational IV/IM. However if conducting a study or research and it was a preferred/only method of adminstration and done by a professional then it'd be ok.
Originally posted by wazza:
whiteboy: its always been for me, shrooms are about 10-50 times more intense than LSD. No idea how anyone could say LSD is more intense than shrooms (in 'standard' doses).. Then again, I have never had a 'bad trip' so that might explain why I think this. Also, several of my friends share the same view that shrooms are way more intense than LSD.
Ok no joke guys, but this is the FIRST time I have heard anyone say that taking shrooms are more intense than acid. Everyone says to me that mushrooms are more an emotional thing, whereas acid is more "eye-candy", but they all agree on the one fact that acid is CONSIDERABLY more potent and intense than shrooms. I found shrooms WAAAAY intense (i have only done it once, and it was very recently), and it was the biggest emotional, psychological and visual rollercoaster that I have ever been on. So I can imagine that if acid is stronger, it would be fucken strong AS. I have heard about much more drug-induced psychosis from acid than I have from shrooms. I don't actually hear much at all about mushroom-induced psychosis. I'd be interested to hear what people could tell me about this.
I am tempted to agree with wazza that shrooms are way more intense than LSD. However, how would one make a cross comparison? What kind of dosage of LSD is considered equivalent to a dose of shrooms? What is a dose of shrooms??
My shroom experience was definetly more spectacular and emotional than any of my LSD experiences but it probably differs from person to person.
Nearly every drug i try beyond weed freaks me out and scares me because you never know what to expect but that's half the fun. Espicially with shrooms when you know your gonna get freaked out but only to be left in a beautiful space :D
I'm not terribly keen to try any powerful dissociatives like DMT, scared myself quite badly with Salvia.
But, I'll try anything twice (just to get the dosage right ; )
oh, and pure ethanol, unless I decide being a bum is a viable career option!
Another one for the DMT shunner crew, not that it sounds all that bad, in fact it sounds absolutely mind blowing, it just that i have issues with spirit entities especially 10 ft squiddy ones that emerge from your wall and tell you, "your mother sucks cocks in hell" and then spew green slime at you! Dihydrazine sounds like delusional fun but not for me. I've only had G a coupla times times and that's because i usually drink alcoholic libations when i'm somewhat cerebrally intoxicated. Anything touching a heroin molecule, because i tend not to like physically addictive drugs and if anything makes me spew it's gonna be mescaline. Datura because it's one of the most widely used substances in jail either as a drug or poison, and mushrooms are gonna be the only natural hallucinagen i'm gonna take (well maby weed and salvia). I'd have coke if it was offered but never buy, and no one is ever gonna give me enough to have fun on, except if i run into robbie williams in a dark alley and bash his pretty boy face good with an inanimate carbon rod and steal all his cocaine. Ice ie METHAMINOREX, not methamphetamine or even methcathanone, sounds to much like evil 48 hour truckers choice no-doze and then i'd do too much housework, losing all of my carefully accumulated muck-shui! Oh yeah DOB sounds like a hellava lot of fun, but the risk of over dosing by even a meg and losing limbs due to massive vasoconstriction is enough to put me off. Chroming i don't think so, i have money and can afford decent drugs-- ha ha chromer losers! PCP well despite 2 way interpretations of olney's lesions i still recorn it gives ya noggin a floggin, if matthew white says it causes irreversible brain damage then i'll believe him. PMA well who really wants to have that one unless they've got a deathwish. Nutmeg i don't want to go the way of many plantagenet kings and die from a fatal bout of dysentry! Antidepressesants don't really interest me, nor ludes, downers or barbituates. Opium has a certain mystic to it although sounds really unpleasant in someways and i don't think i'd have it unless i had some absinthe and my pals johnny depp and keith from the prodigy to enjoy it with.
[ 24 October 2002: Message edited by: Tabernacle ]
I've never had any visions or spiritual guides like everyone says they do, granted, i haven't tried too many psychedelics, but I would think that perhaps i'd have had an incling, well....we'll see after DMT :p
Ok firstly, neither DMT nor Salvia are dissociatives. While Salvia does depict qualities which could be likened to that of a dissociative, it is not one.
Secondly, there can be no comparison between the intensity of shrooms and LSD simply because there is no common dosage as someone else stated. Shrooms are a natural source of alkaloids and do not produce uniforms doses. Nor to hits of acid come with uniform doses.
LOL at tabernacle! What can't you use an inanimate carbon rod for?
mushies vs LSD : remember drugs effect everyone differently, so can't really say one is stronger than the other.