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what do you think about straight edge people?

My general assessment of this behavior is it is some breed of watered down, half-assed modern day urban/suburban Western Asceticism, although if these people were HALFWAY serious they'd abandon television, refined Salt/Sugar/Fat, meat/animal products, sex, electricity, shelter etc. and so forth.

Many are against promiscuous sex and are vegetarians/vegans. I was also a vegetarian at points in my life. I would like to go back but things are tough right now with money.
I'd love to go back to being vegan. I felt so good and so healthy; I felt more awake, more alert and clear-headed. It's hard to do when a burger or slice of pizza costs a couple bucks and a tofu wrap costs like eight and change lol
^I know that is so true. Especially when you're using dope and shit.... You just go man this money I'm spending on this vegetarian or vegan shit could be used on something else... Maybe it would be easier if I had a garden but my backyard is cement lol
Like someone mentioned above, many in the Straight Edge community are militant vegan anarchists, and being straight edge is a decision that relates mostly to the way drug markets negatively affect communitiees and lives (we know this is due to prohibition somewhat) so there is that protest. I have known a couple dudes with sXe tatts that would grow and smoke their own weed, but that's it.

I have never been drug-free for more than a few months since I was 13, so I have never been straight like you stayfaded or verso, but I was heavily into the hardcore, crust-punk, anarchist militant activism circle-jerk scene when I lived in new orleans, so I saw it from that side. Its cool, they are people I am compatible with, and we get on so long as they aren't preachy about drug use. At the time I was squattting an abandoned church (with a skate ramp!) And it was a straight up flop, but the nicest flop I've ever lived in because those that did use drugs had to kkeep it modest with the edge kids also living there, although they never bitched at us.
It was also very fun because unlike most drug addicts, they have to find ways to occupy themselves and pass the time, so I learned a lot of cool, random skills, danced and skated a lot, and did more activities than I normally might have.
Also, at the church we had a garden, and everyone hit up dumpsters for food, and everynight everyone would come together and cook a vegan meal. I don't think you can define straight-edge as an individual culture. It is more a continuation or subset of the hardcore/ diy/ punk culture that it originated from.
There were like 9 permanent residents, me and my best friend being the only heavy drug users, 2 more occasional users, and then straight-edge people. Everyone got along. We also usually had 4-8 people passing through or visiting (was actually an amazing space to live in), and many would be straight edge. The group actually asked a couple people to leave because their drug use was just too extreme and/ or unsafe, something I have no reservations about.

I suppose its like this: someone who is straight edge and just goes on and on about it and how awesome it is and all this bullshit, I'm going to get pissed off and stop listening, same as if some drug addict only wants to talk to me about how fucked up he is and how rad drugs are, and how the shit is like 90% pure. So its no issue with people who are actually hardcore punkers who don't use drugs, but it seems like the poser kids who were actively telling people not to do drugs and shit at my suburban hell of a high school were just doing it because they were insecure about drug use themselves and need to be in a group to maintain stature and confidence.
Yeah I listen to a lot of rap but nobody knew how much I was into the hardcore/punk scene.... Mainly hardcore though. You would have to talk to me to understand that but then again I skated (still do) and I made friends with straight edge people also through that way. It was a good point in my life because I found new things to do that were actually positive. It also allowed me to feel as if I had a family because the one at home wasn't so great at the time. I was young for an edge kid but I've seen drug use since I was little enough to remember. Shit I had prisoners ect drug dealers coming in and out of my house. I just knew it wasn't the life I wanted. So I tended to have a bad view on drugs at first because of that. I only started using at 15 but I always had a chance since I was young to get high and what not but I chose not to.

I have heard of kids squatting in abandoned places or the condemned places but I never did it. I still had to be home or else my mom would be calling the police lmfao. But yeah the whole living with one another thing seems pretty cool but haven't experienced it... Which I guess is a positive thing since it means I have had places to go. However I've been homeless and what not but stayed in shelters. I would pick living in a church, abandoned place or whatever before going back to a childrens home.
People who call themselves straight edge annoy me, but people who don't use drugs I have no problem with. I have mad respect for people who don't use drugs and live a happy successful life, AS LONG as they respect my choices. I choose to use drugs, and I go farther with my knowledge of HR, as well as pharmacology/chemistry. Its not like I'm some crazy criminal, so I don't want to be treated like one. Basically as long as there is respect on both sides, it's legit.
After years of being in the punk scene, becoming disillusioned, getting back into the scene, etc, I have never seen straight edgers be anything other then judgmental assholes.

I see a lot of people these days use straight edge to refer to anyone who does no drugs, but for me it's that specific group of kids at the punk shows with Xs on their hands. They don't do drugs, but it's more then that, they make sobriety a life style and then stand around being judgmental shits. They write stupid Xs on their hands and think they're super hardcore and totally TRU PUNX!!!1!!!

They're usually the annoying ones trying to pick fights and ruin everyone else's night. It's one thing to not do drugs, but another entirely to build your lifestyle around not using drugs.

The entire punk subculture is infested with assholes, so dealing with them is part of navigating the culture. But the straight edgers really take the cake for me, I can deal with skinheads, crusties, whatever, as long as they don't hassle me. But the straight edgers seem to go to shows just to hassle everyone and feel superior. Fuck em' I say.

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Nothing wrong with being str8 edged a s long as you dont judge others for their actions.
i judge people solely on how they treat me

i'm friends with some people who my other friends hate, for good reason, but why should that influence my relationship with the person?

other people's lifestyle choices really are not any of my business and it usually doesn't define what kind of person they are

if i had a negative incident with a straight edge kid i wouldn't hold it against the entire community, assholes will be assholes
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I was completely straight-edge until I was 18 and then only drank alcohol until I was 20. This was partially by circumstance and partially by choice, even though I had a raging curiosity about anything and everything. I would never hassle someone if I found they used drugs, in fact I would often ask what it was like. Now that I'm a little older and wiser, I'm perfectly happy to experiment, and I think my life is richer because of it.

No one should be forcing their views on other people. If someone wants to use drugs, as long as they don't hurt anyone else, they should be allowed to do so and not be hassled about it. If someone wants to be straight-edge, that's their choice too, but they shouldn't discriminate against others because they don't share their beliefs.
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Never trust a sobriety addict, that's what I say. That shit will fuck you up and turn you into a self-righteous, ignorant jerk.
I have alot of respect for people who used to take drugs and are (willing and) able to abstain from using any. Without judging or looking down on others.
For others who take pride in never having used drugs; "you can't miss what you don't know" comes to mind. I respect their opinion on the matter too though. But the people who haven't tried drugs are generally the ones who look down on drug-users. (My family for instance.)

I don't know anyone who has completely quit drugs. Alot have experimented with harddrugs, and then decided to stick with only pot though. Alot of them look down on me for needing relief from pain & anxiety. Something I really cannot stand. They bitch about it, but never ask me about the "why's". There are ofcourse others who don't, and these are the people I usually hang with.

Then my best friend (or atleast he was for the last 14 yrs, lately I really don't know.. ) is a heavy user of cocaine, lsd, xtc, pot, ketamine, ...

He judges me (ALOT) for using benzos and opiates on a daily basis. What's worse is he doesn't say it to my face. He brings up the subject and asks another friend how he gets by without a "morning dose of diazepam and an evening dose of lormetazepam" while I'm sitting next to him. (Knowing full well the person he's asking never even tried either.) I get disgusted and angry when he does that. I wish I could explain in words what it's like to have a social phobia, and to be in pain all the time. Or I wish he could experience it for himself. (Not that I want him to get social phobia or chronic pain, but I'd like him to understand.)

He's hardly ever sober himself (never actually, pot at the very least) and he even uses opiates & benzos himself for rec. purposes from time to time, and comedowns. Just not daily, like me. Why the fuck would that make him "better" than me? He doesn't have any mental problems, which is a good thing for sure. But why act all high and mighty because of it..

Okay, he may not "need" his drugs every day, but I would like to see him quit using harddrugs (or softdrugs..) alltogether. That'd be a laugh.. Even in terms of addiction, the psychological aspect of addiction is the thing that keeps me from quitting pain & anti-anxiety meds. Not the physical part.

So in short, I respect everyone as long as they don't judge me. There's a huge difference between caring and judging. I have other friends who "condemn" my opiate/benzo use as bad, which it is. (These people are the only ones I'll ever admit that to.) And talk to me about it with a caring attitude, now that's something I don't mind because they are trying to help..

But when someone who's on 1mg of lsd, sniffing coke while smoking tons of pot judges me.. I get mad. (my "best" friend)

/end rant lol
They're cool as long as they don't get preachy to me. And unfortunately most straight-edge people I know love to try and guilt-trip me about my drug use. Hah, nice try. You guys can go have fun playing monopoly or whatever it is you do with your time.
I usually avoid a lot of people who put retarded labels on themselves to so other people think they are special, OP.
I dont generally judge people on whether they choose to use drugs or not. However, I really don't like people who try and tell me how I should live my life. As an IV heroin user, I've experienced enough humiliation, and I don't need someone to tell me that I'm superficial or whatnot because I'm using drugs.
I have no respect for straight edge people. It's one thing for someone not to use drugs, thats fine, and honestly, it probably better that they don't. Its another thing to get self righteous and boastful about it. Honestly, I think that a lot of straight edge people aren't "straight edge" because they believe in a drug free life, they just want to be "better" than another group of people in the eyes of society. Its like self righteous vegetarians. Some people are so preachy and boastful about being vegetarian, that I start to think that they don't actually care about animals, they just want to justify their arrogance with a widely accepted cause.
There's no such thing as a straight edge person...everyone needs some thing to survive. Straight-edgers are either addicted to caffeine or they binge drink on weekends. Just a bunch of fucking hypocrites that I don't deal with anymore. All my friends currently like to do drugs...real drugs. Not coffee, cigarettes, alcohol...we chose to live life to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised.
Then my best friend (or atleast he was for the last 14 yrs, lately I really don't know.. )

You should reconsider ignoring people who have known you this long. They really just want the best for you. This doesn't sound like anyone is "straight edge" just concerned that (as you yourself say) your drug use is for pain and anxiety, but at the same time "bad", so I infer kand you know it is true) that your drug use has far surpassed any medically acceptable or beneficial point and is abuse. As addicts, it is suprising what our mind and body convince us of.
Sorry to bring you down and derail the thread, but I'll wrap it up nicely.

He's hardly ever sober himself (never actually, pot at the very least) and he even uses opiates & benzos himself for rec. purposes from time to time, and comedowns.

I would like to see him quit using harddrugs (or softdrugs..) alltogether.

That'd be a laugh..

I respect everyone as long as they don't judge me.


This has nothing to do with sraight edge people or the hardcore lifestyle, and you are a bigger hipocrite than any edger I have met.
Can't stand most straight edge people really to be honest but really as long as you know how to have a good time and don't care about me and drugs then I don't care. I just hate idiots telling me drugs are bad when they are slurring around sloppy drunk.
A little clarification might be good in this thread. Straight edge doesn't just mean anyone who abstains from drug use, it is a specific subculture of hardcore punk. Regular people who abstain from drugs are not straight edge, they are just sober. Straight edge is a culture in and of itself, based around the idea that none of the members of the culture use drugs, but also around the hardcore punk scene.

If you want to observe some straight edgers in their natural habitat, go to a punk show and you'll probably see them standing around with Xs on their hands being total asshats to anyone smoking or drinking. The entire straight edge culture is built upon being judgmental.