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We're all going to die? Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022

Must admit zelensky insisting we start a nuclear war to save his ass is grating a bit - the only thing i know about ukranians is the germans used them to staff the death camps as there was no crueller bunch of cunts on gods earth. They were famous for making the germans look soft.
Putin must have felt like world power when he ordered russia to syria and fought and won war there with few remaining left and thst was easy job for bashar al assad to kill them off and he could not do it lmfao. Russian managed to beat isis, free syrian army, turkish force ans ppk. That is.WHY putin must felt so confident of invading ukraine and will take over ukraine.by the end of week but it still havent happend yet lol. What happened was, the tanks in north ukraine couldnt link up with the east and south cos tank got stuck in mud due to snowimg meltimg and bad communcation and logostic. Major cock up from putin haha.
Remember one thing Putin does not have his finger on the nuclear button - his troops do and they may not follow the rantings of a failing dictator who took far too many steroids and is now paying the price with ill health...etc
I am re-assuring myself with this thought - anyone told to launch the missile will have a family and friends, and know that the enemy missiles will come straight back at them if they press launch. I read that UK bomber crews during the cold war later said that if given the order they wouldn't have dropped the bomb.

I guess there is also a chance that Putin's nukes are in as good a state as the rest of his military and they won't even get out of the silo.

I hear tons of people say this. Why do you believe that? I would imagine nuclear shit is the highest order of secret. This is not the USA where there is a chain of command, or the president has to answer to the other branches of government (pre-trump, at least) He is a dictator. Has had absolute, unquestioned power for decades, with 0 oversight. He's had plenty of time to prepare, and he's an incredibly paranoid, and antisocial dude. Why is it impossible that some portion of the nukes are just connected to a "big red button" in his private bunker? Why is it impossible there are soldiers sitting in a bunker, no idea of what's going on in the world, and are merely told to "launch" some day, and don't know what they're launching, or where to? They could be told it's a test, a non nuclear weapon, etc. Also, plenty of soldiers don't have families, or are bootlicking-loyal.

Seriously, why do people act like this is a given?
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I hear tons of people say this. Why do you believe that? I would imagine nuclear shit is the highest order of secret. This is not the USA where there is a chain of command, or the president has to answer to the other branches of government (pre-trump, at least) He is a dictator. Has had absolute, unquestioned power for decades, with 0 oversight. He's had plenty of time to prepare, and he's an incredibly paranoid, and antisocial dude. Why is it impossible that some portion of the nukes are just connected to a "big red button" in his private bunker? Why is it impossible there are soldiers sitting in a bunker, no idea of what's going on in the world, and are merely told to "launch" some day, and don't know what they're launching, or where to? They could be told it's a test, a non nuclear weapon, etc. Also, plenty of soldiers don't have families, or are bootlicking-loyal.

Seriously, why do people act like this is a given?
Are u sayin you dont believe that russia does have nuclear weapon?
Interesting take on it from John Pilger - says the west has been baiting Russia to invade Ukraine by pouring arms into it and will now use it as a pawn to bleed Russia white.
Are u sayin you dont believe that russia does have nuclear weapon?
No he is saying he doesn’t believe there is a layer of sanity between putin and nuclear launch codes. it might be just him and the button or it could be some kids in a room with a button that they have no idea is the nuclear launch thingy (that’s the technical term😉) 🚀
there is no chain of command in a dictatorship
and putin is a paranoid man who doesn’t trust anyone even his own generals hence that comically long table

I read something that gave me a small amount of hope today though; colonel Vindman the one who lost his job during the trump admin said he didn’t think someone so fearful they wouldn’t even sit near their own generals would be quick to push a button and end the world
that those were the actions of someone who feared for their life and cared about their life
and I have to say man has a point

edited to add putin has banned Facebook and Twitter now and gone full iron curtain
he has a million dollar bounty on his head dead or alive so his paranoia must be at defcon 1
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He could drop one without going full tonto tho - just drop a couple of strategic ones each then draw back from the brink.
Putin wants to be the guy who makes Russia relevant. He doesn't want to be the guy who destroyed the entire world doing it, as there would be no one to read his name in the history books. Although, he'd probably still do it.

Otoh, much of what I've read (albeit I'm no glowie) suggests those nukes (specifically the silos) cost huge amounts of money to maintain and it's thought much of his nuclear arsenal is inoperable. Yet, all it takes is one to send a hundred back his way and then it's a really shitty situation. Yes it's a shitty situation now but it will only get much worse.
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I, personally. Can’t wait for the nuclear apocalypse.
good for you. do you like eating cockroaches?

if it comes to that, i hope putin bombs warrington because i've always had myself pegged as 'unlikely to do well in an apocalyptic scenario' so would like to go at the earliest possible moment. who knew heroin addicts have an aversion to pain?!?!?

i didn't know that about putin being so paranoid @jane douloureux very interesting, if this is the case i'd guess the only time he'd go full on apocalyptic is if he fully believed we had already done the same to him. hopefully his trackng shit has come on a bit from the cold war when any random thing in the sky was thought to be a nuke.
No apocalypse - presumably the wests hope is to turn this into another afghanistan and cripple russia for good.
Probably what comes after the apocalypse will be some Trump worshipping qanon religious cult of nuclear zombies walking round in permanent darkness saying climate change is a hoax.

What a plot hole that was. All that roach jelly and they still were not satisfied.
He could drop one without going full tonto tho - just drop a couple of strategic ones each then draw back from the brink.

I assume you mean a couple of tactical weapons as in low yield warheads designed for battlefield use or tipped A2A missiles? (unless your post has gone r/whoosh over my thick skull)

Whatever genuine logic was ever behind this more limited use it was quickly realised that while intended as a lesser evil, once that cat is out of the bag it would either quickly or if not, instantly escalate out of control into a full strategic exchange. The only global achievement of real significance, in my auto - disclaimed opinion to have come out of post war 20th Century society is the frankly unbelievable fact that despite the numerous despots who have attained power on every side, they have all resisted detonating a nuclear weapon in anger due to them knowing that even attempts to use limited force via tactical bombs would inevitably result in the balloon going up.
Yeah - say just a baby nuke overhead a city to turn the lights out or something...that's what some whopper on jeremy vine was saying anyway. Then we could toss a baby nuke somewhere else and when it all died down they wouldn't go full tonto. But obviously once they've been used then it's every gorilla for himself and India will be nuking pakistan, china nuking taiwan etc. But they did say a nuclear exchange is "very unlikely"
Teabagged by Putin? What a revolting thought.

Are you feeling OK @Ismene2 ?

Hang on I got that the wrong way round didnt I - if someone is teabagging you then they are dipping their nuts arn't they? I meant I would be dipping into Putin's cakehole.
Yeah - say just a baby nuke overhead a city to turn the lights out or something...that's what some whopper on jeremy vine was saying anyway. Then we could toss a baby nuke somewhere else and when it all died down they wouldn't go full tonto. But obviously once they've been used then it's every gorilla for himself and India will be nuking pakistan, china nuking taiwan etc. But they did say a nuclear exchange is "very unlikely"

I will have to accept and agree with you on that because as we all very well know there should be no fighting in the war thread.
i was just watching a clip of the Trevor Noah show on youtube and he joked that there is a chance the Russian nukes don’t work.
I took a screenshot of it but the way it makes you put in a http style link to post a pic I don’t know how to do that
me=technology dumb
is this a popular opinion? I read it on here and now I’m seeing it there
I’m not watching that much news anymore because it makes me feel so sad and helpless

I know from history some of the Russian missiles (I think missiles maybe something else college has been a long ways away) were logs painted to look like weapons for the planes flying over taking surveillance photos because during the arms race they were going broke. Both sides were using a lot stagecraft like this . We broadcasted static so they would waste hours and manpower tried to code break just static
real crazy shit was done on both sides trying to outfox the enemy and make themselves look powerful
because thats good intimidation
the art of war

I wonder

I know the military is supposedly not in the best shape because money meant for spending on the upkeep of tanks was siphoned out by oligarchs
so the idea that money earmarked for upkeep of the nuclear missiles could have been ferreted away… if you will take money for tanks that are often used won’t you take money for a nuke? because who thinks that the nuke is really going to be used? Who honestly even wants it to be operational?
not me that’s for damn sure! I’d be the one hoping that shit fizzled out and didn’t go anywhere.

not that this is something you can gamble on

and the west wanting to turn this into another Afghanistan?
ie; waste the lives of soldiers and pour an insane amount of money into a 20 year war to have everything undone in under a week?
Afghanistan; #graveyardofempires☠️

this is different really different
there is an existing government that wants help fighting an existing aggressor all with clearly defined borders it’s not a. vietnam or an Afghanistan it’s a wwII
I've actually been of a similar mind. We've found out the last two weeks the russian airforce wasn't what we thought, we found out the ground forces weren't what we thought as it can't even make it 100KM off their border before the green conscripts break down in tears and start running home to mom. Do they actually have the nuclear capability we think they do....? I'm starting to think they don't.