Weirdos n freaks

Never been diagnozed.....opioid use disorder-thst all....vut here aren't such things like psychologist or numerous visits to specialists-I liked only one.He did not help me(for what),but we laugh a lot.....and it cost me nothing 'cause it was rehab.
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Therapist or psychiatrist?

There is a specific assessment that needs to be done. It's more difficult to diagnose than most conditions.

I wasn't diagnosed until I was 29. It's easy to overlook in a lot of people. Sometimes requires a specialist.

She's my 6 year court ordered forensic psychiatrists or whatever but can't do meds.

Yeah I was very surprised about the camouflage shit. It all pertained to me. Being hyper aware of my facial expressions, not recognizing them in others, and learning about emotional responses largely from the media.

Bitch, you know I love every part of who you are.

And, yes, even within really niche groups I'm a part of, I still feel like I don't entirely fit in still

Well I'm glad I'm not alone. Never change lil homie.

Never been diagnozed.....opioid use disorder-thst all....vut here aren't such things like psychologist or numerous visits to specialists-I liked only one.He did not help me(for what),but we laugh a lot.....and it cost me nothing 'cause it was rehab.
whatsmatta ya feel like you don't fit in anymore in this thread? :)

it's ok to hijack your own thread :rockon:

I've been trying extra hard to be mature here in BL this time around, though it's been coming easy because I genuinely feel more prosocial and am in touch with my feelings more, so when I had a selfish relapse of "it's all about me" I felt guilty
I just feel like I'm missing out on something.
You are not missing anything. It is driven into us to assimilate and conform to standards (algorithms these days) and if you do not they want you to feel bad about it to get ya in line with the rest of the "Normies" as snafu put it.
Stay true to yourself and resist plastic smiles it is life draining and full of disappointments if you dont... even moreso, ime.
We may have to "play the game" to get by economically but you a real mf and plastic is disposable.
Its hard sometimes (most of the time) but we get through it, yeah?
We may have to "play the game" to get by economically but you a real mf and plastic is disposable.


Yeah it is true what you say, they try to makes us feel like the bad guy for expressing ourselves in ways that maybe aren't mainstream.

I really appreciate the reassurance. Because frankly, my "core" personality is not changing. So I guess, y'all gunna have to live with me!
they try to makes us feel like the bad guy for expressing ourselves in ways that maybe aren't mainstream.
This, left out, isolated, confused and worse imo is its all a bunch of bull shit to manipulate us into being "normies".
Look at all the "influencers" (sorry i cannot) do they not all seem like rubber stamped clones just looking for validation? They do to me its like the same people that live and die on how other perceive them.
What kinda life it that?
There is def game cant wait til ya gain about t3n more years you gonna be a power to be reckoned with it we stay alive.
I see what I see.
Maybe perspectives are askew but again plastic is just so obvoios and boooooring to me.
Others take a "differ" as an anomaly mostly they love em cause it is outside of their tunnel vision. But they are drawn (how could they not be) but the fear of being a "bird of a feather": this is not taught anymore but some break through and find their freedoms whatever they may be.
Man ya have a lot of years left on this planet keep thinking and asking the way ya going and see how much insights come.
Not by any means inferring you in any way ignorant at all nut ime experience and observation will reveal a great deal just wish it came faster, lol
One love

getting tired but dont wanna lay down yet so hope some of what i am trying to communicate come off as i hoped.
To whom it may concern,

It feels like I'm living a double life. I hold it together, until I don't. It seeps out when I'm under lots of stress. I desperately need someone to know and accept all of me, but even I don't know and accept all of me.

I'm not stupid, not an angel, not a devil, I'm a 30 year old male and I like lots of different cheeses.

Sometimes I can't help but be silly, even in a professional setting. I often don't know how I'm coming off to people, and just, feel like I'm missing something that everyone else has.

I know someone here can relate.

Not just because we're high or drunk, but does anyone else feel like a baseline outsider?
My therapist always remind me we are dual entities. And it’s true.

I feel you, I’m in my earlys 40s and rarely feel comfortable or feel being part as a social entity, weirdly weird, sometimes think drug usage undone my social skills.

There are billions out there feeling like this but eventually found a place.

Otherwise addicts had a huge stigma that automatically send them to a nowhere.

I was there I once, I obsessed with Grim reaper, laugh loud into Cartoon Network Billy’s & mandy adventures, those psycho old good times, but freaked out my siblings and decided to locked me.
I feel ya man. I've always and everywhere felt like an outsider. I feel massively like an outsider at work and with my extended family, with their kids and sports and marriages, and I feel like a tourist in the world of dope fiends which has always been the closest thing I have to a haven. A lot of it is deep shyness, and a cold clinical quality that I've been trying hard to change. I see the similarities with autism as well but I always score neurotypical in online tests, I don't really have any of those traits of not understanding verbal nuance, saying offensive things and not realizing it, not picking up on it when I'm being hit on, etc. I feel like I'm fairly sensitive to the emotions of others, I just don't have the framework to interact with that without a thick layer of self-consciousness, guilt, and pessimism.

My only real close friendships have been with ex-girlfriends. I get exhausted around people very quickly if I'm not intoxicated.

I hate having to write about myself for online dating, I have no idea what to write that is both (a) genuine and (b) doesn't make me seem like a freak. Because I am...
I feel you, I’m in my earlys 40s and rarely feel comfortable or feel being part as a social entity, weirdly weird, sometimes think drug usage undone my social skills.

Ha, they've improved mine actually, I'm much more socially competent than I was in high school but it hasn't changed how I feel in my head.
I guess I have to add my voice to the choir.

yep all my life I have found it hard to know if I am acting in a way that the world thinks is "normal"

but what is normal ?

if what I am seeing from those I have worked with or study with count me out.

its always the weird ones that do amazing things.

no wonder the normies feel uncomfortable.

there inspiration goes about as far as the tv remote and social media.
To whom it may concern,

It feels like I'm living a double life. I hold it together, until I don't. It seeps out when I'm under lots of stress. I desperately need someone to know and accept all of me, but even I don't know and accept all of me.

I'm not stupid, not an angel, not a devil, I'm a 30 year old male and I like lots of different cheeses.

Sometimes I can't help but be silly, even in a professional setting. I often don't know how I'm coming off to people, and just, feel like I'm missing something that everyone else has.

I know someone here can relate.

Not just because we're high or drunk, but does anyone else feel like a baseline outsider?
I know it sounds cliche especially because so many folks have already stated as much in this thread, but I have honestly felt this way for most of my life. In that sense, I think you are definitely not alone. It can just be difficult to connect with other outsiders sometimes because the world is so saturated with normies.

A lyric to a song I wrote back in 2003/2004 goes like this:

This place is really crowded but feels like you're alone
Lonesome is your only home
Ten thousand faces seem to recognize
What it is your hiding behind those eyes

I have been expressing myself through music and songwriting for nearly 20 years now. It has been a therapeutic effort that literally saved my life and it's given me a reason to keep living. The kicker is that I'm basically a socialist and loathe capitalism and have never been in a hurry to make my music even marketable. I just record full length albums to share with friends and family. Mostly family since I don't have a huge amount of friends IRL.

Even though BL is a great support network with plenty of freaks and outsiders with which to find things in common, I hope you are able to find your people out there, maybe a small niche community of other weirdos. We're around but since many of us are introverted, it takes work to find us. Peace!
Look at all the "influencers" (sorry i cannot) do they not all seem like rubber stamped clones just looking for validation? They do to me its like the same people that live and die on how other perceive them.
What kinda life it that?.

I hear you. Sometimes I feel like I'm searching for validation, though, too. It doesn't mold me into someone I'm not, more so exists because, like I've been saying, other people make me question how I do things.

I've seen many people in highschool change in age with this shit. Like, nerd getting buff, jock getting his doctorate, Ive by and large staid pretty consistent, at least with my outward expression, despite the drug abuse and life experiences.

My therapist always remind me we are dual entities. And it’s true.

I really pushed her on the whole "how do I come off to you" thing Monday, part of me still frustrated, but most of me satisfied with an answer similar to yours and moving on

My only real close friendships have been with ex-girlfriends. I get exhausted around people very quickly if I'm not intoxicated.

Hey SJB, I relate to the other parts of your post too, but this part I was wondering: is it because you let yourself be vulnerable with them and they accepted you moreso than others?

In regards to the other part of your post, guilt has always confused me. The most of it I felt recently is when I was using "against my will" and chose that over my SO. I am cognizant of how fucked up that was. I am just unsure of how long that feeling will stick with me.

its always the weird ones that do amazing things.

no wonder the normies feel uncomfortable.

there inspiration goes about as far as the tv remote and social media.


I know it sounds cliche especially because so many folks have already stated as much in this thread, but I have honestly felt this way for most of my life. In that sense, I think you are definitely not alone. It can just be difficult to connect with other outsiders sometimes because the world is so saturated with normies.

A lyric to a song I wrote back in 2003/2004 goes like this:

This place is really crowded but feels like you're alone
Lonesome is your only home
Ten thousand faces seem to recognize
What it is your hiding behind those eyes

I have been expressing myself through music and songwriting for nearly 20 years now. It has been a therapeutic effort that literally saved my life and it's given me a reason to keep living. The kicker is that I'm basically a socialist and loathe capitalism and have never been in a hurry to make my music even marketable. I just record full length albums to share with friends and family. Mostly family since I don't have a huge amount of friends IRL.

Even though BL is a great support network with plenty of freaks and outsiders with which to find things in common, I hope you are able to find your people out there, maybe a small niche community of other weirdos. We're around but since many of us are introverted, it takes work to find us. Peace!


I love music too. Used to play. I make FB stories lip synching songs for families and friends with my cat in the background.

Feels good to express myself like that.

I've seen many people in highschool change in age with this shit.
I was a "head" (druggie) and "jock" and kinda still am. But added some like nerd, geek, loner, asshole, insane and many others since. :ROFLMAO:
Sometimes I feel like I'm searching for validation, though, too.
Me, too. I think we all want to be "seen" by others otherwise or we feel we dont exist...? Just a side thought.....
Ya got my vote for what its worth so try to keep ya head up and eyes on the prize (whatever this may be to you). My prize is macdonalds french fries. :p