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Weird shit I found on the internet: I'm just Curious 24...

I think Theresa May get shot by Leadsom(e) time; and hopefully vice versa - in the face with a bazooka...
Inceptions a real ting yo...!

Really interesting and potentially brilliant tool for treatment of depression. Id imagine in my completely unscientific brain that the process coupled with psclobin or lsd could possibly increase its success. Or melt their bains, i dunno.

IFL Science said:
Japanese researchers have developed a trick to implant false visions into people’s brains, altering the way they experience the world and potentially even the way they think. Describing the new technique in the journal Current Biology, the scientists reveal how they were able to achieve this effect without actively engaging with their subjects’ thoughts, instead prompting them to unwittingly warp their own sense of perception.

Or at the very least make your time in the fMRI less dull.

So in its infancy at the moment they’re manipulating the patients perception of shape and unexpectedly colour. They werent instructed how to go about controlling their brain processes and left to their own to go about doing the task. This is where i think psychs could assist in the process of focussing the mind and making it more susceptible to the desired postive influence being implanted or negative/faulty cognitive behaviour rewired...

IFL Science said:
Given that they were given no guidance on how to regulate their mental activity, each person had their own unique thoughts when carrying out the task – and, when asked, not one of them claimed to have visualized the color red. Nevertheless, after repeatedly carrying out the experiment more than 500 times over three days, volunteers soon began to get the gist of it, and regulated their mental functioning so that, whatever they were thinking about when looking at the black lines, the activity in their primary and secondary visual areas resembled patterns associated with the color red.

In the process, they unknowingly conditioned themselves to associate all grated lines with this type of brain activity, like crimson-slobbered Pavlov’s dogs.

The day after completing this intense associative learning task, the volunteers were shown a number of grated-line patterns of varying colors and asked to describe which colors they saw. Amazingly, those who had been the most successful during the first part of the experiment were more likely to perceive these lines as red, even when they were not. Perhaps more staggeringly, this effect was found to persist five months later.

Though, causing the most successful some kind of colour blindness isnt much in way of reward for having awesome mind control is it??:D What would happen with 300mics of pharm grade lysergics in the mix? Complete blindness? Night vision? Ultra violet becomes visible? Another realm?Nothing?

I want to know.... :?
haven't gone through all posts, but metronome thing made me think of cymatics for some reason


Worlds gone mad. :(

Young black boy goes into his kitchen while his mums baking , pours flour over himself and says , look at me mum I'm white.
His mum slaps him and says , go tell your dad what you just told me.
He finds his dad , and says dad look at me I'm white.
Dad slaps his Arse and says what you got say for yourself now boy. ?
Boy says , Iv only been white 5 minutes and I already hate you black folks. =D
Is wanking while being white ok? Sometimes I fantasise about black guys.....especially old black guys with no teeth and loose bum holes living in the park that have that lovely aroma of bin juice mixed with stale cum...my cum
Too much information
Seriously wtf - Hou Liao massage!

If you look at some of the photos, videos this seems rather tame. There is a picture of a woman with her eyes covered in bandages and they are on fire 8o.