  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Video Game Discussion

^ yeah me too. I still have yet to beat XCOM 2 on anything but the easiest mode, and even then its mega tough. The AI is just way too advantaged in XCOM 2. XCOM 1 was perfect balance tho. Game is insanely hard on the higher difficulties.

I think im gonna hop on amazon and see if I cant dig up XCOM 3 someplace. I wasnt able to buy it back in the day cuz it needed a monsterous 8MB of RAM and 80mhz processor. Once I had a machine able to handle it, PC games were allready becoming overrun by those darned console games.

And yeah ill 2nd the baldur's gate series, they were really good. Even the playstation versions were great (but lack of mouse and keyboard made it a bitch). Most games of that calibur get extremely monotonous but i liked BG better than the others of that genere.

While on the topic, I just finished Dungeon Siege II. The game is cool as hell to start, but like I said above it just turns into a click fest and is just the same old same old repeated over and over. AI is absolute null, graphics are not bad, gameplay is fun but can get boring, overall depth of the game is in the lacking. But my copy was free so im not complaining. Its fun in the diablo vein if u just hop on and do a LAN game with your roomates, makes for good spliff sessions cuz all u have to do is sit back and right click and tap the potion button once in a while lol.

Actually now that i think of it, the class balance is horrible in DS2. The healers are useless cuz potions work infinetly better, the damage casters are so damned simple they are about as boring to play as a pure tank, the pet based classes are rediculously under powered, and there really isnt anything at all to the tanks or ranged classes out side of basic hack and slash (ie, more simplistic clickity clicking with the mouse). You dont have much control/choice over your specline, and experimental specs just yield a really crappy toon.
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anyone play the new Call of Duty (Call of Duty 2)?

im in the market for a new purchase, and cant decide on that or Civ 4. Ive played Civ 4 extensively and my roomat ehas it, so i can just nab his disc when I need. COD2 looks like it would run fine on my ancient machine (which is why Elder Scrolls IV is out of the question), and my boss keeps telling me what an awesome title it is. Ill have a chance to play it this weekend briefly on XBoX 360, but anyone have experience in the PC version?

I dont trust many game review sites cuz theyre 98% hype.
Did you play any of the other CoD PC games?
CoD and United Offensive (the add-on)?

If you did and liked them, you'll like CoD2.

It's basically more of the same.
I felt that the game was short, but it's def a good time.

Turn the lights off, throw on the headphones, and turn up the volume.
It's entertaining.

I always keep CoD w/ United Offensive and CoD2 installed, because I enjoy jumping in a doing a few missions from time to time.
The Kings Quest series are still my favorite video game of all time. I am psyched that they are coming out with a fan made KQIX (officially named "The Silver Lining"). They even got a fan licecse! Looks like they're doing a good job with part 1 of 3 of the game so far:

Out of the original kings quest games my favorite is 6, followed by 2, and the vga remake of 1.





These are the only adventure games I've ever played that have actually made me feel a sense of adventure. Roberta Williams is such an excellent writer and her husband Ken is a great programmer!
all of the old sierra games are classics. quest for glory, king's quest, police quest, etc.
I used to click mindlessly on Rotten Tomato just to hear him grumble. I grew up on the old Sierra games (kings quest, space quest, police quest). It's a shame that they basically fell off the map in the mid 90's.

"Would you like a Tinder box?"

I still own a buch of Lucas Arts titles to (Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, full throttle, dark forces, etc...). I played way too many games as a kid.
fuck yah kings quest series was great. sierra never made a bad game. they arent microprose or anything, but a very good corporation.

and i played CoD 2 today for xbox 360. i know id like it a lot, lot better for PC just cuz i hate bulky retarded console controllers. nothing can compare to a full keyboard and mouse. but on a large screen tv and 7.0 surround stereo, it def blew me away.

i played some other game for xbox 360 and it was a racing game, except the object of the game was to get all the other cars to crash and explode as the race progresses. THIS GAME BLEW ME AWAY! the only other racing game i ever liked was mario kart. but damn this game rules. the sound and lighting effects alone are worht it. butg the game is fun as hell. xbox 360 has def impressed me thus far. playstation has way too much competition to keep up.

and while on that, i got to play some elderscrolls 4. i immediately went out and bought it for pc, and am installing it now. i hope this fucker runs on my pentium 3!!!!

also i read a article on the new turok for xbox 360. this game looks SICK! i cant WAIT for it to come out!


LAME - Oblivion needs a CPU with SSE. I have an old AMD pentium 3 equivalent. Considering how I run my machine, I can usually operate faster than the average user on a P4, but old AMD procs do not have SSE support. IT DOES NOT SAY THAT ON THE BOX!!! >< I had to go to elderscrolls.com and read the damned message board to figure that out, theres a sort of "oh, our bad!" thread by the developers for not including that.

man im so ticked. biggest software cock tease ever. Now I have to convince some moron at customer service to give me a refund.


Just got "Dungeon Lords"

at first this game looks real cool, untill you do your "first" quest. This game is so shoddily programmed I almost wanna walk to the developer's house and kick him in the balls. There are TONS of collision detection errors, mob AI (if you call it that!!!) is so bad it resembles something out of super mario brothers, there are so damn many bugs I could write a whole thread just on this game. You cant even walk through some doorways in dungeons b/c of certain mobs being too stupid to path to you and get stuck in the doorway, and then physics/graphics glitches prevent you from making contact with them, resulting in an infuriating "revert to saved." You cant even fucking alt tab the game, it crashes!!! It says it in the damn manual. I even have the collector's edition, allegedly has all the known bugs patched out. My ass. Every review I read on this title said it sucked, but damn, it was an understatement.

It looks cool on the surface, but shit, Dungeon Lords is one hell of a joke. I hope the developers at Heuristics Park arent ever allowed within 3 feet of software development tools ever again in their lives. This is like a game that has just entered its beta, not a fucking "collectors edition" release.
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Dawn of War expansion Dark Crusade (THQ and Relic Software) is totally genius. Combination of classic RTS with more laid back, "turn based" strategy. Basic skirmish mode is same RTS mayhem everyone is fully accustomed to, but the campaign mode is really similiar to the old board game RISK, except the battles are fought in RTS mode.

If you are a Warhammer fan, or a RTS fan, this series is a must have. Add to the fact that this is a stand alone expansion - you dont need the original software to play it. The expansion unlocks the Necron and Tau armies, you will need the original game for Chaos, Space Marines, Orks, and Eldar. The Winter Assault expansion unlocks Imperial Guard - but this expansion just gives a few more maps and a very basic campaign that I beat in like a day. The Dark Crusade campaign is a bit more dynamic in that it will be (to a degree) a unique game every time you play, and you can play as any of the armies if you have all the expansions.

Glad to see RTS (which was becoming an unbearably boring genere to me) is expanding some ingeniuty and creating some more unique software. Plus the Warhammer 40k universe is totally kickass.



(only few more months till Mythic Entertainment's Warhammer MMO goes into beta!)
Good old Diablo 2

Never played it before actually. Up to the 3rd Act. Not too bad either, playing as an Amazon as I just prefer the range attack ability. Though I've noticed that as she levels up she aint as good as the Range fighter one in the First Diablo, or Im just doing something wrong.

Also played some Oblivion. That game is a damn near work of Art. Shame my PC runs it a pretty avearage level and the sound card is dodgy too.
^ elder scrolls 3 is just as in-depth, with the expansions possibly more so. just have to deal with more polygonal modeling, low quality textures, and and ENDLESS supply of text.

actually in a lot of ways, i liked 3 better (Morrowind). Just cuz I dont like the idea that everything in 4 (Oblivion) spawns appropriate to your level, even the storyline dungeon bosses spawn appropriate to your level. Im not very far into the game as Im forced to play it on an XboX, but its way, way, way too easy. Some of my fav aspects of elder scrolls 3 was hunting for treasures in all the daedric temples, and finding mobs that would 1 shot me without a chance to reposite.

not a fan of the "lazer guided" missle objects either, for example when the scamps shoot that fire crap at you. just an example of lame programming imo. other than some really tiny details, its def a work of art. Theyve certainly alleviated a lot of annoying aspects of their game system since 3, used to drive me INSANE waiting for areas to load, 4 seems to have really numbed that problem.
Ah, you guys and your immersive, interactive worlds and open-ended story telling. Give me a good set of rails with a beautiful storyline anyday. Don't mind me...just counting the mere days until Final Fantasy XII comes out...October 31. I know, sounds kinda weaksauce compared to your awesome crazy games with quirky humor and original puzzle-solving. But damn, when Square Enix makes a game, they make a fucking GAME! So impatient, I am!!:|
Red Alert 2 - Comman and Conquer
Legend of Legaia
Madden 06
Dynasty Warriors
Final Fantasy 7 and 8!!!!!
Any need for speed
New said:
Ah, you guys and your immersive, interactive worlds and open-ended story telling. Give me a good set of rails with a beautiful storyline anyday. Don't mind me...just counting the mere days until Final Fantasy XII comes out...October 31. I know, sounds kinda weaksauce compared to your awesome crazy games with quirky humor and original puzzle-solving. But damn, when Square Enix makes a game, they make a fucking GAME! So impatient, I am!!:|

If your after a Game with an awesome storyline (at leats in my opinion) try Dreamfall: The longest Journey. Its got fairly decent graphics, very good voice acting, but one of the best storylines out of a game ever I've seen. Took me quite by suprise. The gameplay though aint too crash hot and the end result is that it feels your playing an intereactive movie.
Definately cant wait till the next one comes out.

Morrowind was good for me. The only thing was I completed the whole game and explored everywhere and now its kinda boring. So oblivion does kinda offset some of the bad fo Morrowing now. They should have made the creatures level at a rate of 0.9 to your character and not completely equal. So as eventual you do have a harcore guy that owns the creatures.
Favourite games:

Pro Evolution Soccer

Championship Manager (now called Football Manager)

My favourite proper game is definitely Fallout 2. Played that through far too much for my own liking. Obviously the whole GTA series must get a mention too :D
god, all i know is i can't wait for the wii so i can play zelda: twilight princess. for now the only game i've been playing is mario superstar baseball on gamecube. i've actually played games with fifty bucks riding on them recently, so as you can tell i'm not the only one who takes that game to the max.

i've never been really, really good at any other game where i think to myself "i can beat anyone in this shit," but i swear i could win a tournament if they even had them for that game.
How can I forget my favourite NES games.

Punch Out!

Cobra Triangle

and the ultimte...Kid Icarus!!

I don't care what people say. It *was* more fun letting games load on my Commodore 64 and then later some of the early classics on the NES than modern games.
warhammer online looks like it will be pretty badass.

world of warcraft stole a fair bit of my life but selling my account made it worth it all i guess. =P

lately I don't play any games though.. even Civ4 and Dota (warcraft3 custom map) are boring.
day of the tentical
titus the fox
transport tycoon
duke nukem
rise of the triads
north and south

ahh fond memories.

Only really play battle feild 2 now, my in game name is dragon{scum if anyone else plays.
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