Vent/Rant Thread vs 3 (Triggering Content)

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"So you've done nothing but just sit around all evening?"

Yes goddammit, I've done nothing but sit around all evening, after a day tearing gutters off a house 20 feet in the air, trying not to get smacked in the face with a fascia board, or fall and break my fucking neck.

Jesus Christ.
I literally spent at least 10 hours friday writing up this stupid presentation for tomorrow that's going to count for a big percentage of my final grade at the uni library, I sent it to myself via e-mail and for some reason apparently only the first paragraph was saved. So I have to re-write the WHOLE FUCKING THING this afternoon which means I can just say goodbye to all my other plans and stay locked up in my room working instead. I'm so fucking pissed off.
I literally spent at least 10 hours friday writing up this stupid presentation for tomorrow that's going to count for a big percentage of my final grade at the uni library, I sent it to myself via e-mail and for some reason apparently only the first paragraph was saved. So I have to re-write the WHOLE FUCKING THING this afternoon which means I can just say goodbye to all my other plans and stay locked up in my room working instead. I'm so fucking pissed off.

Oh no, hun. :( I've had that happen to me before and it fucking sucks. When re-writing though, you'll be surprised by how much your brain does remember from the original. When it happened to me, I somehow managed to make the redone paper better too and got an A on it. My lesson learned from it was to use Save As often, especially when switching from different computers. It doesn't hurt to have multiple copies of everything around.
^Yeah, luckily I remembered most of my ideas, but it still took me a good 4-5 hours to redo the whole thing...but yeah, multiple copies is a good idea, I'm definitely going to start doing that!

P.S. Congrats on the triple modstick!
seriously i know i am overreacting but i am sooooo fucking mad my bf bought the wrong turkey and the wrong cheese today..... seriously he knows what i like wtf .... stupid hormones i know its NOT a big deal but still!!!! (i am partly just frustrated with myself right now because i know i am being crazy)
I'm so tired and hungry. Everyday I search and apply for jobs, but nothing. Desperately need to pay my rent for last month and this month as well as bills, my prescription, food, a present for a close friend who's birthday it is tomorrow and who just got out of hospital. I'm going to try and sell my wii tomorrow so I can buy the latter of things and get train fare to go see him. I know I'll probably get £30 if I'm lucky.. argh.. My head still hurts from being hit. I don't even want to think about work, not in the right head set, but if I don't get my shit together, finish everything asap and go to my classes this week I'll get kicked out. I wish I could just sleep and not wake up for a long time.

Edit: FUCK YOU stupid online job applications. Just spent the last hour filling in another application in detail, with all my qualifications, education, why I want to work for them, all that BS, references, hit "send application" and it just goes to "Can't find that Application Stage". Fuck sake..
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I'm gonna start a new job soon, I think in about ten days. I have ZERO confidence that I will succeed at it.
I'm in your exact same place kace besides the bday.... No job. Rent. Script. Food... Shit sucks man

now I just got felony possession of heroin on my record.. Fml
Dre- If I were you, I'd start applying for things online now! I'm sure someone will give you an interview. It just takes time and stupid amounts of job applying.

Drinkswitheevil- Fuck that sounds heavy :( I hope things work out for you.

I just wish I could go back in time and not be such a dipshit- not fucked up my previous job, not spent every last thing I earned on drugs.. gah.. I just never learn.
snow is falling...
i'm not much of winter person, specially when i need to
swipe snow off my car and then drive myself to work.

later this evening recreation ! hooray ! nothing beats shoveling the snow off my yard :sus:
Drinking my face off, knowing I'm more than likely going to jail, then prison, tomorrow. I was on a pill bender a couple weeks ago, smoked a bunch of weed, and I'm still dirty. Probation appointment tomorrow. No second chances on the piss test, one of my conditions is that if I fail a drug test I get locked up.

Can't be mad at anyone but myself.
I've pathetically ruined my tiny attempt at sobriety...been on a heroin/morphine/benzo/coke binge since saturday night, have eaten maybe 1000 calories in total since saturday, look like absolute hell...I've got 3 essays to write for next week and I've only barely started one, I'm at the library right now trying to force myself to work but I just keep nodding off. Plus I think people are starting to suspect something, at breakfast this morning a friend told me my eyes looked weird and asked why I kept itching myself :(
And I'm going home for a week on saturday which means I'm gonna have to be off drugs during that time which is gonna be horrible...
And finally, just after being told I might be able to start sports again in two or three years my neck injury has started acting up horribly again which not only means I now have benzo and opiate scripts that I'm gonna have so much trouble using responsibly, but also that I have to go in for a cervical scan that might tell them sports will actually be out of the question for longer.
Feeling like total shit right now.
Jack - use this time you locked up and really think about shit dawg

pagey - sounds like the starting phase of a rapid decline in your life due to drugs. I've been there too many times. Only difference was I didn't stop. You still have the chance. Or you will get worse and end up a dropout wishing u would of quit earlier
Pagey: I know how ya feel, heroin and amphetamine binge for me... Yippie!

Didn't get anything tonight tho, if I can make it thru my midterm tomorrow I think I may make a full recovery...

But seriously, be careful, we don't need anymore shriners here on BL
ahh Pagey... It sounds as if you had sobriety prior to this though? Is that correct? If it is then you know what to do and how to get it...

do you want it?

Im sorry for everything you have been through lately, and I wish you nothing but luck. I recently went back to school myself, and I know what the pressure can be like of keeping your addictions at bay so you dont self destruct......again.
So my PO called an hour before my appointment and said something came up, he needed to reschedule. So I have five more days, which should be enough for me to clean up completely.

That's an answered prayer...

I smoked a cig earlier, before I was about to leave for my appointment, and ewww, I can't believe I used to suck down a pack of these things a day! I still feel sick, and needless to say the rest if the pack want in the trash.
<3 so happy to hear about your bit-o-luck Jack <3. I hear you on the cigs. I've been experimenting with ecig models for a while and they've improved a lot. I'm using one now that is amazing. It's so great. Fuck cigs they're a pleasureless habit.
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