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Utah Regional PR Discussion

Check your attitude homeboy. Bunk is bunk. No matter what's in there if it ain't MDxx it's shit. Non-active or chock full of RC's, it's all sold as E and if there isn't MDxx then it's bunk. If they sold it as pipes then cool, but it's not and MDMA is what people are looking for 99% of the time.
Just because we have a different perception on what bunk is dude, doesn't mean you need to step up here poppin off bein an internet tough guy.
I gots to be an internet tough guy, there's nothing else to do. I'm just saying I rarely ever hear anyone use the word bunk to describe piperazine, methylone or any other RC that's added to pills.

The most beautiful pressed piece of shit I've seen. SOLD AS ECSTACY NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE!!!!!!
The perfect example of BUNK. If you like staying up long hours into the next day and sweating a lot you might like these.
I would of included test results but they don't sell that shit by the gallon and I have tested enough fake molly and pills lately its ridiculous.
I wanna see the results on those pumas...the new batches have results that look so badly
haha it looks like you just got done breaking up some buds where you took that pic Jag, lol.
People who knowingly sell bad drugs should be dragged out in the street and beaten proper. There is no other form of life lower than that.
Hmm I dunno jag, I may throw child molesters and rapists below shady dealers. However, they're not far off from eachother. It's disgusting how many people I've come across that have oodles of bunk shit and knowingly pass it off as E just to make a buck. Even after you test it right in front of them and they say, "well most people won't know the difference." Yeah fuck rag cuz of people like you they probably haven't ever tried the real thing.
It makes me sick looking at them and seeing the lack of care or concern for the people they're going to rip off to line their own pockets. There is a special place in hell for those low-lifes, I have no doubt. Deceiving and robbing people of an opportunity to be touched by God in a life changing experience that MDMA brings simply to get some cash to blow on their shitty clothes or fuckin game systems.
If I have a friend who is rolling for their first time I refuse to let them eat anything, but the best I have from my collection no matter if they already have found a legit bean or not. If I have something better, there's not a moments hesitation to trade them for it. I want them to know the beauty of E as I do...and only the good shit will provide that.
Fuck you greedy pressers and pushers. Burn in the 7th circle of Hell you hollow fucking cads...
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^ Good for you Blah!

Everyone should have good MDMA for their first dose, the fucking saddest thing is that most E tards these days haven't even had ANY in their entire life. They wouldn't be able to tell the difference from pipes and MDMA if they wanted too...

People around here literally think all ecstasy is a mix of like 5+ chemicals, they dont even know what MDMA is...

"Ecstasy? Nah man, I dont fuck with heroin, meth, crack, PCP and mescaline anymore"
Yeah it's a disgrace what's happened to the scene. There have been times as well that people have asked me if they should give a virgin a Bolt cuz its all they have. "Oh hell no man! Not for their first time!" The rawness of MDA should be felt by those who know what to expect haha. Those Bolts could scare a virgin off. I always tell em, find some Molly and use that first. There is still plenty of good Molly kicking around this place so it shouldn't be hard. They need to know that love first before anything else.
Then for round 2 give em a Bolt haha. Because we all know they'll be back for a round 2. Hell even my lady friend from my Bolt report wants to try it again in a different atmosphere. I get way jealous when I talk to a virgin rolling for their first time. But that feeling is quickly overcome by a sense of satisfaction in knowing that I helped direct them to an optimal first time, whereas if they did not get that tidbit of wisdom or help, it could've ended up very badly for them.
It all falls back onto the "pay it forward" mentality. I had the good fortune of rolling on only the best from the beginning and for years after, they deserve the absolute same to the best of my small abilities.
Rolling on great shit changes the heart of people. I know that the people I've run with the past 12 years are PLUR to the core. Then you have the other side of the fence with tweakers and crackheads and you are always holding your belongings close, taking an inventory of what's in your house before they come and after, and always wondering which one will turn on you for a buck or a fix. I like my plurskee people much better. Never a care in the world when they're around. I'm way glad I left that "other group" in the dust a loooong ass time ago.
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Yeah I thought of giving a virgin a bolt, but luckily I was talked straight into giving them MDMA, now they love it so much.
I had that go hard or go home attitude for a while when i would introduce people to e/psychadelics for there first time. I quickly changed my whole aspect on that in one night when I gave someone who hadn't rolled before a molly waffer and she had a terrible night. Throwing up, couldn't move, eyes wiggling to the back of here head. I had to sit there and try and convince her that everything was okay and that she had just taken too much and would be alright. She literaly thought she was going to die. And not too mention I was on two of those as well and some microdot so I was barely holding onto reality myself. It always ends up being the ladies to. The girl I'm with now had never done E or acid before and it was an honor for me to ease her into it with some pure crystal MDMA. I gave her 80 mg her first dose and I ate twice that amount and she loved every second of it, had her begging for more on her first night. I think If I would of gave her the same dose I took though it would of been a totally different outcome. So moral of the story is fellas, be gentle on your ladies with the MDMA, and the next thing you'll now, they'll be buying it for you.
Could someone in the 801 help me out and let me know what pills to look out for? I don't have a steady hook as of right now so i don't know whats circulating.
Yeah i've heard about those, i was hoping the pokes would start flooding and it would be like early 2010 all over again, what do you think?
Yeah i've heard about those, i was hoping the pokes would start flooding and it would be like early 2010 all over again, what do you think?

Eh, time will tell. Depends on how many have been pressed and how well connected Utah peeps are. Simple logic. I hope they do get here though because Utah is in need of a good solid MDMA press again. The Bolts have owned this joint for a minute now.
Yeah, i was hoping to roll this weekend and look for some pokes. I haven't even tried the bolts. I don't have a steady hook for pills now days.
High time you find one. You've been missing out on some bomb goodies that's for sure. Bolts were plentiful and then some, but I think they've come to end of their road here. Don't do what most ppl do in a drought and settle for shit because its all that's around. A true roll is worth waiting for and bypassing all the rest.
Fuck that, i haven't ingested any garbage on purpose and never will. I want the real shit or nothing.
Spotted some good molly... ... but capsules? You can throw any old thing in there and call it E