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Using Suboxone for 3 day detox

You may want to get some chocolate for when you are done with the bupe. It really helps.
I'm done with them. Took a piece yesterday around 11am and haven't taken any since and I'm not sick at all. I haven't sat still in days, riding bikes, swimming, going to the gym!
The meeting I went to yesterday and drove 45 minutes to get to was Monday not Friday:( I work Monday however I'm leaving early to go.
Is this it? Am I going to get sick still? Is the worst over? Remember my habit wasn't a lot but it was still a full blown habit, I was sick as a dog three months ago when I ran out of pills two days before my refill so I know I definitely had a big enough habit to mess with my system... Just scared I'll wake up one morning and the withdrawls will be there.
I was thinking of the scene in the wizard of oz where they sing 'you're out of the woods' after they wake up from the poppy field!


Wouldn't it be nice if it were that simple! I would tend to think you may have some minor discomfort in a few days, but nothing drastic. Maybe someone else has more knowledge on withdrawal from 8 mg of bupe total over several days. Hope all goes well for you.
I didn't finish the 8 mg, I took 9 pieces out of the 16 pieces I cut the sub into. Lol @ the wizard of oz! So funny you mentioned that movie, two weeks ago I tried to get my son who is 7 to watch it and he said .... Mom this movie is weird! Can't we watch sponge bob! Kids! They don't know Classic movies.. Well I'm ready for anything, like I said I took my last piece on Friday around 11 and so far so good, I am rather tired but I also have been very active. One thing in so happy about and I'm sure this is TMI but I can finally go to the bathroom like a normal person!!!!! Vicodin is very hard on your bowels Hahahaha
Sometimes it is the least thing that makes up the best happiness!
You get some junkies together and eventually the conversation always turns to bowel movements ;).

Keep up the good work. You weren't on that long, but because of the long half life you may feel just a bit funky after a full day and a half after you stop.
Today I feel blah, I knew it was coming, just tired and drained of energy. That's ok I'm not sick so I can deal with lazy
Another bad day:( Feel awful and it doesn't help that it's 90 degrees and my central air broke. Hoping for a better day tomorrow
Its common to have some bad days or discomfort 3-4 days after your last sub dose do to the lengthy Half-Life of suboxone (72hrs). For me? It was days 5-8,9 that were hardest. Its tough not to take a tiny piece of suboxone during this time but try to push through.
I only took it for three days, I never finished the whole strip.
Today is better then the last two, my stomach ache went away and I have a little more energy.
I have a question. I went cold turkey for about 4 days. Then had to take suboxone for only a few days. Half every other day or sometimes two days go by then I take a small amount. When will I not need to take anything?
When will you need to not take any what? You mean like, when will you be able to stop taking Suboxone and will have avoided the withdrawal from your previous habit? It depends how long and what you were using. How long and what were you using, and how much were you using? For most opioids like oxycodone and heroin it take 7ish days to get over the acute withdrawals, in extreme cases a bit longer, but with longer acting opioids like methadone the acute withdrawal can take more like two to four weeks.

When I was in rehab, this April of 2012, the clinical staff attempted a different kind of suboxone detox with me...it took 3 days and worked better then any detox I've ever gone through... if anyone is looking for a better way to quicker way then please contact me.... I'm not a doctor I'm not telling you what you should and shouldnt do...I just wanna let you know what I went through and if you determine that you'd like to try it yourself based on my experience then that is entirely up to you

I would like more information
No one should just come off 24mg cold turkey or even in detox. On a dose like that one needs to taper for a significant amount of weeks if one has any hope of coming off buprenorphine remotely comfortable, maximizing one's chances of a successful detox.
babymonroe26. I am also interested in what procedure they use in the 3 Day detox in the hospital. I'm trying to come off as hydrocodone use 60 milligrams a day but I found it very difficult to taper. I'm down to 40 milligrams a day. But I have also taken clonazepam for a long time and my doctor won't give me any more until I'm off to hydrocodone. I have high anxiety level and very scared about going into a detox and suffering like hell. If you still check this post and can email me that would be great <snip>
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I have been on norcos 10/325s for 6 years or so on and off a couple times. I have been taking them for a year straight now and as you can imagine i am taking way to many. As much as 15 a day. I have gone ct 1 time and that was so terrible. I got subutex a few days ago. I am so afraid for them cause all the horrible stories i have heard. I just want to know how to use them for detoxing and avoid hardcore wd. I know i will go thru wd no matter what but i just want to avoid the worst of the wd if i can. I saw many stories of ppl saying they took subutex for a very short time ,like 5 to 7 days, to detox and not go into hardcore wd. I waited 48hours to take my first dose of subutext 3mg total. I was so freaked out to start and waited as long as possible. But it went well and i felt much better after i took the 1st dose. Its now day 2 and i took 2mgs so far so good. I need to know how to take them for a short detox cause i can not afford to stay on them. Can anyone give me a dose plan that has worked for them to detox with only a few subs. Im not sure if im posting this right so please help if you can
If 2mg is working for you stick with that for seven days total. If you need more today because you start feeling shitty take another 2mg later today. That should hold you. Continue taking 2mg twice a day for another three days, then go down to 2mg once a day or 1mg twice a day for another three days.
Thanks for the reply toothpastdog.
Have you done a short detox with subutex before? Does the subutex help get past the hardcore wd from the norcos or does ot just prolong when i will start to wd again. I guess im saying im i just putting off the wd by using subs or im i actually still wd from the norcos while on the subs. And when i stop the subs after 7 days will i then go into even worse wd cause of the subs or would i just go back into my norco wd or will i have got past the worst of the wd. Im sorry for all the questions. Im just so worried of making things worse by taking the subs. Or is this basically like a fast tapering off as it would be if i just tapered using norcos.