curious when was your last opiate dose and are your symptoms tolerable? I see that you have had a hard time with paws and am just curious the possible length it can last. I am trying to be optimistic but some days are worse than others so I was wondering the worst length of paws just in case. Like you said I dont think it will be that bad for me seeing as I am doing so much better.
I guess it's been a few months since I stopped the methadone and about a month since I stopped all opioids completely. But between that time I was just taking super low doses of oral morphine which didn't even alleviate the methadone withdrawal.
And I've had withdrawals for like a year, ever since my methadone got below a certain dose, so I think that slow taper has screwed me up a lot. I still have chronic diarrhea, heightened sensitivity to pain and temperature (especially cold, feeling too cold will actually give me withdrawal symptoms like yawning, runny nose, etc), random excessive sneezing and coughing, extreme fatigue and lack of motivation, aches and pains, headaches, difficulty sleeping, etc. I think that
conditioning is very powerful and I feel noticeably better, at least mood-wise, if I am in a hot sunny different place or doing something new and exciting that distracts me, but unfortunately I can afford to just travel to hot sunny places all the time and it's grey and dark and cold where I live, plus my brain subconsciously associates where I live with being sick. So I think environment and lifestyle can make a significant difference.
As to how long PAWS can last, well it depends on how exactly you define PAWS and on the person. Some people feel great in a month, some people say they waited years and still didn't feel "normal" or happy. So don't worry about the unknown, it's pointless. And keep doing things to help yourself.
I can definitely see a
difference between how I feel now and how I felt a month ago, but it is not improving as fast as I'd like and a big part of my impatience is because I've already been sick for so long.
My head is so much more clear now I just hate these symptoms of fatigue. I could take more meds but that is what I am trying to stop (all chemicals). Thank you again for I would never have made it this far without you
Well benzos and gabapentin/pregabalin don't tend to help with the fatigue (although gabapentin/pregabalin can be a little stimulating at times they can also be sedating and make you feel foggy or zombie-like, they are such weird drugs). Drug options suggested for combating fatigue and depression/lack of motivation etc are things like dextroamphetamine or bupropion, and I am nervous to take either of those right now as they can worsen anxiety and insomnia, so I just want to see what happens when I give my body some time with no drugs at all. Sounds like you have the same goal.
And no problem, it is helpful for me to share my experiences with others
Also if you can give me a list of vitamins/supplements that helped you or anyone else that would help too.
Vit D3 (lots)
Omega 3s (like fish oil, or flax seed oil if you're vegetarian, but make sure you get a good one and take lots)
L-Lysine (can potentiate benzos a bit so be aware of that)
Chelated magnesium (chelated magnesium is better absorbed and less laxative than regular magnesium, but if you find you get diarrhea lower the dose)
Some other things you could try:
Vit C
Vit A
If you want you could tell me exactly what your symptoms are, including things you don't think are associated with stopping methadone, and I can better recommend specific supplements tailored to your individual needs and give you an idea about doses.
U just have to take equal mgs of lope cpmpared to ur normal opioid dose. 80mg=80mg lope. Lot of pills but works
That makes no sense at all. Doses completely depend on the opioid and the person.