• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Urine Thread

I am closing this. OP everyone has unanimously suggested you see a Doctor. We cannot diagnose you over the Internet no matter how much you want us to.

By going to see a professional hopefully to will catch whatever is causing the problem early enough for effective treatment. Good luck.
Weird Smelling Urine

I'm detoxing at the moment. Quitting everything cold turkey. Alcohol, cigarettes, weed, meat and sugar. It's day 5. I've noticed that my dick/urine smells really weird. Is this normal? It's kind of freaking me out. Am I like flushing toxins out or something? What the fuck?
I'm not a doctor or anything but it could be any number of things. Could be an infection of your bladder or kidneys or even your urinary tract. Or it could just be the food you are eating.

It might even be dehydration. I have no idea how much water you're drinking but strong smelling urine is usually a sign of dehydration.
Good for you for quitting those things! I've been detoxing from sugar and other bad foods for a couple months now, and my urine has also smelled weird on and off. I think you're getting rid of toxins... you don't have an infection. Unless you start feeling weird pains too. Otherwise... you're gonna be fine. How do you feel?
It's not strong smelling urine. It's weird smelling. It's hard to say how I feel. I'm experiencing withdrawals from four different drugs simultaneously. I forgot to mention caffeine. So, I feel pretty bad. But whether or not that is the result of detox or an infection I don't know. Every symptom I'm experiencing is to be expected. I'm an alcoholic. I'm having headaches, stomach aches, heart palpitations, depression, anxiety, etc. If it was a kidney/bladder infection what would the symptoms be? It's not a urinary tract infection; I've had one before. Day 6. How long should I expect the "getting rid of toxins" to last?
Quitting cigarettes enhances ones sense of smell. I quit smoking tobacco and no other changes March 20th. Within days I thought my urine was strangely malodorous. In my case it wasn't that my urine was more odorific or different it was that my nose is sensing a lot more. If you go to the grocery store do you find places where the mixture of smells are kind of disconcerting that you wouldn't have noticed before?

ForEverAfter said:
If it was a kidney/bladder infection what would the symptoms be?
A bladder or kidney infection would likely involve some discomfort like aching back, discomfort while urinating, having to go all the time, or not going enough. There could be cloudy urine or blood. Kidney > http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/kidney-infection/DS00593/DSECTION=symptoms Bladder >http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cystitis/DS00285/DSECTION=symptoms Bladder infection seems possible but diagnosis would require a Dr, your urine, and a lab.

Many women I have known have felt they were able to ward off bladder infections that hadn't taken hold with cranberry juice, uva ursi, or other self remedies. I'd find an knowledgeable person or website specifically about bladder infections if I was going to attempt self treatment. Here is the skinny from Cochrane Library on cranberry for prevention:
Cranberries (usually as cranberry juice) have been used to try and prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Cranberries contain a substance that can prevent bacteria from sticking on the walls of the bladder. This may help prevent bladder and other urinary tract infections. This review identified 10 studies (1049 participants) comparing cranberry products with placebo, juice or water. There was some evidence to show that cranberries (juice and capsules) can prevent recurrent infections in women. However, the evidence for elderly men and women was less clear, and there is evidence that is not effective in people who need catheterisation. Many people in the trials stopped drinking the juice, suggesting it may not be a popular intervention. In addition it is not clear how long cranberry juice needs to be taken to be effective or what the required dose might be.
Yeah I've been noticing smells everywhere. Thought I was going crazy. Maybe it's all in my head. I don't see why I would have a bladder infection. It seems like too much of a co-incidence given the massive changes to my lifestyle. The smell is likely to be related in some way to the change in diet and consumption of drugs/ alcohol. The cigarette-enhancing-smell idea makes a lot of sense. But the smell is gone now. That's the weird thing. If it was because of my enhanced sense of smell, then wouldn't it be constant? I tend to notice it after bathing. In fact, I've never noticed it when I haven't had a bath. This is all kind of embarrassing. I think I'm going nuts. What the fuck could bath water have to do with it? Shouldn't it smell less after a bath? This sounds like the ranting of a lunatic. Reminds me of the Commander in Monty Python's Mr. Neutron skits.

^I honestly don't want to scare you or anything but since you mentioned it yourself, there is such a thing as olfactory hallucinations. Some of these (I hesitate to call them diseases as they are usually symptoms of something else) disorders are called Phantosmia which usually involves smelling something rotting or fecal in nature.

Also Parosmia, troposmia, cacosmia which all seem to involve unpleasant or "chemical" smells and an especially rare one called Euosmia which involves "pleasant" smells.

All of these disorders are usually symptoms of brain disorders/damage or mental illness like schizophrenia.

Here are some links I found.



Freddy - I hardly think it's likely that the OP is suffering from olfactory hullucinations especially as there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for the sudden increase in their smells 'awareness' (quoting smoking).

OP if you're truly worried seek medical advice. It sounds like you've receive some great suggestions do I'm going to close this. Let me know if you have anything pertinent to add. Good luck with everything. :)