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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Unpopular or Uncommon Opinions

^All nationally televised/syndicated professional sports are just plain boring for anyone that hasn't played one. But then again, while most athletes do have a very real and understandable capacity for enjoyment of their sport(s) of choice from afar (i.e. watching them on their televisions), this fact alone cannot and will not ever account for the incorrigibly hammy, diffuse, multibillion-dollar megalithic orgy of brainless fanfare and soul-sucking stupidity that is the national (and international) sport industry. For multiple reasons, including simple principle, I similarly can't stand 99% of 'professional' sport, of any kind. I even have a pretty hard time enjoying/comprehending the bizarre phenomenon that is the Olympic Games, to be honest.

As for my contrarian prejudices:

Batman Begins sucked; The Dark Knight wasn't that good; Star Wars is an overrated turd, and a perfect example of everything that is wrong with 'science' fiction (and arguably did more to damage SF's reputation than any other franchise or combination of franchises - ever); Once Upon a Time in America is a similarly over-estimated stain on the otherwise well-populated crowd of mid-late-20th century gangster films by sole dint of its intolerably long, plodding narrative and dearth of meaningful thematic content (other than, I suppose, the bizarre misogyny and meticulousness of the director), not the acting; Croupier was absolutely atrocious, laugh-out-loud garbage; the popularity of Indiana Jones (or, I suppose, that of anything ever so much as touched by George Lucas) is utterly bewildering to me; as a mordant parody and scathing comment, Watchmen was, surprisingly, more-or-less superb; Raimi's Spider-Man was tedious (and often embarrassing) to watch; the X-Men franchise wasn't much better, with the possible exception of First Class, mainly due to the quality of the performances therein; The Social Network was OK, nothing more, nothing less; Cronenberg's A History of Violence was a hackneyed disaster, but Eastern Promises ultimately redeemed him for me, and then some; I didn't think Scott had it in him until I saw Prometheus, which, together with Blade Crawler, has cemented my image of him as a competent (nay, often virtuosic) sci-fi director who periodically fucks up and fumbles his best material for reasons unknown; Adam Sandler is the most perfect disgrace to big-budget cinema since George Lucas; Ben Stiller isn't much better, but at least there was Tropic Thunder, which was pretty funny, I guess; from what I've seen of him, Woody Allen kinda sucks (but Midnight in Paris was alright, I suppose); pretty much every 'action movie' and comic-book superhero film are unwatchable exercises in determining how much mindless sensationalism, absurdity, and repetition can be foisted upon and sold to an eager audience of what I can only presume consists of children and the severely regressed; Pineapple Express was pretty lame.
incorrigibly hammy, diffuse, multibillion-dollar megalithic orgy of brainless fanfare and soul-sucking stupidity

Brilliant, that should be the standard dictionary definition of the word sport. Kudos to you sir.