• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

ULDN - The magic weapon to reduce and keep tolerance to Opioids low

It's not helpful when someone claims a magic bullet. Too many people might take it at face value and believe that they have NO risk of addiction.

We are all different and saying 'well it worked for me' isn't helpful.

The references are much, much more limited in their findings.

I mean, the ONLY problem with opioids is that they are illegal. If an OC cost £2 (and that would still be 100% profit) then I would have no problem. As it is, I take OC one day, codeine on the other....

Why? Because my doctor screw up SO often that I HAVE to have a 1 month reserve. For my mental health. One month I turned up on Thursday and told it would be in next dat... same on Friday.. on Sunday I was given the prescription back. On a SUNDAY.

So I had to go and buy some smack... I was very sick. I cannot afford it but if I cannot WALK without opioids, what should I do?
I think I need to clarify a few things here: I never claimed that this is a magic bullet, much less prevents addiction (the opposite actually). As I have wrote on the previous page the effects are somewhat unpredictable and if anything this "trick" worsens an opioid addiction because you have a more or less reliable reset button. This time for example I used it again and it worked. With euphoria coming back on "command", my addiction has turned into something that is truly a perennial, lifelong millstone around my neck. All hope for achieving a clean life has been destroyed. And those three days of forced abstinence for the naltrexone to do its job on my receptors feels awful because I have to put myself into a semi-comatous state with high doses of benzos to prevent the cravings from ruining the reset procedure. Or k-holing myself for the entire time, barely eating anything and being aware of anything until those three days are over. This is just how bad opioid cravings have become for me since my naltrexone experiment. I used to be able to abstain from opioids every once in a while for entire months. Now I have to substitute every day that I don't have opioids with all kinds of drugs in order to not run amok and lose my sanity. Life has turned into a countdown where I count weeks and days, switch this drug for that drug just to distract myself from the craving of another drug.

I miss the times where I just smoked an occasional joint, while playing PS2 with my sis back in the early 2000s. Life was so simple. The problem isn't the drugs (antiquity had an abundance of Opium but no records of an opioid "epidemic"), it's the shitty postmodern society that turns life into such a horrible, empty experience, that people have the need to take drugs to feel better. That is so fucked up! Destroy the community, create dysfunctional families, cut the emotional bonds between people and put them into this ridiculous invention that we call "city" where everyone is alienated from everyone, topped up with an ultra-competitive dog-eat-dog mentality, creating general mistrust among people, divide and conquer through social engineering and make them perpetually exhausted and mentally stressed by giving them a heavy dose of existential uncertainty, and boom, people wonder why drug addiction exists.
"Brain disease" my fucking ass! Drug addiction is the soul's expression to escape from a fucked up, dysfunctional society and not because "muh rewiring of da brain and neuroplastic changes bla bla look at my elite university credentials, dats da proof dat my words are true...believe da science you stupid sheep".

Sorry for the off-topic rant, but I just had one of the worst days of my life (someone very dear and close to me just died) and I just needed to vent off some of that anger and despair. My aggression isn't directed at anyone here (I apologize if that appears to be so; my communication style might appear rugged sometimes but I'm a gentle, sensitive and kind being at heart), but I just needed to get it off my chest.
I won't be responding to PMs and comments for a while after making this post. I need some time off. Time off the internet, time off work, people and everything. I'll be going to my vacation home near Grindelwald in Switzerland and remain there in seclusion for a few weeks to get my mind sorted out and mentally/emotionally regenerate myself. Maybe this is a good time to reprioritize some of the things in my life.

Ok back to topic:

how long after using opiates after being super dependent would you be able to use LDN without it putting you into precipitated withdrawal? Should I start with ULDN either way?
NO! You don't use LDN when dependent on opioids. That WILL send you into precipitated wd and it's the most horrible body-splatter-gore-torture-experience-from-hell that you can possibly imagine. You start with dosing around 5µg (we're talking about 0.005mg here!!!) and gradually up 5µg from there in incremental doses. And most importantly: never ever go above 100µg! If ULDN has been unsucessful for you then just stop there. Trust me you don't wanna go into precipitated wd. There is absolutely nothing to stop the torture (except calling the ambulance and let them put you in a coma for the entire duration, but depending on the tolerance you might be thrashing on the ground with so much physical/mental pain that you can't even call anyone. It is best to experiment with such things while someone is present). Aside from the bodily pain (and the life threatening water loss), your mind will be traumatized by the experience. It is nothing like a normal cold turkey where it gradually builds up and then goes back down again. You experience everything at once at peak wd level at maximum intensity for several days.

Apparently there is a non water soluble naltrexone product.
Don't worry, the crap at the bottom is talcum and probably some other binding agents. The naltrexone has succesfully dissolved.

And btw, I actually know this from experience as I have allso took ULDN many years and long time ago to boost my opioids. And I used to to use microgram doses and sometimes when I sensed that I had took either too much opioids or reduced my sensitivity too much with microdoses of naltrexone and started to feel too much shortening of breath or similar I just put more naltrexone under my tongue in those situations (meaning milli- instead of micrograms) and the effects of opioids were allmost instantly reduced. It takes very little time to absorp from mouth.
That's a completely different scenario. You have misunderstood what I was trying to convey in my original message to the user. We're talking about the dosage of opioids that is lethal for the subject, in other words, knocks you out immediately. There is no "oh shit I think I took too much and will hit the ground in a couple minutes. I better get myself some of that naltrexone to counteract my incoming unconsciousness". After a certain blood concentration has been reached you're out immediately. Naltrexone can only help you in that scenario when you have someone with you that can administer it to you while performing mouth-to-mouth-resuscitation until you wake up. Btw, you don't do that with naltrexone, you do it with naloxone for the reasons I named above. And you always call the ambulance too because naloxone isn't entirely harmless and the subject needs to be monitored by nurses or whatever the fuck they're called in english. They normally inject only enough naloxone to make the subject conscious again, monitor the patient and when he is knocked out again (after an hour or so) they inject some more until the opioid has reached a non-lethal concentration in the blood or some shit like that. I'm currently too scatterbrained to think clearly, so it's possible that I made some mistakes while writing this post. If there is a mistake somewhere, another BL user can correct my statement and I'll hit myself for being stupid.

What you describe on the other hand is not a lethal od but part and parcel of what you experience while nodding. It's simply your body's way of telling you that you've really had enough and are already standing with one leg in the grave. It appears dramatic but is harmless UNLESS you take more which you really shouldn't. When I take too much heroin I often start to nod, make one or two breaths per minute while in wonderland, then suddenly jump up (or jerk up) with eyes wide open and breathing in panic for a few seconds until I nod again and this repeats for 1 or 2h until the blood concentration of heroin has lowered to a non-nodding level where I can breathe normally and go to bed sleeping without having to worry of never waking up again.

P.S.: to those who have skipped the uppermost block of text in my post: please do not wonder why I am not responding to any replies/PMs because I'll be offline for the next 3 or 4 weeks due to personal reasons. Stay safe out there...
That's a completely different scenario. You have misunderstood what I was trying to convey in my original message to the user. We're talking about the dosage of opioids that is lethal for the subject, in other words, knocks you out immediately. There is no "oh shit I think I took too much and will hit the ground in a couple minutes. I better get myself some of that naltrexone to counteract my incoming unconsciousness". After a certain blood concentration has been reached you're out immediately. Naltrexone can only help you in that scenario when you have someone with you that can administer it to you while performing mouth-to-mouth-resuscitation until you wake up. Btw, you don't do that with naltrexone, you do it with naloxone for the reasons I named above. And you always call the ambulance too because naloxone isn't entirely harmless and the subject needs to be monitored by nurses or whatever the fuck they're called in english. They normally inject only enough naloxone to make the subject conscious again, monitor the patient and when he is knocked out again (after an hour or so) they inject some more until the opioid has reached a non-lethal concentration in the blood or some shit like that. I'm currently too scatterbrained to think clearly, so it's possible that I made some mistakes while writing this post. If there is a mistake somewhere, another BL user can correct my statement and I'll hit myself for being stupid.

What you describe on the other hand is not a lethal od but part and parcel of what you experience while nodding. It's simply your body's way of telling you that you've really had enough and are already standing with one leg in the grave. It appears dramatic but is harmless UNLESS you take more which you really shouldn't. When I take too much heroin I often start to nod, make one or two breaths per minute while in wonderland, then suddenly jump up (or jerk up) with eyes wide open and breathing in panic for a few seconds until I nod again and this repeats for 1 or 2h until the blood concentration of heroin has lowered to a non-nodding level where I can breathe normally and go to bed sleeping without having to worry of never waking up again.
I understand. You speak about massive IV overdose but I was speaking overdose that has potential to kill you but does not do it instantly. In case of eating opioids the overdose symptoms preceeds the lethal overdose symtomps so after 30 minutes of ingestion if you notice too much nodding you can take naltrexone and prevent possible fatal overdose which could follow in the next 30 minutes. If you take opioids by mouth it takes 60 minutes to achieve peak plasma level so the lethal overdose even in the massive overdose is not instant but builds gradually. If you sense 10 minutes after eating effects owerhelmingly more compared to normal then by putting naltrexone under your tongue you certainly can prevent it becoming lethal at time points 30-60min.

We are speaking now different scenarios yes, I understand that, but both described scenarios can be lethal. By injecting a lethal overdose you do not have time to play with naltrexone but if you eat a lethal overdose of opioids you will most certainly have time unles you take intentionally massive (grams) suicidal dose which will render you unconscious within minutes of eating. But lets say, you accidentally take 150mg of morphine (which could be lethal if not tolerance) instead of 20mg then you have not lost consciousness 10-15 minutes after eating but can notice dramatic effects which will tell you that you took a possibly lethal dose and in that kind of case you have time to put naltrexone under your tongue and it can save your life. By eating the effects will gradually rise to point 60 minutes and that time window gives opportunity to use naltrexone even in cases of possible lethal doses allthough not maybe in cases of massive (suicidal) overdoses.

You are most certainly referring to only IV route of administration and I am speaking now oral use.
this stuff is truly a wonder drug. I have noticed an interesting and unintentional side-effect of Naltrexone. I recently tried a full dose (50mg) with the intention to kill off craving for a day. 48h later I took 100mg of Tilidine and was amazed that I felt euphoria. Not that half-assed euphoria that you get when you abstain from opioids for a while, but a good portion of the old warm blanket euphoria during my newbie times came back. 200mg and I was nodding complete with that lovey-dovey rose colored glasses feeling! It took me by total surprise as I did not expect such an effect. It seems that a normal dose of Naltrexone kind of sensitizes the opioid receptors and resets them to an earlier state. For a long time I accepted the fact that as a long-term opioid user I'll never feel that euphoria again and was simply content with the occasional sedation, but this is truly a game changer. This makes it all the more impossible to achieve an opioid free life for me lol.

If anyone here has access to Naltrexone and has currently no opioid tolerance: please try it out and report here if it worked the same way it did for me. There are no reports online about such a side-effect, but I can't believe that this is a coincidence that works only for me. Just to clarify again, ULDN merely reduces tolerance but doesn't make opioids feel like in the past. It merely economizes your use. A normal dose of Naltrexone, however, seems to reset the opioid receptors of addicts to a much earlier state. While it doesn't feel like the first few times, it certainly brings back the honeymoon phase which I find amazing. Wish you Bluelighters all the best :group hug:

Further update:
the receptor reset seems to be somewhat unreliable, but not in terms of tolerance reduction (this will always happen when doing ULDN), but in terms of euphoria. For those who haven't followed this thread: back in January I accidentally found out that a normal naltrexone dose (50mg) brings back the honeymoon phase of opioids. I repeated the same procedure last sunday (of course after I tapered off), waited 72h and then took heroin again expecting that I will experience euphoria again. Unfortunately that didn't happen. I was fully sedated but I felt none of that warm, fuzzy, rose colored glasses feeling, which was extremely disappointing. So either I have done something wrong, or this method is somewhat unreliable. I will repeat the same procedure next month and report back.
I have been noticing the same thing. But I use only small dose codeine (90mg) to test my responses. I think the half-life of metabolite 6b-naltexol is so long (12) and the receptor affinity is so strong that you will really need to abstain longer time periods to get receptor site cleans. In the studies they even say that naltrexone occupies receptors even after 7 days after the dose and undoes the effects of opioids despite its apparent short halflife.

In my case, I have not used any opioids in many months but instead have been using LDN 3-6mg at evening. I used 6mg of naltexone 48h before I took 90mg of codeine and I did not felt anything. 6b-naltrexol should have been <0,5mg at time point 48h but apparently accumulated amount + that was enough to prevent effects. So I think naltrexone even at low milligram doses really occupies receptors for many days and needs a quite strong opioid to counteract that effect at least within 48h time window within its use. If you used 50mg naltrexone you still had about 3mg of it left at 48h time point and in studies they have noted it will act against opioids even past 100h timepoint. So that might explain you did not get full effects as I did not get none effects with milder opiate and lower dose of naltrexone.

I think if using mg amounts of naltrexone one needs to wait at minimum 4-7 days before getting full agonism from opioids or use strong opioids with affinity at least on same level as naltrexone which would mean at least strength of morphine.

Edit: But in my case there has to be considered also enzyme interactions which might have affected the metabolism of codeine. As I have been using many herbal products like curcuma, piperine, ashwagandha and bacopa. And some of them like piperine are enzyme inhibitors but at least I am not aware of any strong CYP2D6 inhibitor in my use so I think main reason for lack of effects is naltrexone.

Edit2: OK, it seems piperine can inhibit also CYP2D6 so maybe it can reduce the effects. Does anyone have experience with piperine and codeine?
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I think I need to clarify a few things here: I never claimed that this is a magic bullet, much less prevents addiction (the opposite actually). As I have wrote on the previous page the effects are somewhat unpredictable and if anything this "trick" worsens an opioid addiction because you have a more or less reliable reset button. This time for example I used it again and it worked. With euphoria coming back on "command", my addiction has turned into something that is truly a perennial, lifelong millstone around my neck. All hope for achieving a clean life has been destroyed. And those three days of forced abstinence for the naltrexone to do its job on my receptors feels awful because I have to put myself into a semi-comatous state with high doses of benzos to prevent the cravings from ruining the reset procedure. Or k-holing myself for the entire time, barely eating anything and being aware of anything until those three days are over. This is just how bad opioid cravings have become for me since my naltrexone experiment. I used to be able to abstain from opioids every once in a while for entire months. Now I have to substitute every day that I don't have opioids with all kinds of drugs in order to not run amok and lose my sanity. Life has turned into a countdown where I count weeks and days, switch this drug for that drug just to distract myself from the craving of another drug.

I miss the times where I just smoked an occasional joint, while playing PS2 with my sis back in the early 2000s. Life was so simple. The problem isn't the drugs (antiquity had an abundance of Opium but no records of an opioid "epidemic"), it's the shitty postmodern society that turns life into such a horrible, empty experience, that people have the need to take drugs to feel better. That is so fucked up! Destroy the community, create dysfunctional families, cut the emotional bonds between people and put them into this ridiculous invention that we call "city" where everyone is alienated from everyone, topped up with an ultra-competitive dog-eat-dog mentality, creating general mistrust among people, divide and conquer through social engineering and make them perpetually exhausted and mentally stressed by giving them a heavy dose of existential uncertainty, and boom, people wonder why drug addiction exists.
"Brain disease" my fucking ass! Drug addiction is the soul's expression to escape from a fucked up, dysfunctional society and not because "muh rewiring of da brain and neuroplastic changes bla bla look at my elite university credentials, dats da proof dat my words are true...believe da science you stupid sheep".

Sorry for the off-topic rant, but I just had one of the worst days of my life (someone very dear and close to me just died) and I just needed to vent off some of that anger and despair. My aggression isn't directed at anyone here (I apologize if that appears to be so; my communication style might appear rugged sometimes but I'm a gentle, sensitive and kind being at heart), but I just needed to get it off my chest.
I won't be responding to PMs and comments for a while after making this post. I need some time off. Time off the internet, time off work, people and everything. I'll be going to my vacation home near Grindelwald in Switzerland and remain there in seclusion for a few weeks to get my mind sorted out and mentally/emotionally regenerate myself. Maybe this is a good time to reprioritize some of the things in my life.

Ok back to topic:

NO! You don't use LDN when dependent on opioids. That WILL send you into precipitated wd and it's the most horrible body-splatter-gore-torture-experience-from-hell that you can possibly imagine. You start with dosing around 5µg (we're talking about 0.005mg here!!!) and gradually up 5µg from there in incremental doses. And most importantly: never ever go above 100µg! If ULDN has been unsucessful for you then just stop there. Trust me you don't wanna go into precipitated wd. There is absolutely nothing to stop the torture (except calling the ambulance and let them put you in a coma for the entire duration, but depending on the tolerance you might be thrashing on the ground with so much physical/mental pain that you can't even call anyone. It is best to experiment with such things while someone is present). Aside from the bodily pain (and the life threatening water loss), your mind will be traumatized by the experience. It is nothing like a normal cold turkey where it gradually builds up and then goes back down again. You experience everything at once at peak wd level at maximum intensity for several days.

Don't worry, the crap at the bottom is talcum and probably some other binding agents. The naltrexone has succesfully dissolved.

That's a completely different scenario. You have misunderstood what I was trying to convey in my original message to the user. We're talking about the dosage of opioids that is lethal for the subject, in other words, knocks you out immediately. There is no "oh shit I think I took too much and will hit the ground in a couple minutes. I better get myself some of that naltrexone
not really about this post I just don't know how to @ you. I was wondering if ULDN would still work with suboxone, since it has an opioid antagonist in naloxone? Or would trying to ULDN cheat tolerance would end horribly and put you in PAWS?
not really about this post I just don't know how to @ you. I was wondering if ULDN would still work with suboxone, since it has an opioid antagonist in naloxone? Or would trying to ULDN cheat tolerance would end horribly and put you in PAWS?
In my experience, when I used suboxone milligram doses of naltrexone would put me in acute withdrawals for a 30 minutes to couple of hours depending on a dose but not micro or nanogram doses. If I remember correctly a dose about 500ug sublingually would put me in mild withdrawals for under hour or so. It surely depends on the severity of your addiction that how low doses of naltrexone will put you in withdrawals.

Edit: But I kind of liked to induce mild withdrawals with high microdoses of naltrexone as when the withdrawals subsided you would get a new high without adding more suboxone. So in my experience it will also reduce tolerance to suboxone.
Ok so I tried everything: Memantine, DXM, Ketamine and just about any NMDA Antagonist to keep my tolerance to Opioids low but none of it worked in a satisfying and reliable way. A while ago I stumbled upon a couple very interesting scientific papers discussing the use of ultra low dose naltrexone and how it reduces tolerance to Opioids. This discovery was accidental though, because the researchers were originally looking for a way to potentiate the analgesic effects of Opioids but found out that ULDN also obliterates tolerance up to 70%!
The effective dosage seems to vary wildly in humans, ranging anywhere from 5μg to 100μg depending on your body weight, sex, metabolism, genetics and other factors. This is why you have to experiment a bit until you find out your right dose, but don't take more than 100μg, otherwise you might go into precipitated wd!!

I will describe here how you can make ULDN and take it in a way that is safe and easy to dose. I tried this out myself and I confirm that it works. I take it every evening since then, half an hour before doing Heroin and I went from 200mg (intranasal) to 70mg! PLEASE BE CAREFUL AFTER TAKING ULDN AND DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TAKE YOUR NORMAL OPIOID DOSE AS IT MIGHT LEAD TO A LETHAL OVERDOSE!!!
All right, now that I have warned you, let me show you how it's done: first you need to get your hands on a 50mg Naltrexone pill (don't buy generica from the DN, they're often fake pills sold by indian scammers). As it is not a controlled substance, it is fairly easy to get a script for it depending on where you live. Next thing you need is a 2L bottle (avoid plastic bottles for this purpose because you'll be using this Naltrexone solution for many years to come and you don't wanna ingest microplastic!). Let's do some math:

2L = 2000ml
50mg = 50,000μg
50,000μg / 2000ml = 25μg per 1ml
1ml = 20 drops
25μg / 20 drops = 1.25μg per drop

Now fill your bottle with water and add your Naltrexone pill. You don't need to pulverize it as it is easily water-soluble. Now shake the ship out of the bottle until the pill has dissolved. It takes around a minute or so. Now go and buy yourself a dropper. Upon returning, shake your bottle once more and suck up your mix in the dropper. As we have computed, each drop is 1.25μg. Start with 5μg, wait 30 minutes and then take a newbie dose of your Opioid of choice. If you feel it hasn't worked, wait a minimum of 10h until you redose!
This isn't your usual NMDA bullshit drug where you talk yourself into believing that your tolerance has been lowered. This actually works and has been scientifically proven, so be careful!!
Ok so I tried everything: Memantine, DXM, Ketamine and just about any NMDA Antagonist to keep my tolerance to Opioids low but none of it worked in a satisfying and reliable way. A while ago I stumbled upon a couple very interesting scientific papers discussing the use of ultra low dose naltrexone and how it reduces tolerance to Opioids. This discovery was accidental though, because the researchers were originally looking for a way to potentiate the analgesic effects of Opioids but found out that ULDN also obliterates tolerance up to 70%!
The effective dosage seems to vary wildly in humans, ranging anywhere from 5μg to 100μg depending on your body weight, sex, metabolism, genetics and other factors. This is why you have to experiment a bit until you find out your right dose, but don't take more than 100μg, otherwise you might go into precipitated wd!!
Ok so I tried everything: Memantine, DXM, Ketamine and just about any NMDA Antagonist to keep my tolerance to Opioids low but none of it worked in a satisfying and reliable way. A while ago I stumbled upon a couple very interesting scientific papers discussing the use of ultra low dose naltrexone and how it reduces tolerance to Opioids. This discovery was accidental though, because the researchers were originally looking for a way to potentiate the analgesic effects of Opioids but found out that ULDN also obliterates tolerance up to 70%!
The effective dosage seems to vary wildly in humans, ranging anywhere from 5μg to 100μg depending on your body weight, sex, metabolism, genetics and other factors. This is why you have to experiment a bit until you find out your right dose, but don't take more than 100μg, otherwise you might go into precipitated wd!!

I will describe here how you can make ULDN and take it in a way that is safe and easy to dose. I tried this out myself and I confirm that it works. I take it every evening since then, half an hour before doing Heroin and I went from 200mg (intranasal) to 70mg! PLEASE BE CAREFUL AFTER TAKING ULDN AND DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TAKE YOUR NORMAL OPIOID DOSE AS IT MIGHT LEAD TO A LETHAL OVERDOSE!!!
All right, now that I have warned you, let me show you how it's done: first you need to get your hands on a 50mg Naltrexone pill (don't buy generica from the DN, they're often fake pills sold by indian scammers). As it is not a controlled substance, it is fairly easy to get a script for it depending on where you live. Next thing you need is a 2L bottle (avoid plastic bottles for this purpose because you'll be using this Naltrexone solution for many years to come and you don't wanna ingest microplastic!). Let's do some math:

2L = 2000ml
50mg = 50,000μg
50,000μg / 2000ml = 25μg per 1ml
1ml = 20 drops
25μg / 20 drops = 1.25μg per drop

Now fill your bottle with water and add your Naltrexone pill. You don't need to pulverize it as it is easily water-soluble. Now shake the ship out of the bottle until the pill has dissolved. It takes around a minute or so. Now go and buy yourself a dropper. Upon returning, shake your bottle once more and suck up your mix in the dropper. As we have computed, each drop is 1.25μg. Start with 5μg, wait 30 minutes and then take a newbie dose of your Opioid of choice. If you feel it hasn't worked, wait a minimum of 10h until you redose!
This isn't your usual NMDA bullshit drug where you talk yourself into believing that your tolerance has been lowered. This actually works and has been scientifically proven, so be careful!!

I will describe here how you can make ULDN and take it in a way that is safe and easy to dose. I tried this out myself and I confirm that it works. I take it every evening since then, half an hour before doing Heroin and I went from 200mg (intranasal) to 70mg! PLEASE BE CAREFUL AFTER TAKING ULDN AND DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TAKE YOUR NORMAL OPIOID DOSE AS IT MIGHT LEAD TO A LETHAL OVERDOSE!!!
All right, now that I have warned you, let me show you how it's done: first you need to get your hands on a 50mg Naltrexone pill (don't buy generica from the DN, they're often fake pills sold by indian scammers). As it is not a controlled substance, it is fairly easy to get a script for it depending on where you live. Next thing you need is a 2L bottle (avoid plastic bottles for this purpose because you'll be using this Naltrexone solution for many years to come and you don't wanna ingest microplastic!). Let's do some math:

2L = 2000ml
50mg = 50,000μg
50,000μg / 2000ml = 25μg per 1ml
1ml = 20 drops
25μg / 20 drops = 1.25μg per drop

Now fill your bottle with water and add your Naltrexone pill. You don't need to pulverize it as it is easily water-soluble. Now shake the ship out of the bottle until the pill has dissolved. It takes around a minute or so. Now go and buy yourself a dropper. Upon returning, shake your bottle once more and suck up your mix in the dropper. As we have computed, each drop is 1.25μg. Start with 5μg, wait 30 minutes and then take a newbie dose of your Opioid of choice. If you feel it hasn't worked, wait a minimum of 10h until you redose!
This isn't your usual NMDA bullshit drug where you talk yourself into believing that your tolerance has been lowered. This actually works and has been scientifically proven, so be careful!!
I liked this idea so much that I'm getting some naltrex 50mg sent and will be trying it with my 130mg methadone that just isn't enough for me,thanks for a great post,Ken
Did we ever figure out if this works for Kratom? Someone might be interested but is worried about sending themselves into precipitated withdrawal
I'm back, but I can't reply yet to any posts. PAWS really sucks. Got no motivation to do anything and am desperately waiting for my smack. These cravings really take away all the energy I have.
how long can you go between doses of opiates? Im trying to see how long I can go between 80mg doses and trying to cut back but god damn the mental game of holding onto something your addicted to is impossible. The worst for me is waking up in the morning in cold sweats and feeling ill, until I can get a pill in me to make me feel better.
I liked this idea so much that I'm getting some naltrex 50mg sent and will be trying it with my 130mg methadone that just isn't enough for me,thanks for a great post,Ken
Pls let me know if it worked for you. The reason I created this thread is to help fellow addicts cut down on their use, enjoy it and be in a better position financially.

how long can you go between doses of opiates?
Longer than usual. I have found that cravings are directly correlated with the tolerance to opioids. The higher the tolerance, the harder it is to wait. Prior to ULDN I had to use once in the morning and once in the evening. Since then however I only use once in the evening when home from work.
Pls let me know if it worked for you. The reason I created this thread is to help fellow addicts cut down on their use, enjoy it and be in a better position financially.

Longer than usual. I have found that cravings are directly correlated with the tolerance to opioids. The higher the tolerance, the harder it is to wait. Prior to ULDN I had to use once in the morning and once in the evening. Since then however I only use once in the evening when home from work.
I woke uo at 1am and took 16mg of hydromorhine orally... figured that would help, woke up at 2:30 sweaty withdrawal etc, took a shot of kratom extract, tryin to not take oxy... woke up at 4:30am ready to puke from withdrawals and I immediately take 60mg oxy and 2mg xanax, puke it up unfortunately
then zofron and the same dose again and I felt better in 30 minutes. Imm so fucking confused as sometimes I can go 72 hours with kratom and have no withdrawals or some shit like last night happens....
I woke uo at 1am and took 16mg of hydromorhine orally... figured that would help, woke up at 2:30 sweaty withdrawal etc, took a shot of kratom extract, tryin to not take oxy... woke up at 4:30am ready to puke from withdrawals and I immediately take 60mg oxy and 2mg xanax, puke it up unfortunately
then zofron and the same dose again and I felt better in 30 minutes. Imm so fucking confused as sometimes I can go 72 hours with kratom and have no withdrawals or some shit like last night happens....
I believe you would tremendously benefit from ULDN. Start with 5µg.
how would that help? would that throw me into worse withdrawals
Naltrexone in microdosages upregulates your opioid receptors in a way that actually lessens the impact of your withdrawal. It sounds paradoxical but that is how it works. I discovered this accidentally a few weeks ago when I ran out of heroin.
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Here is an excellent study by the biochemist Jonathan Ott who found out that ULDN can effectively prevent or lessen the impact of wds.

I personally vouch for the validity of his claims, because while I was in switzerland I ran out of dope and was mentally preparing myself to go through hell for the next couple days, but surprisingly I felt just very mild symptoms for 24h and then went into PAWS until today. This can only be due to my daily ULDN consumption and the constant upregulation of my opioid receptors.

>>Two psychonautic bioassays (self-experiments) in stepwise and abrupt cessation of long-term daily oral ingestion habits of 800 mg of codeine phosphate are presented. Concomitant administration of minute doses (about 0.5 mcg) of the opioid antagonist naltrexone with each dose of codeine was found in both cases to obviate the expected opioid withdrawal syndrome, resulting in asymptomatic and uneventful transitions from physical opioid dependency states to exogenous opioid-free metabolism. These experiments are analyzed in the context of a conjectured, rapid, iterative reduction and complete elimination of opioid tolerance, once acquired. It was found that coadministration of naltrexone with codeine phosphate obviated the development of both tolerance and physical dependency over several months of four daily oral doses of 200 mg, allowing abrupt ("cold turkey"), asymptomatic and uneventful withdrawal. This points the way to the biochemical substrate of opioid tolerance itself, and shows that this can easily and inexpensively be blocked, even over months of iterative oral administration of substantial doses of opioid analgesics. Finally, it suggests the opioid withdrawal syndrome is directly related to the physiology of opioid tolerance, and can be prevented by blocking tolerance itself. Even when tolerance has been acquired, this can be reduced stepwise over a matter of days, with no symptoms of opioid withdrawal syndrome.<<

My wd didn't completely disappear, but they were lessened by like 80 - 90%. It was like a bad case of flu and felt like a walk in the park. No uncontrollable panic attacks, no vomiting, shitting all over the place, no nightmares (you'll have insomnia though). Unfortunately you will still end up with PAWS as I experienced.
This substance is truly a wonder drug guys. I can't explain how thankful I am to have discovered all the off-label uses that naltrexone has for an opioid addict. I mean think about it: reduction of tolerance, obviation of cold turkey, the potential to resensitize the receptors to feel euphoria again. What more does a junky's heart want? Forget about Pregabalin guys and get yourself a naltrexone script!
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Naltrexone in microdosages upregulates your opioid receptors in a way that actually lessens the impact of your withdrawal. It sounds paradoxical but that is how it works.
AMAZING I have subs but not nalxton, but I do have the nasal spray and vials for IM injection go narcan
This can only be due to my daily ULDN consumption and the constant upregulation of my opioid receptor
tell me more on how you dose this out and what your daily times are etc... ill def give this a try, you germans have a chemistry background that is unmatched by any other nation