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Trying to kick mild opiate habit - what helps?

What was it?

Sep 4, 2010
Updated from 2011, it's now Dec 2015 and I am kicking a 2 month run on Hydromorphone, Morphine, Oxycodone, and Diamorphine

TOP THINGS AT A GLANCE: Ibuprofen, Loperamide (Immodium), Pregabalin (Lyrica), Clonidine (Catapres), benzodiazepines (especially of the anxiolitic kind such as diazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam and lorazepam), water, hot baths, any exercise/movement, SMART recovery meetings;

1. magnesium tablets
2. tonic water
3. electrolyte drinks
4. Multi V
5. L-Tryptophan
6. L-Tyrosine
7. NSAIDS - Ibuprofen or Naproxen Sodium preferred
8. 5-HTP
9. Plenty of water
10. fish oil
11. ginger tea
12. bananas
13. immodium
14. sex
15. exercise
16. taking a holiday at a retreat or short rehab
17. shopping
18. hot showers
19.Smart Recovery meeting run by Drug Arm (these are excellent and they use a variety of techniques including CBT)
20. NA meetings (and working a full program such as having a sponsor,doing service, step work, reading, etc)
21, drug counselling
22. talking to friends
23. massages
24. hot baths
25. If able to access and if really necessary, clonidine, pregabalin or gabapentin also help (instead of benzos) - EDIT 2015, along with immodium, Lyrica (pregabalin) is the best withdrawal aid for me
26. some people advocate anti-histamines but they make me feel worse and the next day drowsiness is unpleasant as compared to benzos
27. sauna (only for mild withdrawals where blood pressure isn't too high)
28. smiling and laughing: comedys, friends, socializing.
29. Probiotics for your gut
30. sleep 7.5 - 9 hours where possible
31. sun exposure (Vitamin D)
32. nutrition: nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit, lean meat (avoid junk food, sweets and dairy)
33. Avoid caffeine at all cost as it's a hindrance to recovery and worsens anxiety, B-vitamins should also be avoided as early in recovery they can increase anxiety, too
34. Korean ginseng can help against lethargy after day 3 when there are no blood pressure issues
35. swimming, cycling, walking, yoga and meditation
36. if alcohol, kava or benzodiazepines are utilized, ideally in small amounts and only for a few days to maximum 2 weeks
37. for those inclined maintenance or a quick taper on Subutex/suboxone or methadone
38. Melatonin

edit 2015: for PAWS some of these things that always help me:

For lack of motivation, anhedonia and lethargy:
- Lyrica (pregabalin)
- on really really bad days pharmaceutical dexamphetamine (better than modafinil or methylphenidate aka Ritalin', then there is another newer one available here in Oz, Vyvanse) if one is willing to take it and isn't trying to be completely abstinent from addictive substances
- any form of exercise (running, weights and yoga)
For anxiety:
- again Lyrica (pregabalin) - What a wonder medicine!!! :)
- light usage of benzos
- kava kava
- chamomille tea
- meditation
- any form of exercise (running, weights, yoga)
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The psychological cravings are the worst. I needed to see a clinical psychologist to deal with it when it was a major problem, and even now the cravings are still there.

At this point it comes down to will power and all the strategies you are already implementing. You are doing everything right; you just need to maintain that willpower to get through the worst of the cravings and then things will get better. I'm not saying that you will wake up and have no desire to use... it quite possibly may always be there. But if you can find something else in your life to pour yourself into, to feel passionate about... then things will get better comrade.

Good luck. I think you are doing well so are. :)

Feel free to talk on here for support, we'd all like to help you through this and many of us have been through similar situations.
Have you checked out The Dark Side? You probably already know, but it's full of people in similar situations and really nice helpful people to talk to and get help/ideas.

Or I guess you could settle for Mr Blonde ;)

Good luck!
^ Ha ha, don't just settle for me (or AusDD as I meant), but do indeed check out The Dark Side (Of The Moon, great album). There is a lot of support and people in similar situations over there. :)
For me the biggest help is finding something to replace the times when you feel like using. On your list 14 - 23 are really good replacements. Especially exercise, which is nature's antidepressant!

You need to give yourself time and understand that when you feel like using it's your brain doing what you've trained it to do and consciously realise you will need to retrain it. The brain has a great capability for elasticity and over time things will get easier. A psychologist will be able to help with this. I found CBT helpful and reading books about the subject useful.

Ultimately YOU are in control of your thoughts. Don't just surrender to past habits and let addictive thinking rule your actions. You do have the power to change your thinking.

Also make sure you stay away from triggering people, places and situations.

All the best on your journey to opiate sobriety. :)
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Have you tried meditation or other mindfulness techniques? I've found these very helpful. Mindfulness involves observing the present without judgement, and observing feelings (like cravings, for instance) but not doing any more than observing them, not trying to get rid of them or change them in any way. Sometimes a lot of the bad parts about cravings are the judgements that come along with them, and especially, worrying about the future or becoming depressed or guilty about the past. By bringing your awareness only to the present moment, the cravings (or any other bad feeling) can lose their power and become less threatening, as you realise they're a momentary feeling, and just another aspect of your consciousness, no worse or better than any other part, just different.

Mindfulness also helps with stress and anxiety, and just happiness in general. I really can't encourage enough learning some mindfulness meditation techniques, it's probably been the most important tool for me in improving my mental state and dealing with addiction.
i have never been an addict so to speak because my use is infrequent but if i am fiending i find the best thing is to go for a surf or a skate, just totally clears your mind (especially surfing) and makes you feel good.
That's great advice footscrazy.

It actually reminds me of some research I read about Ibogaine and Ayuhausca being used to help cure opiate addiction.
Also what you said about past and future judgement making the cravings worse, this reminds me of what I learned in media studies about things gaining emotional influence with stronger contextual relations.

The mind is incredibly powerful and can run away with you, when going through difficult situations, it makes sense to try and conquer the mind first and foremost.
If you can get some valium that definitely helps. wake up feeling like death.... shower.... exercise (bike or something to get a sweat up)... shower.... 10mg+ valium.... lay in the hot baking sun for a bit.

Youll feel a million bucks.

Then have another valium to sleep. Definitely helps with that horrid waking up feeling like you dont think you could ever get out of bed again.
If you can get some valium that definitely helps. wake up feeling like death.... shower.... exercise (bike or something to get a sweat up)... shower.... 10mg+ valium.... lay in the hot baking sun for a bit.

Youll feel a million bucks.

Then have another valium to sleep. Definitely helps with that horrid waking up feeling like you dont think you could ever get out of bed again.

Not to smash on people like I often laugh about on forums, but did you read what he said? He's trying not to take benzo's, which Im surprised about, but give lots of props to you for that. It will serve for a better mindstate coming out of an addiction. Also, I think it's IMPOSSIBLE to feel like a million bucks, no matter what, when you're kicking an opiate habit, but, of course, that fix.

The mindfulness technique is a really great suggestion. Me personally, I'm taking Subutex. After so many failed attempts to get clean, I decided with this crutch it has helped me more than anything. I can live my every day life without the horrid lifestyle that I had as a junkie, but still "satisfy" (to some extent) my opiate desire and work on getting better. I've heard about the Ayuhausca for getting clean. I've tried it twice, and threw up too early both times back when I had a weaker stomach. What do you think of it, Tangerin0? Is it supposed to help by bringing forth some sort of revelation?

Anyways, being around people who use are a big issue. I had a big problem with that in the past, but people really do influence actions, especially when you're craving a drug and it's right in front of your face. I'd suggest just staying hydrated, taking ibuprofen, and getting rest while you're actually kicking it. Stay positive. If the problem persists, there's Kratom, which is a natural herb which helps deal with opiate addiciton. I actually plan on using that when I eventually stop using Subutex if it's too hard (I know, I know). Anyways,, I'd like to thank you guys for recommending The Dark Side, I actually didn't know about that part of bluelight. I've been reading your forums for years, and always loved it, and had an account, but I decided tonight I would like to fully join the community by discussing with you guys on the forums. Sorry for the long post btw...
Have you tried meditation or other mindfulness techniques? I've found these very helpful. .

Yeah I've found the mindfulness thing the most helpful out of all the different 'techniques'. Brilliant advice footscrazy. To the OP - go look up some information on mindfulness for sure.

OP - sounds like you have a really good head on your shoulders :) seems like you're trying most the things people would normally recommend.

Just keep reminding yourself why you're coming off the opiates, write it down in big letters somewhere you can see it - the reasons why. It'll be better soon I promise!

How would you feel about seeing a D&A counsellor? I had a really really awesome one years ago, she was very helpful. Maybe that extra bit of support is what you need?
i came off a daily heroin use about 3 weeks ago. and ran smack bang to the most fucked up virus I've ever had. virus worse then withdrawals.

but all i can say is taper down. don't go cold turkey. Stay busy. keep busy. distract yourself. ride the pain and let it teach you to avoid using so much (as I have learnt).
But if you can find something else in your life to pour yourself into, to feel passionate about... then things will get better comrade.

Thanks, really appreciate the support from everybody.Really overwhelmed positively.

Have you tried meditation or other mindfulness techniques?

Not as yet, but it does really seem promising - taking something and looking it from a distance objectively. Will definitely do more reading into this one. Might be another good circuit breaker when the psychological cravings kick in.

Then have another valium to sleep. Definitely helps with that horrid waking up feeling like you dont think you could ever get out of bed again
As an addict you can imagine I'd love to take a benzo to make it easier but I have gone through a withdrawal in April and it was the worst thing in my life. Trying to never go back there again. The cognitive impairments from benzos are alos just not acceptable. I have alprazolam on hand if it really gets tough. I however agree though that if benzos are used at all diazepam is probably the best choice. On another note, benzos decrease my inhibitions, just like alcohol and thus increasing the propensity for me to just stick some Oxy in my nose. That's probably the main reason I don't want to use them.

OP - sounds like you have a really good head on your shoulders

Thanks dude - can't be that smart though otherwise I wouldn't have gotten myself into this mess :)

How would you feel about seeing a D&A counsellor? I had a really really awesome one years ago, she was very helpful. Maybe that extra bit of support is what you need?

Definitely interested - just not sure how to go about finding a good one though. As with anything else I am sure it is hit and miss.
I find it really hard to taper (unlike with benzos)....once the first 10mgs is in my nose it usually just keeps on going....minimum 40-70mgs of Oxy, same thing with the Hydromorphone :(
Ahh my bad. Sorry missed that info in the OP. Well Id still say give valium a go.... its a much better solution that alpraz for easing your way out of an opiate addiction and you arent gonna come out with a hardcore val dependency at the end of it (which you most surely would if you were using alpraz for the same purpose).

Anyway... from personal experience I found diazepam was such a life saver that I will never attempt to get off opiated cold turkey without it again. I once tried using dexamp and videogames.... so Id get up, shower, feel like ass.... grab a coffee and have maybe 15-20mg dex while playing a huge open world RPG while simultaneously listening to podcasts. Id do that all day then get all emotional/depressed at night.... then watch Gantz (an anime series... and I RARELY watch anime!) at night with a drink or two then knock myself out with restavit to sleep.

Seemed to work ok because I had so many sources of stimulation that I didnt have time to dwell on it or do anything stupid (like run down the chem.... my thing was codeine and at the time I was still trying to get off it after the splittable n+ disappeared). Did awesome for about a week, then the first Bioshock came out and I was back off the wagon.

Anyway..... since then Ive successfully used diazepam and I remember 3 or 4 days passing and I got through it easy as piss. The properties of diaz versus stuff like alpraz regarding halflife etc make it a really great option.

Anyway.... good luck man. You can do it.... its really not that hard when you put your mind to it. I was always amazed every morning that no matter how ghastly I first felt upon waking in the morning, the revitalising effect of having a shower, getting dressed and sitting in the sun having a coffee was so brilliant.
^ I dunno though, I think xanax - valium is much of a muchness, and if he wants to avoid benzos it's prob not something he wants to investigate.

I know it's not the same, but I feel the comparison of xanax to valium would be kind of similar to someone suggesting I did dexies while quitting my meth addiction. At that time I needed to not feel anything even remotely similar to my addiction, as getting the hint of it seems to ignite those cravings. Once an addict brain feels something even slightly similar, in my experience at least, the addict part goes nuts, and it's far harder to ingore. I know What was it? said his addiction was to opies, but if he wants to avoid benzos, there's prob a reason for that.
I used to be addicted to few different opiates mainly Oxy's and Hydromorphone. Was getting out of control and decided to stop. I tried to cut back down limiting my usage or replacing it with something. At first I lowered the dosages few times then once that happened I quit taking them and started suboxone without increasing the amount just to help with WD's then decreasing it gradually. Replaced the Suboxone with Codeine (always have been using Codeine) so tapered off that too.

Had alot of other WD's especially when I stopped benzos too. Couldnt sleep or have any appetite so started to smoke weed and eventually Vaporize. Im glad I managed to kick my Opiate habit (Apart from the Codeine) but the only problem is I became a pothead pretty much. I am working on quitting Codeine and replacing it with Kava Kava. Pretty sure at one stage I will be doing the same thing for weed.