Treatment Services (including 12-step) Helplines & Meds info - Please Add To Our List

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Hi guys, I have a slightly, less-than-usual request regarding treatment services...

About me. I'm 25 year old male, studying pharmaceutical chemistry at uni, in Newcastle, Australia; and I use a *lot* of drugs.

I have always known there is something not right about me. Prob got a lot to do with a less than ideal childhood (not trying to make excuses, just reasoning it).

Anyway, people have always commented on my apparent enjoyment of whatever mental illness I have, and after 15 years of it, I think its about time to actually speak to someone about it.

Now here is the tricky part. I don't necessarily want to be 'cured' per se, or even necessarily change my behaviour. What I want, is a mental blueprint. I would like to know whats going on upstairs. Maybe this is not so uncommon, and everyone feels this way, but in the past few weeks, I have just had an emotional, mental and academic drive to understand why I am like I am.

Now I know if I use the councillor at uni, they will immediately say "Oh just stop using drugs and focus on uni."

Drug and alcohol councillors around here, from my friends experiences, tend to go one of two ways. If you're rich, they put you in a treatment facility. If you are poor, they give you pamphlets and are not interested.

And all the psychologists I could find in the area don't touch issues that coincide with substance (ab)use.

I'm kind of at a dead end, and any info someone could help me with to get in touch with:

  1. Non-judgemental personality
  2. A non-scolastic agenda
  3. "Drug friendly" (at least not check their wallet is still there)
  4. A professional ability to break through my bullshit

I know I may be asking for the moon; but I need to give this a go.

I never thought I would be doing this, since I was always the one who was smart with his drugs, and mind.... maybe this is being careful.

Anyway, enough rambling. Hope to hear from someone.....


UPDATE: I found a great psychiatrist through my very understanding to my situation; patient to my mania, and if I may be so crass, - rather cute - GP.
The psych is a Harm Reductionist, very well respected with his success with people of my... particular brand of crazy.... And the phrase "Drugs are bad, m'kay?" is not in his repertoire of remedies. I will update in an appropriate thread as I develop an better understanding of the M. C. Escheresque blueprint of my Id, Ego and Superego.
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Canadian law obliges police, EMS, fire and members of the reserve, regular or special force to provide aid to anyone in an immanent sort of manner. (think OD or car accident) with the last 3 having no excuse to shirk it due to danger. They must aid anyone at any peril regardless of being on duty on not. (if you a troop in Canada ignore someone needing help, see if you can read the name, PM me and I'll make sure he's educated on it)

always someone to turn to if suffering bad/in danger.

and GTA/toronto, can always get in contact with myself for ear, advice, or care that you want off the records. 24/7, free, no judgment.
has alot of links to support groups, hospitals and just general help with mental health or physical health conditions in Northwest Washington.
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