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top 10 drugs


Chlormethiazole/brominated analog thereof

Dipropionylmorphine, or better yet, real homegrown opium, reduced to a white, crystalline, guaranteed cut-free concentrate, the codeine stripped out to render it suitable for IV, then hit with a bit of propionyl chloride and base. Hits like a freight train and lasts a long, long fucking time. Its what the very best heroin WISHES it could be, and hates itself for not being. Beats the shit out of H made from pharm morphine sulfate, uncut, straight from acetylation and workup to veins.

Diethyl or diisopropyl ether. (I'm on a mixture of the two right now actually, have been at it since about 6-am yesterday morning, and am absolutely shitfaced ratarsed beyond words on thoseand poppyseed tea. Fuck knows how I can show myself to the docs surgery to pick up my scripts, but do so I must haha=D) Can barely walk, and the entire house stinks of EtOEt/DIPE from distilling the two of them using ye olde trick of concentrated sulfuric acid dehydration of the alcohols. *highly flammable burp*=D

Barbital (5,5-diethylbarbiturate, veronal)


3-fluorophenmetrazine via IV.

Fly agaric tea.

MXE-christ, that shit is TOO good. When one can shoot 20g in a week, and be left straining at the leash for more still its too fucking well good dammit!

DMT! I don't rate ayahuasca too well though, it reminds me of psilocin too much and pisses everything good and special about DMT down the shitter.


how is sevoflurane on this list? thst stuff is just proper anesthesia.... just curious.

mxe (and dissasociatives in general) may take a little time to get under your skin. i know i didnt love them at all at first, and ket was jsut a plain curiosity at first. then tried mxe a few times and got a taste for them. if anything, mxe is closer to a psychedelic than it is to ket, but that may be just my experience.
Wow limpet, if nothing else you definitely have the most interesting list I've seen yet. A tank of nitrous to yourself sounds like absolute bliss :D
At the moment, the doctor has prescribed Tylenol, ibuprofen and Nimesulide.
That's what I'm taking for pain these days, and it's working.
Strange, because if he didn't know about my medical records he'd have prescribed oxy or dilaudid.
Top 10 of the most influential drugs :

1. Rodhiola Rosea :)p)

2. Green Tea

3. Kratom

4. Weed

5. Amphetamine

6. 3-FA

7. 3-MeO-PCP

8. DPT

9. 2c-c

10. 4-HO-MET

Synthetic only :

1. Amphetamine

2. 3-FA

3. 3-MeO-PCP

4. DPT

5. 2c-c

6. 4-HO-MET

7. 2c-e

8. 2-FA

9. DiPT

10. MDPV

Most disappointing drugs :

1. some weak pyrrolidine-derivate I forgot the name of

2. Ethylphenidate

3. 3-FPM

Weed doesn't count as a drug cause it's just a habit like cigarettes.
Coke ain't no drug either for being cut to shite everywhere.
Nowadays the weed is so strong, that I would indeed count it as a drug. But I'm not a frequent smoker. I agree Coke is not a drug, it is a status symbol. :D
  1. Meth
  2. Meth
  3. Meth
  4. Meth
  5. Meth
  6. Meth
  7. Meth
  8. Heroin
  9. Diazepam/Nitrazepam/anythingapam
  10. Ketamine
1. LSD
2. DMT
3. Mushrooms
5. Cannabis
9. Oxycodone
10. Diazepam

Alcohol would also be in there somewhere as well.

Correcting my list slightly as i know longer smoke weed and FUBAR is just too dangerous to mess with
1. LSD - The greatest chemical ever invented in my opinion. The situation for LSD has never been better in my lifetime. 99.5% pure crystal and blotters laid from said crystal are available if you know where to look and i cant see any of the new lysergimides comparing to that.
2. DMT - The greatest chemical nature ever invented. There is nothing like DMT. Period.
3. Mushrooms - Such an amazing gift from nature. So many good times had and so beneficial in so many ways not to mention its free!
4. Cocaine - I love good cocaine. It makes me feel awesome, doesn't last too long so sessions can be timed to get a good nights sleep. Just too expensive
5. MDMA - An amazing substance. I abused the fuck out of it for many years but the last time i had pills the magic was still there.
6. Alcohol - I love my wine.It's a passion. I love the flavour, the smell, the unique qualities of each wine. Combines well with coke and meth too.
7. Crystal Methamphetamine - The only chemical that almost got its teeth into me. But i love the feeling whether IV or smoked and even oral. It's functional, great for sex and a little bit goes a long way. Not a fan of the neurotoxicity but at may age i can live with the occassional use. I only use orally in oz but smoke it in Thailand. Debauchery in a crystal
8.Oxycodone - heroin never agreed with me but oxy does. I normally just take as prescribed when my back plays up but occassionaly use it recreationally. I love the stimulated warm fuzzy feeling it gives. A very occassional dabble with this one. It's always in the cupboard but i rarely touch it.
9. Diazepam - great for my anxiety flare ups, coke come downs and winding down with a few wines after a stressful day at work. I get no euphoria from it but it's fantastic for my anxiety when its really bad and great with a few wines to chill out. Again a drug i am careful with my use. I get it prescribed and make sure i dont use every day unless I am in the middle of an anxiety hole. Another drug that is always in the cupboard.
10. Dexamphetamine - i used to be prescribed this. It was great for concentration and produced a smooth speedy comedown. I have thought about getting represcribed if i return to uni next year.

If i still smoked cannabis would be #1 no doubt. 28 years of very heavy use, all day every day and still functioned at a high (pardon the pun ) level, held down great jobs and found it great to work on. I guess it settled my ADHD down. I prefer organic outdoor sativa weed or bubble hash made from sativa. Towards the end of my smoking days i pretty much only smoked bubble hash or the occassional batch of fresh manali charas friends would manage to bring back from India. The best weed I ever smoked was Nevilles Haze or The Original Haze. Those strains when grown outdoors in the right climate are something else. Trippy laughing gas. 16 - 20 week flowering times make these magic strains hard to find though.
I'm really surprised nitrous oxide made it on a few people's lists. We give entanox (nitrous oxide and oxygen) all the time but after experiencing it myself after a car accident a while back I now feel a bit of a fraud for telling people it will help with their pain.

I found it utterly useless. Did nothing to help pain and didn't have any psychoactive effect whatsoever on me. I'm aware that it's effects vary from person to person but still seems fairly useless to me.

I dont really have any favourite drug to be honest. I dont really use any illegals and my problems with managing prescription opiates have caused me so much distress over the years that any pleasure gained from them is more than negated by the misery that dependency causes.

The only drugs I use daily are nicotine and caffeine and this is more from habit than any great love for them.

If pizza was classed as a drug then that would be a whole different argument.......
I'm really surprised nitrous oxide made it on a few people's lists. We give entanox (nitrous oxide and oxygen) all the time but after experiencing it myself after a car accident a while back I now feel a bit of a fraud for telling people it will help with their pain.

I've been given entanox a couple of times in medical settings and find it useful if not amazing. I did find it helped me to feel more focussed and less out of it whilst also providing a gently relaxed sensation which although nothing mindblowing is definitely better than nothing at all. For anything that requires more than the equivalent of the first dig of the day to a junky (ie the one that just about gets you functional enough to get out the door and begin yet another day of slog and shite in the hope that you may at some point manage to get over the line into actually enjoying something). Perhaps an odd analogy but I know what I mean... I think.

Pure nitrous, on t'other hand, is the tits. Admittedly it's all over in a couple of minutes but most people generally don't stop at the one. Really shines when combined with psyches (and ideally MDMA as well). I doubt I'd bother using it on its own but as a kicker it's hard to beat.
Pure nitrous, on t'other hand, is the tits. Admittedly it's all over in a couple of minutes but most people generally don't stop at the one. Really shines when combined with psyches (and ideally MDMA as well). I doubt I'd bother using it on its own but as a kicker it's hard to beat.

Yeah but entanox is just 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen from a demand valve (i.e. half as strong as pure nitrous but from a demand valve your dose can be whatever you want It to be).

Its hard to see how this can be so vastly different from 100% nitrous. In any case the oxygen is added as it's supposed to boost the effectiveness of the NO2. (as well as to prevent you from passing out from forgetting to breath actual air while on it :))

Incidentally I was reading a story the other day about a paramedic who got the sack from I think it was West Midlands Ambulance Service for being found sparko in the back of the vehicle with a pile of empty entanox cylinders beside her.

Your think being a paramedic she would have just gone all out and caned the ketamine and morphine instead....

After all the sack is the sack. Might as well to for broke :)
Yeah but entanox is just 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen from a demand valve (i.e. half as strong as pure nitrous but from a demand valve your dose can be whatever you want It to be).

Its hard to see how this can be so vastly different from 100% nitrous. In any case the oxygen is added as it's supposed to boost the effectiveness of the NO2. (as well as to prevent you from passing out from forgetting to breath actual air while on it :))

Incidentally I was reading a story the other day about a paramedic who got the sack from I think it was West Midlands Ambulance Service for being found sparko in the back of the vehicle with a pile of empty entanox cylinders beside her.

Your think being a paramedic she would have just gone all out and caned the ketamine and morphine instead....

After all the sack is the sack. Might as well to for broke :)

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