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top 10 drugs

In order of importance for me.

1. Testosterone
2. Exemestane (for obvious reasons)
3. Adderall XR
4. Benzodiazepines (specifically klonopin)
5. LSD/psilocybin (maybe once a year but it was very important for me at one time)
6. Alcohol (lowered inhibitions, and it's fun for me, although I also hate this one because I believe we can come out with something similar with less side effects/tolerance build up/withdraws)
7. Marijuana (nice once a week or so, once tolerance builds it has little positive effect for me)
8. Trenbolone (so much love)
9. Proviron (dht drug)
10. Ambien (not needed but enjoyable)

No opiates for me, although I do find them one of the most enjoyable drugs. The comedown, depression, CONSTIPATION, and irritability when I can't get them leads me to almost hate the shit.
1. cannabis as the number one all rounder for relaxing & listening to music
2. alcohol as a trusty social lubricant for <insert any event/situation here> lolz, (although i hate the fact that i find myself using it as a crutch a lot of the time and how it is so ingrained in nearly every occasion in the society i live in, but on the flip side do absolutely love a glass of nice wine or two with a meal or just chilling watching a movie)
3. xanax for alleviating anxiety symptoms should they arise (not sure if this can be counted here though)
4. although i dont take them anymore i had a lot of life changing experiences with psychedelics so can't leave a post here without giving them their dues
5. same applies to mdma really, had some of the best experiences of my life in the early stages of use - dont however have the capacity to endure the after effects of it anymore - maybe once a year or something although could easily never take it again and wouldnt miss it... i've had my fun...
1. Mushrooms
2. LSD
4. Kratom
5. Mescaline
6. 2C-B
7. MXE
8. 4 aco dmt
10. Hash
Not sure I can make a top ten list but I'll try.

1. LSD
2. Alcohol
3. Mephedrone
5. Mushrooms
6. DMT
7. Cocaine
8. Dextroamphetamine
9. 2CB
10. Tobacco

It seems I can :)
Thought I'd take a break from procrastinating with typing speed games to procrastinating by fantasising about lovely drooogz. Found this harder to do than I expected, because my tastes have changed quite a bit over the years. I decided to stick with things that I currently use (or would if they were available). Also, there were a couple of things I really wanted to include but didn't on the basis I have only used a handful of times, namely; 3-meo-PCP, 4-aco-DMT, 4-ho-MET and 5-meo-DMT. There are also drugs that I wanted to include because they're the fucking tits, but didn't because I no longer use them: clonazolam (my favourite benzo, I avoid benzos wherever possible these days), methamphetamine (god I loved how meth made me feel despite being more of a downer person, but every run I've had has ended up in disaster in one way or another, so I've sworn off it for now).

Without any further adoooo...

1) MXE - had some disaster trips with this one due to being reckless but all in all its the drug that hasa given me the best all round feels (an emotional dissociative!) with some incredible/unexplainable trips that simply redefine the boundries of what you believed reality to be at the higher end of the spectrum (and believe me when I say I've REALLY pushed this one to the limits.) It is only one of a small handful of drugs that seem to redefine the boundaries of consciousness in a way that could almost be described as "magic". (DMT is another example of this,)
2) DMT - this one had a hard reputation to live up to, and it smashed it.... fascinating stuff, beautifully visual, spiritual experiences and it feels so wholesome :D
3) heroin - because I'm a hedonist and it feels fucking noice, defs my fav opioid
4) ketamine - great mixer (with psyches and empathogens) for incredible experiences, great antidepressant feel - it just makes me really happy :)

CBA writing explanations for the rest, they all go something along the lines of "because its fucking tits thats why"

5) LSD
6) weed/hash
8) mephedrone
9) cocaine
10) alcohol

All added to solution and plugged simultaneously of course.

honourable mentions: 2c-b, nitrous, ephenidine.

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A big fan of MXE Kate i see. Never tried it but after my experience with ketamine i am guessing i would not like that one. I dont think dissasociatives are for me. Everyone who has had it seems to prefer it to K though. Why is that?
A big fan of MXE Kate i see. Never tried it but after my experience with ketamine i am guessing i would not like that one. I dont think dissasociatives are for me. Everyone who has had it seems to prefer it to K though. Why is that?

I think I can cover this one for you...

I've done a fair bit of both, along with a variety of other dissociatives, and I'd say ket and MXE are actually pretty different. The similarities are there with them both being NMDA antagonists and all, but all things considered there are as many (or more) differences than similarities.

I love ketamine, but comparatively it has a bit of a clinical feel - very anasthetic, wrecks your coordination, is very cognitively unfunctional; can sometimes kind of feel like someones whacked a basketball off your head and you're reeling from the shock - but an extremely extended version of that. By comparison, although MXE does have some of these traits to some degree they are a lot less characteristic of the drug.

I'd almost go as far as to say ket is to MXE as amphetamine is to MDMA/mephedrone in the stimulant and monamine releaser type of drug category. Ket is very good at dissociating, but MXE is also an enjoyable dissciative experience with lots of added bells and whistles that make it more exciting. It is more stimulating, and in conjunction with the excellent music appreciation it gives (compared to ket which sometimes makes music sound bland and worse even) makes it the best dance drug IMO, better than MDMA. It is very versatile though, and lower doses also go very well with watching films and appreciating art of all varieties. At these doses, it isn't hard to follow what is going on around you in the way ket can sometimes be.

In higher doses, and in regards to the trippy side of things, MXE is a much more colourful, visually interesting substance than K is. At high sub-hole doses (i.e. not OBE experiences), I have often had experiences that have felt like a spiritual orgasm, kind of like the "profound" button in the brain is getting pushed very hard and it can feel very magical and give the illusion that supernatural and extraordinary things are happening. The way it changes your thought pattern makes it the ultimate substance for philosophical musings and abstract thought. It also sometimes produces this strange feeling of "love", this isn't a consistent effect but when it does the best way I can describe it is heaven on earth.

I can also hole on it very easily, unlike ketamine. The holes are multitudinous in their variety and can take many forms, but they are always interesting and full on OBE. Often more classically psychedelic than the k hole, although they truly are a beast of their own. I'd say it rivals DMT in terms of interesting OBE potential, although DMT is much more consistent at producing this type of jaw dropping, "can't believe this is possible"-ness.

The antidepressant afterglow is also a lot stronger and longer lasting than k. I often felt so good on the days after that it was like being on another strong euphoric drug.

Generally, MXE is more euphoric, empathetic, social, psychedelic, magical..... you get the gist. Unfortunately it seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth at the moment, but if you ever get the chance to try it, leap on it. (Also, it takes a few trials before you start to appreciate the magic. It is one of these psychedelic(y) drugs that become more interesting the deeper you go.

MXE is by far the substance that has amazed me the most, and I've probably tried around 60 or more. It does have certain risks that aren't present with ketamine so obviously treat it with caution and respect. I know I don't need to tell someone with your knowledge and experience that, but for HR purposes it should be mentioned.

MXE is love, MXE is life


EDIT: I know you are a fan of your DMT, MXE can be similarly profound and jaw dropping, albeit different way that seems somehow less wholesome. It is also incredibly fun and a bit hedonistic. Imagine a drug that kind of merges DMT and methamphetamine.... not as in it feels like a combo of those two (shudder at the thought of that), but it is an exceptionally successful combination of the two ideals. Obviously not nearly as hard on you as meth, that was not the purpose of the analogy.
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A big fan of MXE Kate i see. Never tried it but after my experience with ketamine i am guessing i would not like that one. I dont think dissasociatives are for me. Everyone who has had it seems to prefer it to K though. Why is that?

I think I can cover this one for you...

Eh, thanks for covering this one for me...:\

I'll post later consumer. It would be good to have a chat with you about this. Mxe is an interesting and enlightening drug. :)
A big fan of MXE Kate i see. Never tried it but after my experience with ketamine i am guessing i would not like that one. I dont think dissasociatives are for me. Everyone who has had it seems to prefer it to K though. Why is that?

what do disassociates make you feel or think? I am just curious about how does that make you think.
I have had one memorable experience during my tee years and I don't think that all doctors acted according.
what do disassociates make you feel or think? I am just curious about how does that make you think.
I have had one memorable experience during my tee years and I don't think that all doctors acted according.
My sole experience with ketamine was i was given a capsule of pharm grade k from my acid connection who was a big fan of k. He said devide capsule in halves and snort. I did this and was thrust into a very cold and dark trippy state i did not enjoy. I walked out into the sun to see if that would change the vibe but it only heightened the "darkness" i felt inside me. It was quite visual but i did not enjoy it at all. Luckily it doesn't last 12 hours like acid as i couldn't wait to get it out of my system. I flushed the other half. Never again. It had none of the warmth of lsd, shrooms or dmt. Its all personal though. YMMV.

Only ever found 3 drugs i didn't like. K, Salvia and Heroin.
what do disassociates make you feel or think? I am just curious about how does that make you think.
I have had one memorable experience during my tee years and I don't think that all doctors acted according.

I feel very comfortable in a dissociated state. This experience is part of my normal being as it's a so called part of a disorder I have. Dissociation is common for me. Mxe takes me into a warm, stimulated and opiated comfortable like space - it feels safe and familiar. I have no anxiety or fear being in this state. It does not alter my thinking negatively, but I enjoy the lucid, upbeat, fantastical tripping it brings. The tripping is mostly comfortable but there is an awareness to "shake" it off, and power over my state if need be. This is likely learned behaviour. I can control my state fairly easily on mxe.

It can bite. Be dark and scary, but this has not happened to me often - once. And I shook it off, handled it easily.

Unlike ketamine, mxe allows you to move and interact with your environment. This is creative and fun. I've enjoyed indulging in some great arty projects and missions. However, you must be careful and not expose yourself to strange or difficult spaces.

In terms of harm reduction its always worth ensuring you have safe surroundings with mxe. Lots of comfortable spaces, fluids and snacks. It is important to keep hydrated and top up on energy needs. Because of the stimulating properties of mxe it's difficult to eat, but there's pleasure in the sensation of say frozen grapes, ice, orange juice etc. I find if I'm mindful of this, I enjoy my experiences all the more and can "top up" often - happily indulging for 12 hours or more. Yep, it's easy to binge on mxe if you are fit for it.

Trips on mxe are indescribable (much like ketamine ones...) but much influenced by set and setting. This is a good thing as you can prepare and set up whatever you like to lead the trip. Music, smells, tastes and sensory experiences, mxe lends itself very well to this type of set up. You have some control over the type of trip you'll experience. I've enjoyed many gorgeous states, places n spaces and experiences on mxe. Nature is heaven.

I do believe mxe is a "learnt drug". The more experience you have of it, the more you can decide how it will go. You can bend and manipulate it, if you know it well.

Mxe does not change my thinking as such on a basic level. I have experienced a few "revelation" type insights but I'd say for me this drug is about sensory pleasure, hedonism and easy enjoyment not like lsd or the like (well for me anyhow...).

There is a stimmy come down that I find uncomfortable, benzo's deal with it. However, the next day there's a pleasant upbeat sense of well-being. So far I have not found much in the way of negative after effects. It's gentle and kind to my mental and physical health.

I so miss the chance to be in the mxe space. It truly is an amazing drug, so kind and comfortable. Harmless really.

Fuck them banning it.
Gosh that's an embarrassingly long post. Excuse me. But I do love mxe.
I do believe mxe is a "learnt drug". The more experience you have of it, the more you can decide how it will go. You can bend and manipulate it, if you know it well.

I so miss the chance to be in the mxe space. It truly is an amazing drug, so kind and comfortable. Harmless really.

Fuck them banning it.

The ability to learn how to manipulate it and work with it interests me. That sounds like my experiences with DMT. The more i became familiar with it the more it "gave" and the more i could see and accomplish while in other dimensions.

It sounds a lot "nicer" than K. Maybe if i ever come across it but my life has changed significantly over the last few years. I am no longer as tapped in to the psychedelic scene due to location. So its unlikely to pop up unless i take a holiday. One day maybe. I will give anything a go once within reason.
Eh, thanks for covering this one for me...:\

Lol sorry that sounded really pompous of me, just meant it was something I would like to give an answer to, wasn't meaning to imply "I'll take it from here, k ;)" as it might have sounded.

MXE is one of those things that I get a wee bit over excited about.
My sole experience with ketamine was i was given a capsule of pharm grade k from my acid connection who was a big fan of k. He said devide capsule in halves and snort. I did this and was thrust into a very cold and dark trippy state i did not enjoy. I walked out into the sun to see if that would change the vibe but it only heightened the "darkness" i felt inside me. It was quite visual but i did not enjoy it at all. Luckily it doesn't last 12 hours like acid as i couldn't wait to get it out of my system. I flushed the other half. Never again. It had none of the warmth of lsd, shrooms or dmt. Its all personal though. YMMV.

Only ever found 3 drugs i didn't like. K, Salvia and Heroin.

Sounds pretty scary. I have had one of these experiences with LSD but I was so young and at the time I was not well. Wrong place, bad timing, etc. It was quite terrifying, to be honest. I remember that clearly until this date as if it had happened few months ago.
Sounds pretty scary. I have had one of these experiences with LSD but I was so young and at the time I was not well. Wrong place, bad timing, etc. It was quite terrifying, to be honest. I remember that clearly until this date as if it had happened few months ago.
Not so much scary more like horrible..."i dont like this stuff...get it out of me" kind of thing. The only drug that actually scared me was salvia. That shit is not pleasant. Yet i did that twice...i am a weirdo

Chlormethiazole/brominated analog thereof

Dipropionylmorphine, or better yet, real homegrown opium, reduced to a white, crystalline, guaranteed cut-free concentrate, the codeine stripped out to render it suitable for IV, then hit with a bit of propionyl chloride and base. Hits like a freight train and lasts a long, long fucking time. Its what the very best heroin WISHES it could be, and hates itself for not being. Beats the shit out of H made from pharm morphine sulfate, uncut, straight from acetylation and workup to veins.

Diethyl or diisopropyl ether. (I'm on a mixture of the two right now actually, have been at it since about 6-am yesterday morning, and am absolutely shitfaced ratarsed beyond words on thoseand poppyseed tea. Fuck knows how I can show myself to the docs surgery to pick up my scripts, but do so I must haha=D) Can barely walk, and the entire house stinks of EtOEt/DIPE from distilling the two of them using ye olde trick of concentrated sulfuric acid dehydration of the alcohols. *highly flammable burp*=D

Barbital (5,5-diethylbarbiturate, veronal)


3-fluorophenmetrazine via IV.

Fly agaric tea.

MXE-christ, that shit is TOO good. When one can shoot 20g in a week, and be left straining at the leash for more still its too fucking well good dammit!

DMT! I don't rate ayahuasca too well though, it reminds me of psilocin too much and pisses everything good and special about DMT down the shitter.

That dark, cold indústrial feel is what I LOVE about dissociatives. First time I got to try ket, albeit at too low of a dose to properly hole, but still a good effect, it blew my mind. Immersive mental/visual imagery of a very lovecraftian, r'yleh-ish, albeit with a heavy cyberpunk/steampunk overtone to it feel. Blew my fucking mind out of my eyesockets.

Memantine, ether, PCP analogs, diphenidine, anything like that is reinforcing as hell to me.

I do love hiking in the woods going out to pick a nice big basket of, if I am lucky, delicious wild mushrooms to bring back and cook at the end of a long day, fried up with a bit of bacon, eggs, sausages, beans or best of all served braised in a bit of salty butter with a steak or two, using my special own recipe fly agaric and peppery boletus-based steak spice to flavor everything meat-based, and just served as a pile of steaming hot fried mushrooms and dead cow. YUM. Perfect end to the day, along with a nice big dose of IV morphine.
IV morphine is a favourite too.

Oxy doesn't even get a look in though, at ANY dose, XR or IR. only of any use IMO for adding to a shot of a decent opioid, as a potentiator.

Nitrous from whippits is shite, from a tank on the other hand, breathed through a demand valve regulator w/O2, that is some good shit. Last time I was in hospital, after a badly wounded leg, that was giving me absolute screaming agony, and the docs wouldn't allow me more than initially, a 10mg IV morphine push (I warned them, and they KNEW I was tolerant, a longterm dependent pain patient taking a minimum of 400, plus some oxy on top, followed by a further 20 when I got pissy about the fact they were leaving me to withdraw, even, and in effect giving me nothing at all in terms of analgesia, nothing whatsoever. One kindly medic agreed to, per my request, bring me some nitrous. Wasn't expecting him to just leave me with the entire fucking tank of entonox haha. By the time anyone else had come to look me over, I'd been there in agony for hours, and he was the one decent guy around who actually gave a shit about results, not absolute numericcal figures. 10mg morphine to a guy that can do a gram IV and stay standing, is fuck all and will be fuck all no matter how its done, short maybe of intraspinally.

By the time he returned to collect the tank and move me to a ward, the entire thing was drained dry haha. Don't think he quite expected that.