Positive Today I'm Thankful For vs. Still Standing and Keeping it Simple

My unofficial family. My best mates parents who always take me in when I am desperate and in trouble. they have parented me more than my own parents ever did. And they still do. without question, without judgement
I’m grateful to still be here after 1 fent overdose & 2 near fatal car crashes all within the last year. Lost one of my best friends recently & im just feeling really grateful to be here and have dodged that many bullets. I want to live every day for her now.
For my best friend. He has helped me more than anyone ever has. Psychosis is a powerful tool. His understanding of life and humans is beyond anything I have ever seen.

Also, for being alive, weirdly enough. My viewpoints are often toxic and Im trying to work on that. I guess I am a human, ehh.
I am thankful for the Tramadol script I picked up this morning. I am DOUBLE thankful they filled it early. I am TRIPLE thankful that I have cigarettes and Cheese Puffs.