Today I am thankful for...

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^ that is great! Hope day one is going well. Keep posting--it really will help.<3

Me? I'm grateful for the BL staff--incredible people each and every one.<3
Today I am thankful for BL, TDS and my journal app or I would have been in an even worse state than I am <3

and friends that care, and have good intentions.
having thrown into the toilet that huge bag of white powder which would have with no doubts killed me by now.

edit-- although I miss it so much!
Here... a place to come if only for a little while and post what ive the zeal to.
The tingly feeling that runs up my back after my gf comes up behind me and puts her arms around my waist.

feels good man.
Girls that love to grind :) Sometimes, that's better than any drug.

Hey now young man, there'll be none of that!

j/k-- rock the cashbah! If I had half your confidence when I was your age, I'd be all over it.

I'm thankful, for the first time since I was a young child, for the holidays. Most of my old local friends are back in town from far flung places, and I'm going to be squeezing a few months' worth of socializing into the next couple weeks. Because after that, it's back to having two close friends in town; three on a good day.
Today, I am thankful for my Dad.

I got caught up in a terrible situation on my first day home. My Dad saw me through it. He is an amazing person. I'm privileged to be his daughter. I'm an only child, he's my only parent. I could not ask for better; he may yell at me but he will never let anything bad happen to me. He is a wonderful human being.
I am thankful for my family, friends and my new house. It is big enough for me and my girls, and I am planning on having one of the most memoriable Christmas's ever for the girls in our new home. I even have Santa gifts wrapped in different paper for the girls in a closet hidden. I am really having fun just taking part in this holiday with my family. Plus I love this new house.

I am thankful for Doomed2Pain too. I want to see her pain go away and for her to get better. She is always so sweet and loving. She is a star imo. XXXX
Today I am thankful for having a full-working body that has resisted so much crap I've put into it and still is -and feels- healthy. And just for the overall experience of being alive. Truly thankful, today's gonna be a good day :)
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I'm going to take a page out of Marisopa's book, I am thankful for my father <3
Today I am thankful that it's my last night at work. Hurry up 7am please.
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