Today I am thankful for...

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^Sweet. :)

I made myself come in here today to say, in spite of my husband's diagnosis, in spite of the tremendous fear for my son, I

Today I was thankful knitting. Very therapeutic and you get hats out of it to boot!

Good for you hun. <3

When I was a very small kid my Grandaunt knitted me underwear, yes, knitted!! They were not a good idea! I dont know why I chose to reveal that in public but am kind of in that mood.

~Thankful for my mood shifting a lot.
~For warm conversation with an old housemate.
i think that must be our gene's my gran knitted all my clothes to be sure ;)

^Sweet. :)

Good for you hun. <3

When I was a very small kid my Grandaunt knitted me underwear, yes, knitted!! They were not a good idea! I dont know why I chose to reveal that in public but am kind of in that mood.

~Thankful for my mood shifting a lot.
~For warm conversation with an old housemate.
Today I am thankful that I have a home to live in. I can't think of anything worse than being homeless especially at this time of the year.
If you happen to see a homeless person take some time out of yr day to speak to them, let them know that they are not invisible members of society.
^ I am so happy for any decrease in stress for you S.M.F.G. you are such a trooper! Hallelujah for time off. I get two weeks starting on Wednesday.

@D2P--good to get support whatever direction it is coming from, right?

@ Badfish--count me in!

Me, right now I am thankful for Wooger. What a good heart!
Definitely herb. My ex is still being nasty. And I was meant to go and watch my man play a gig today and I can't, stuck in bed and the snow is hurting me. So today I am thankful for you guys on BL and for my kitteh who is talking to me and licking my hand, she's very playful today and has been running up and down the window ledge chasing snow flakes hehehe <3
Winning £42 in the bonus ball sweepstake at work this weekend :D I predicted that I would win yesterday morning too, although I do predict that I will win every week, lol.
Pumpkin Pie ice cream and TDS for introducing me to pumpkin pie ice cream.
I am thankful for my sister battling the snow to come and look after me, and my best friends who are coming to keep me entertained tonight <3
I'm grateful I'm just starting on day one of giving up Kratom and found this board.

While I'm scared like crazy about tomorrow reading through the messages on this board let me know that tomorrow morning when withdrawals start I have an online place to go to. Knowing that there are other people out there who have gone through what I am about to go through is very helpful.

No one at work even knows what I am doing, I doubt any of them even knows what Kratom is. So you guys are like my own little power secret so I can make it through!
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