Today I am thankful for...

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Apr 24, 2006
I thought I'd start a little thread that focused on the grateful side of life. Just fill in the blank. Today I am thankful for ________.

Me, I am thankful for the new house I just moved into!
But this is The Dark Side?! haha.

What I'm thankful for? I'm thankful to have water to drink.
im thankful that even though I am broke as fuck right now, I got food in the fridge.
this forum is for those experiencing the dark side of drug use, or for those past their honey moon with their drug of choice.
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It's great sometimes just having someone to vent to. My friends and family are the only thing stopping me from doing something stupid that I may not have the chance to regret. Just knowing that I have these people, especially when they go out of their way for you, is comforting.
Im thankful medicinal marijuana is legal in the state I'm in, and that I have an appointment on Monday to get a medical marijuana card filled out w/my 'new' doctor.
^ It's odd, before I had anxiety through the roof, marijuana would give me anxiety, and since I've had anxiety that goes on days on end marijuana has more of a therapeutical effect on me. Its weird, now marijuana actually lowers my anxiety.
I am glad my Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, they broke my heart in 92.

I am glad that I have the day off of work and can enjoy this morning without being rushed.
for bluelight, females, and getting away with my five finger discount today hehe :p
that i can close the door and never see the day again because i was bored before i even began
i am thankful for my children, my parents, the few real friends i still have. i'm also very thankful that i have tamed that monkey on my back and am starting to live life beyond chemical substances, although still kinda hard. i'm greatful for many things including BL.
i'm thankful that i at least have a chance. If I stick that spike in again, I'll have no chance, no freedom no nothing. I need to remember this
Today, I am thankful for being granted a second chance... I don't know who's responsible for it, but it must mean I did something right because somebody is clearly watching over me...
I am thankful that, for today the shroud of darkness that usually encompasses my being has ceased...atleast for now. Serenity.
I'm thankful that I'm so busy with work that I don't have time to dwell on my so called "problems". I remember someone saying we fall apart when we have the time and I really think that's true. Sometimes just being busy is the best remedy there is.
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