Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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creative people

me too!

i took my sister to yoga and meditation group (her first time at a group meditation outside of a retreat), and the next day she sent me these photos of drawings she had been working on which were inspired by visuals she made up during the meditation. its such a beautiful thing to bring something into this world.



Thankful for my job. I know there are things i dislike about it but it's difficult to find a decent job these days without having to wait for months and compete with so many people.
Superbowl weekend.. and the whole football season really.. the presence of orderves in this wonderful world.
^How old is it, aq? I love kittens but they grow up sooooo fast! (well, I love the grown-ups too).

My mom is coming to visit--Yay! I'm always thankful for that.
people devoted to addressing the epidemic of addiction in myriad ways
the coffee that gives me the willpower and smiles to finish the working day!!!:D
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