Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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Today I am thankful for my girlfriend. I love her so much. We have been together a little over four years and I can't say all of them have been easy. She has been through hell because of my addictions. She puts up with my irritability, anger and resentment towards myself and others. All of my insecurities and delusions. No matter what. I need to be better to her because she deserves it. Without her I would be lost. I can't believe after everything we have been through she is still there for me. I need to help myself by getting help because I am pretty sure people like this are very hard to come by. Sometimes not even once in a lifetime.
Thankful that my car was not considered totaled from the accident I was in!
Thankful for the precious, beautiful, clever, cheeky little girl that I am so lucky to call my daughter, I am so thankful to her...for giving me the feeling of pride, something I don't think I would of felt if it wasn't for her and her smile....just wow..anybody on earth would be thankful for her smile.
thankful for all the people in my life that are trying to make the world a better place by making themselves better people. It takes humility and courage to change our old patterns--even just to see them!
Thankful my Father is still gracing us with his fine presence. He had a heart attack today, but pulled through. <3=D<3
the beautiful nature that I am blessed with. I dwelled in the bush by the ocean today and absorbed the energy from the sea/sand/salt/breeze/.

the great weekend i'm having
The new monster flavor.. well at least its new to me, ultra sunrise.. cheese ball name.. but it tastes like tangerine ot tang.
Thankful for a relaxing day at work today. I don't normally get this ya know!
Good for you Maya. :)
I really wish I could say the same about mine tomorrow..
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