Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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I was shown once again why I love this place and why im so thankful to spend my time here.. Thank you.. more than I can ever express<3
I am thankful I haven't been seriously depressed or suicidal today

And thankful for my 52 days off suboxone

Thankful for my relationship <3
That's good news CH, I've felt that way in the past and it seems it will never end...but then a chink of light ..

Thank (insert chosen god) for our partners, I'd be lost without mine
I am thankful I haven't been seriously depressed or suicidal today

And thankful for my 52 days off suboxone

Thankful for my relationship <3

Nice! Congrats!
Its a grind day by day.
Getting the upperhand on depression can take time.

I try to stay in the moment but I do feel a good way to judge progression is looking back.
Not day to day but month to month.
The hardest person to forgive or give a break can be ourself.
That's good news CH, I've felt that way in the past and it seems it will never end...but then a chink of light ..

Thank (insert chosen god) for our partners, I'd be lost without mine
Definitely with you on that one. A few months ago I was alone and using. Now I have a wonderful guy in my life and 53 days clean (just turned midnight an hour ago).

It feels good to know I am doing at least something right.
Thankful for treats from our vendors. We just got another basket full of goodies from one of our vendors.
my loving family that helped me buy a car today. i am very thankful my family is still in my life as they used to not like me in my addicton. but i am sober now and they are back in my life. very happy and thankful for that. happy holidays everyone
^That is wonderful. happy holidays back to you.<3

Thankful for everything, hard as it can be.
Today, I am thankful for having my man in my life who is my soulmate and support, who helps me to grow as a person every day, and allows me to do the same for him (even though some days, I'd rather bite off his head than grow any further ghehehe)

thankful for the rain-swollen river that is just outside my window here at my sister's house. So peaceful, strong and eternal. The winter palette of bare branches here runs from lichen grey-green to deep maroon. Soft grey sky, wood ducks at the corn feeder, chicadees and finches at the feeders on the deck and even a few hummingbirds overwintering. We live in such beauty. No matter what else is happening, what horror is unfolding in the world or in your own life, this beauty is there.
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