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Think deeply about it (the nature of mind)


Aug 4, 2009
The size of the universe - our galaxy
our world - a grain of sand

Is this not saying something to you?
Look, the universe is insanely massive, what does this make us?
A tiny little dot?
People can have out of body experiences, its proven.
And some of you here may have experienced one.
Now what is this telling you?
Okay so we've figured out that the more your heart rate is slowed down the easier it is for your spirit to leave your physical self.

So what happens when you die? When your heart rate is stopped completely?

It is proven that when you die your pineal gland; which is usually dormant, excretes excess DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which is a psychedelic chemical.

How crazy and bizarre is this?

Do any of you think the concepts of "Heaven" and "Hell" are based around the state of your overall spirit, ie Happy positive and generous people with a happy state of mind go to Heaven, and evil and greedy, money lusting people that are stuck in a bad state of mind go to hell?

Get stuck in that trip etc.

Any thoughts?

fucking paradox's dude. balance. relativity.

and you might want to try philosophical discussion forum...your post has nothing to do with cannabis.
i mean its possible, ive had a few friends who were going to try to flatline their self for a few seconds but decided against it, which i thought was a good choice

its technically possible, but the chemical secreted by your glands, is it reconizable when your dead?

or only dieing natual ways such as heart failure,

where you mind is still alive for minimal seconds after your heart fails

its possible
The size of the universe - our galaxy
our world - a grain of sand

Is this not saying something to you?
Look, the universe is insanely massive, what does this make us?
A tiny little dot?
People can have out of body experiences, its proven.
And some of you here may have experienced one.
Now what is this telling you?
Okay so we've figured out that the more your heart rate is slowed down the easier it is for your spirit to leave your physical self.

So what happens when you die? When your heart rate is stopped completely?

It is proven that when you die your pineal gland; which is usually dormant, excretes excess DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which is a psychedelic chemical.

How crazy and bizarre is this?

Do any of you think the concepts of "Heaven" and "Hell" are based around the state of your overall spirit, ie Happy positive and generous people with a happy state of mind go to Heaven, and evil and greedy, money lusting people that are stuck in a bad state of mind go to hell?

Get stuck in that trip etc.

Any thoughts?

Err . . .proven?
Please cite your credible scientific sources.

As far as science is concerned, your consciousness (what you refer to as a soul) is a result of the collective electrical activity of the synapses of your brain. I don't think any scientists will be "proving" the existence of an independent soul. Sorry to be blunt about it, but you really shouldn't claim things are proven when they're not. It's bad conduct.
"It is proven that when you die your pineal gland; which is usually dormant, excretes excess DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which is a psychedelic chemical."

Thats not proven... Read up on the pineal gland though, it's kind of like a prehistoric eye, that we evolved out of using Some theorize that DMT helps us use this gland to see. It's all a good read, I wouldnt put too much confidence in the theories though.
"It is proven that when you die your pineal gland; which is usually dormant, excretes excess DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which is a psychedelic chemical."

Thats not proven... Read up on the pineal gland though, it's kind of like a prehistoric eye, that we evolved out of using Some theorize that DMT helps us use this gland to see. It's all a good read, I wouldnt put too much confidence in the theories though.

i could prove it for you, but i would need a live donor. preferably one without any blood-borne pathogens. but i believe that the experiment may violate the Geneva convention... but im just sayin', i would eat someone's pineal gland. i bet that your/my stomach acid would destroy the serotonin, because it usually comes in the form of tryptophan and converted, but the dmt should stay intact, if in-fact the pineal gland does contain such substance.
^No, the pineal gland is hypothesised to release DMT; there is no evdence at all for ths howeve, except that serotonn and melatonin are present in human pneals. No-one can even say if DMT is a necesary product or smply a byproduct.

Anyway- the same enzyme (MAO-a) destroys both serotonn and DMT in the stomach. There s not a grain of truth behind this theory.
It is proven that when you die your pineal gland; which is usually dormant, excretes excess DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which is a psychedelic chemical.

Maybe all the worlds DMT comes from maniac killers who "milk the gland" at the time of death
^Is that where all the adrenochrome comes from too?
^ the adrenochrome is an unsubstantiated rumour - the DMT is an unsubstantiated fact - world of difference really :)

G/nite sleep well :)
i used to trip daily
but then i learnt how to tie my shoelaces properly


but seriously, how are those broad and generalised comments related to one another?
Err . . .proven?
Please cite your credible scientific sources.

As far as science is concerned, your consciousness (what you refer to as a soul) is a result of the collective electrical activity of the synapses of your brain. I don't think any scientists will be "proving" the existence of an independent soul. Sorry to be blunt about it, but you really shouldn't claim things are proven when they're not. It's bad conduct.

Phenomenal consciousness (the experience, qualia, etc.) has certainly not been empirically verified as a mere reduction into "collective electrical activity of the synapses of your brain." Newtonian Networks of Mind which attempts to model consciousness through Newtonian physics, cannot replicate certain features of human consciousness and completely fails in illustrating consciousness as a whole. There have been many theories conjectured and asserted but none empirically verified. The brain is far more intricate and complex than simple interactions between synapses. How would synaptic interactions generate the experience of reality? What about things like intuition? I would certainly concur that consciousness could be considered an emergent property of the physical architecture of the human brain, however, there is no real evidence of exactly what this architecture is.

Please cite your "credible scientific sources".

The size of the universe - our galaxy
our world - a grain of sand

Is this not saying something to you?
Look, the universe is insanely massive, what does this make us?
A tiny little dot?
People can have out of body experiences, its proven.
And some of you here may have experienced one.
Now what is this telling you?
Okay so we've figured out that the more your heart rate is slowed down the easier it is for your spirit to leave your physical self.

So what happens when you die? When your heart rate is stopped completely?

It is proven that when you die your pineal gland; which is usually dormant, excretes excess DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which is a psychedelic chemical.

How crazy and bizarre is this?

Do any of you think the concepts of "Heaven" and "Hell" are based around the state of your overall spirit, ie Happy positive and generous people with a happy state of mind go to Heaven, and evil and greedy, money lusting people that are stuck in a bad state of mind go to hell?

Get stuck in that trip etc.

Any thoughts?

Essentially everything that you asserted as a verified "proven" fact, is entirely conjecture. There are concepts that you are presenting as 'interrelated' which are actually incommensurable with one another.

How does one compare the size of the Universe and the structures contained within it, to out of body experiences generated through the release of endogenous DMT?
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Okay so we've figured out that the more your heart rate is slowed down the easier it is for your spirit to leave your physical self.

I missed that bit ;)
Regardless of whether you have scientific sources, I feel that you are entitled to say what you think (though "scientifically proven" is a phrase I would avoid).

I have often thought that heaven and hell are what we make of our experiences here on earth.
Everything is about perspective.

That's why it's good to experiment with drugs, and widen one's perspective!
The pineal gland is indeed a vestigial photoreceptor. It's still wired into the visual neurological pathway, and plays a role in diurnal rhythm and sleepiness, based on the amount of ambient light coming in through the eyes.

Rick Strassman's theory about DMT and the pineal gland is pure conjecture. It'll never be tested, because we have no animal model for psychedelic mindstates or the near death experience, and scientific ethics don't really permit the types of testing on humans that would be required to back it up.

I also agree with complexPHILOSOPHY and qwe, having taken medical school neuroscience not long aso: the statement 'the brain's neuronal firings cause sentient consciousness' is not currently falsifiable or testable, and therefore not yet within the grasp of science, despite an ongoing parade of logical arguments (of varying quality) for it by philosophers of mind. The idea that any given mental state correlates predictably with a pattern of neuronal firing, on the other hand, is quite testable with currently technology, and has proven robust. But the question of why I currently am seeing the world sentiently through the physical eyes (and brain) than I am, is a question still fully within the realm of philosophy.
I find it somewhat contradictory that you talk about a 'spirit' which can leave the physical self, and the secretion of DMT. If DMT is released at death, that would be a physical reaction. Why would a spirit, which can leave the body, have any need for a physical reaction like that?