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they would be SOOO lucky to find you... In BIZZARO LAND (merged).

Inspite of several claims in this thread to the honorific, I assure you that I am the undisputed champion of always being right. This is not an ego thing (as I don't get joy from being right), nor is it an intelligence thing (I'm smart but I watch enough Jeopardy to know I ain't the smartest). It is quite simply an internal process that does not allow me to argue any point that I have not thoroughly examined the logic of in the context of the big picture...and understanding logic and seeing the big picture are actually easier than breathing in my sleep for me. I have not lost an argument since childhood (mostly because I don't argue with my dad anymore who is indestructable). My present and all my past significant others have termed "highly abusive" my tireless use of logic, impervious analogy and photographic memory (if you said it in the past ten years I will use it against you when you inevitably say something to the opposite effect) to wear down anything remotely resembling a strongly held position contrary to my own. It's not that they were/are never right...they are right all the time. It's just that I agree with them whenever they are right, so there is never an argument over it. It should be noted that feelings are different than facts, and while i have learned over years of relationship counseling to honor feelings as being just as important as facts...that does NOT make them facts, nor does it require me to pretend that they are. I am more than happy to resolve our fight with, "I undertand you FEEL this way, and that is important to me, so we will go with how you are FEELING. What actually happened is entirely different, but your perception of it is more important than reality. So, I apologize - you are right." I don't see how that is condescending, but apparently it is *shrug*.

I don't have any chemical imbalances. I am totally understanding that a lot of people do, and I am sympathetic to that. But, I don't have mood swings, depression, anxiety, bi-polar, anger issues, manic-whatever, ADHD, or any other thing that basically means, "I can't control my actions or my perspective on things, I have no choice in the matter." Happiness is a choice, and it is one that only a fool doesn't choose at all costs. So, go ahead and embrace your disorder, work your coping mechanisms, see your doctors, whatever. But if you want to be around me for any length of time, pop a fucking pill or something, cuz I don't abide chronic instability or the propensity to be unhappy and problem-plagued. But I understand you and accept your condition, I really do! =D

Though I cover this in the paragraph above, it is worth its own point as I have found it bothers people to no end. That is, I am ALWAYS successfully living life. I am always in a state of happiness (not the emotion, the state of mind) and contentment with my life. I am always in control of my life. My circumstances are rarely negative, and even when they are I laugh at them because I have a perfect track record of steamrolling over hardtimes as if they were made of gello. Life does not get me down. I do not have life problems that threaten to get the best of me or bring me down. If you have noticed, after 3 years of posting in this community, I have NEVER ONCE started a thread in here posting about a problem for which I needed advice. I don't ever have the urge to call Dr. Laura or Dr. Phil, and don't understand people who do. Don't get me wrong, I don't judge anyone who seeks advice and I love everyone here who has asked for help with life problems. I realize that I am unique in this way, and it doesn't make me special or better...but I am DAMN glad that life is quite simply a game that I totally get. In fact, if life is a game, I would say that I have a harder time with Chutes & Ladders than I do with the game of life. I just do well at it, plain and simple. I don't see how or why it is so scary, difficult, challenging, depressing, exhausting, or any of the other things that so many people find it to be. How hard can it be to make everything turn out the way you want it 95% of the time, and to make some kick-ass lemonade from the lemons the other 5%??????? I mean this isn't rocket-science kids. If we have genetically adapted to anything at all over the course of human history, basic living should be at the top of the list don't you think? Basically, the sun is shining, the sky is rose-colored and everything is coming up daisies for me and its been this way my entire adult life. This is something you will find difficult to abide in me, if experience is any indicator.

Substance use. I drink and use recreationally only. I do not self-medicate. I do not crave. I do not escape realities (unless a glass of Chiraz immediately upon getting home from a particularly long day at work counts). I DO NOT have crazy come-downs that throw my emotional state all in a whack or make me look like some crazed homeless person. I party with substances for the same reason people ride roller coasters...I enjoy the cool and different experience of those particular thrills. That's it, no other reason. I never miss work, miss a payment or regret my actions after a party binge. I can party for four days straight, but would never choose to unless I had four days free and the money to do it without blinking. Basically, I can party hard, have a GREAT time and never feel bad, suffer consequences or otherwise have my life/goals/attitude interfered with. If I party all weekend on three or four substances, I will go to work on Monday morning as usual. I will be a bit more tired, a bit less talkative, a bit less cheery, and a bit less accomodating. But, I always appreciate logically why I feel that way, and I just accept it. I don't get up for as many walks, don't start as many convos, don't get involved in as many projects...with those simple adjustments I get through the work day just fine, go home and relax with some good wine, watch my TiVo and then crash hard for the night before going to work on Tuesday with absolutely no effects of the weekend left to speak of. All of this may or may not bother you...but I assure you my blatant lack of patience, understanding and consideration for you as you deal with the consequences/reasons for your usage will definitely get on your last nerve.

I am obsessive about garbage/perishables not being left out anywhere in the house. Glasses of half-drunk liquid, crumbs, dishes with crusted food on them. I will make you feel like the most disgusting slob in the world if you do not properly dispose of these things immediately! On the flip-side, paper trash, laundry, dust and general filth does not bother me nearly as much as it bothers you. Yes I have my limits, and yes I will eventually pull out the Pledge and the vacuum of my own volition at some point...but that will very likely be long after you have had enough. Hey, none of those things attract roaches and other bugs, unlike your fucking cup on the counter that still has a slight sheen of sticky sweet orange juice inside it you FUCKING SLOB!!!! Yes, totally different situation from the trash on the floor I have been stepping over for the past 2 days. Hey, life is too short. If you don't like it then clean it up. If you can't stand me not doing my fair share, then hire a maid - money well-spent in my book...especially since you seem incapable of rinsing off your nasty fucking dishes after you eat you disgusting piece of shit!!!

Monogomy is over-rated. If I love you and you require it, I will of course oblige. My priorities are in tact. And you will always be the object of my very healthy sexual desire....But don't ever be mistaken or fool yourself. There will NEVER be a time where I wouldn't rather be out fucking one of my hot friends (or someone I want to make into a friend) as opposed to being stuck at home for "date night" curled up on the couch with you watching some romantic movie you ordered for us on Netflix, eating chocolate-covered strawberries and that cool kettle popcorn you bought because you know I like it so much. Its not that Im not romantic, mind you. I am just very sexually curious, and believe there will be time enough for you and I do those sterile activities when all the fucking of friends is done...I mean, come on, we're gonna grow old together and have all sorts of time to do cute couple things. So, I'll honor your rule about monogomy, but you will always know that I'm checkin that hotty out in the car next to us while you are telling me about your day and the bitch at work who has it out for you, and I am DEFINITELY thinking about what I would do them naked and if they have a friend or two to make it interesting.

Other than those things, I am a peach to live with and a real catch...really, I am!! =D
-Iam passive aggressive to the umpteenth degree

-I never learn my lesson

-my past is atrocious

-i am extremely self absorbed.. but can convince and do convince everyone that I am not

-I am horrible with money..

-i let everyone else take care of my and I think that makes mea brat. I'm the only person that I know that works for fun money and at 24 has only recently begun to pay her own bills despite having had her own house since she was 19 and a 4 year old son to take care of

-I rarely answer my cell phone even though I neve rlet it out of my sight

-I am perpetually unsatisfied

-im horney all of the time and that will make you tired

-I dress how I like to dress and if you think that makes me look like a whore then I'm either your whore or maybe you don't appreciate my taste?

-when I drink I'm gettin drunk and I'm not coming home anytime soon.

-I'm a whiner

-I think I'm evil. At least I have evil coniving tendancies

-I'm far too spontaneous

-I can do nothing domestic at all unless you consider shopping for things for myself domestic.

-I am extremely jealous of attention that is not on me.

-I want to take over your world.
I am ALWAYS right, even when I am wrong, I am still right. I will prove this to you time and time again. It will get to the point where you will either not argue with me at all, or learn how to tell me to STFU without me getting mad enough at you to never speak to you again!

I can cook when I want to...but I usually don't...if it comes down to me cooking, I will probably order out. (although I will on occasion to be romantic.)

I'm very indecisive.

I'm very spontaneous to the point where I never know what tomorrow is going to bring and where it's going to take me. To be with me, you HAVE to know how to keep up with my sporatic and undetermined lifestyle.

I will not date someone without a college degree or working towards one, no matter how much money they are making. It's a must.

I have really high career goals and will in turn make a lot of money in the future. This seems as if it is a good thing, however, to many men it is not. A lot of people are intimidated that I will probably earn twice as much as they do in the future.

To go along with the above, I refuse to be someone's suga mamma...that doesn't mean I need someone making as much money as me in the slightest, but I need someone who isn't going to put the entire burden of the family on me because I wear the money skirt [pants].

I have a serious problem with comfronting issues that bother me. I really try to be an optimistic person to the point that when I am upset with you, it is impossible for you to know. I have a hard time disclosing this information to you until I am to the boiling point and that's when I snap and freak out on you. (I'm seriously working on this...but it's one of my really terrible traits.)

I bite my nails--nasty!

I really absolutely love to cuddle and hold hands and be all cute and lovy dovy, but I get tired of it fast...ESPECIALLY in public, I mean it's cute to flirt and stuff in public but I hate being one of those couples that HAS to hold hands everywhere we go, and I hate being one of those couples that just doesn't give each other space...makes me feel overcrowded...I prefer to do all that lovy dovy cute shit in privacy. Doesn't mean I'm opposed to PDA, but my tolerance is lower than most.

I come across as a HUGE bitch when you first meet me. I'm blunt, I walk into a room like I own it. I consider myself to be confident, others think, at first impression, I'm cocky. It's nothing personal and as you get to know me, you realize that I don't mean any offense to anyone...it's just the way I am.

I probably will flirt with your boyfriend, not because I want to hook up (because I really would never do that) but because I am a huge flirt. I flirt with everyone..it's just my personality.

Oh yeah--I'm not very "girly"...Don't get me wrong I know how to be a lady, and I consider myself a lady..but I'm not by any means your typicall girly girl. I cut my hair like once a year, I've never died it..I don't go and get my nails done and pedicures done...I would rather be out playing catch and or basketball or something than sitting in some stupid beauty salon...I barely even wear make up anymore, only like when I'm going out or something, and even then it's a hit or miss...I probably only wear makeup about 6-7 days out of the month (too much effort, I prefer to be natural)...I can be a lady, but I prefer to be a tomboy.
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i'm the ultimate hypocrit.
1. i like to party, i don't like alot of people
2. i think i'm easy going, but i'm so shy that i often come across as stuck up
3. i know drugs have ruined just about everything good in my life, but i enjoy numbing my mind with various substances daily.
4. i try to be helpful; but i'm an asshole
5. if i'm at a lame party and i'm not having a good time i'll just dissapear without sayin goodbye to friends
6. i like being at college cuz it's so exciting, but i'm constantly bored here
7. i'm hard to get to know
8. drugs make me social, drugs make me unsocial
9. i also never learn my lesson
10. i think about instances from years ago when i was embarressed and get pissed off for making the wrong choices or saying the wrong things, and i keep thinking about things that i can't change/wouldn't change if i could
11. polyabusing always begins with one pill/drug
12. i feel like no one knows the real me, and it's better than no one does because i'll probably hurt them, or ruin their trust.
13 i wish i had a girlfriend but i'm too shy to approach any girl i'm interested in.
i try to be optimistic, but am often depressed
oxycontin has ruined my life, and i'm almost a month clean...but even tho oxy is the cause of most of these problems, it's the solution too. if i'm high on oxy everything is fine by me, but when i'm not high i'm just depressed pissed and self absorbed. i know better than to start over with the addiction, i guess i was just living like that for so long i've forgotten how to feel good like a "normal" person.
sorry for gettin off topic, i wish i was sorry for gettin off topic but another attribute of mine is just not really giving a fuck..even when i know i should give a fuck

I really liked this thread! Though, at a second glance, I'm a bit disappointed that certain people used it to list positive qualities, simply because someone, somewhere might find them unappealing.

"Oh, I'm a perfectionist and I'm always right, but sometimes it tends to be a problem."

:\ Sorry, but that's awfully contrived.
I can't believe I never posted in this 8o

-I have a hard time letting things go, when I want my way I want it MY WAY and I rarely accept anything different, unless a compromise can be met
-I must resolve a fight
-I don't believe in makeup sex, fighting makes me feel physically ill not hot and bothered
-I'm the worst person to make decisions, ever when it comes to eating out - I can spend up to 30 minutes reading and rereading a menu, and asking me which place to pick is futile
-I tend to be confrontational when someone is not being forthcoming - and I can't help it, I MUST KNOW WHAT IS WRONG, NOW NOW NOW!
-i'm not satisfied with just staying home and hanging out, ever. I always want to go out, and get pissy if we stay home a weekend :)
I thought I was going crazy!! I read the first two posts and thought "ISn't this the EXACT same thread I read a couple years ago??"
My hands and breath smell like an ashtray.

i am an aries - I have a temper. A bad one.

Learn to apologise to me. I hold terrible grudges unless you do.

I can be incredibly stubborn.

I am horrible with money. Quite the compulsive spender.

I am obsessive about my clothes, and come with a wardrobe that probably doesn't fit into one wardrobe alone.

I don't cope well with stupid people. In fact i can be downright rude, and condescending.

I won't make a concious effort to see you, unless i really like you. eg. i have lots of friends, but see only my *really* close friends on a regular basis.

I am incredilby unorganised.

I am *always* late. For everything.

I cannot make decisions.

Expect to find your shirts with paint on them.

Expect to find everything with paint on it.

i work a lot with installations...I like to work *big*. My work is big, and it needs a big space.

I am physically weak <- i will need your help to move the big things.

I can be selfish.

And then I pout. A lot. I sulk, and i whinge when i don't get my way.

i am a terrible driver.

i am a night person.

I get inspiration at the most inconvienient hours. Expect me to be up in the middle of the night, just playing with paines, charcoals, anything artistic.

I am awful in the mornings. Don't talk to me before my coffee and my cigarette.

i exaggerate. Not often, but i do.

I need my own space. If you are too clingy, then expect me to just avoid you.

I go through stages with my weight. I am obsessive about food. But it goes in waves. Even to the stage where i will binge eat and throw up.

i drink goon.

and last of all, i am obsessive complusive about dental hygiene. I brush my teeth a minimum of 5 times a day.
Mine is to do with things that have happened in my past.

I basically,have what would be considered a 'DARK PAST' (I won't go into full details.I still feel some what haunted by theses sometimes :( ) including: trouble with the police,depression and substance abuse.

Thankfully,I'm a changed man NOW =D
Christ... this thread is two years old.

Fuck me! I'm two years older... 34 now. Plus now I've been made to believe that it's even MORE difficult to deal with me these days. And then there's those wacky anxiety attacks...
*I'm bi-polar and I don't like taking my meds... back the fuck off!

*Because of the above, I have very black and white views of trust in people: Black- no trust, white- complete trust, grey- regaining trust.

*I pick my nose... a lot... when I'm bored... and have nothing better to do... like now.

*I also eat if I have nothing to do.

*I'm not a tease to people unless I'm dating somebody. Then I'm a horrible, horrible cock tease to EVERYONE.

*I critique porn when watching it. Plot, breast realness, music, lighting, couple/person, posititions, and realness in general. My so hates this.

*I love water. I'd live in it FOREVER! I AM FOREVER!

*I watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force religiously.

*I'm a poet, musician, and painter.... when I feel like it, but most of the time I'm sleeping.

*I take baths and stay in the water until it's freezing cold, then refill the tub with new hot water. I have horrible water bills.

*I live by the rule "thou shall not fake" and I never have, ever, except once to make someone else in the room jealous. I have told my boyfriend that I don't fake and we trust each other enough to know this as true.

*I'm a cancer

*I like Sushi, Spring Rolls, and Falafal(?)
nowonmai said:
ok... time to 'fess up

- I'm opinonated about almost everything and don't mind letting people know that they're wrong and I'm right
- I'm self-centred
- If someone disagrees with me, I see this as a sign of lesser intellect
- I think little of my gender
- I could do with losing some weight
- and quitting smoking
- and going to the gym
- I'm NOT a team player because I can never trust anyone to do the job right
- I bottle up emotions
- I learned at an early age that being smart means I don't have to work hard. Hence... underachiever.
- I have a great memory for technical stuff and numbers but I can't remember life stuff like birthdays, picking up loo-roll and so on.
- I'm very laid back... which translates to most people as being uncaring and unmotivated.
- I'm bitchy
- I smoke ganja all the time

after reading that, I think I'd hate myself if we were to meet :D

Wow... how things have changed!! Still smoke loads of weed and am cocky though :D
I'm terrified of absolutely everything, and as a result I often don't do stuff that I should.

I'm a storyteller- whether that's a good or a bad thing is your call but it's me. I make shit up about everything. I tell stories about personal anecdotes just to illustrate a point.

I'm emotionally needy.

I can't save money, nor does it seem that I can plan for future bills.

I have mood swings (I'm bipolar, what the hell do you expect)

I'm very quick to anger. I lose my temper pretty easily. That said, I also cool pretty quickly.

I expect incredibly high standards from people- I expect people to be incredibly intelligent, competent, sensitive etc. You just won't cut it.

Neither will I.

I can't cook meals for shit. I can bake sometimes if I'm really lucky.

I'm a giant slob.
-im a big whinger
-i exaggerate about everything,
-dont belive everything i say, i dont mean to lie, but if i think about things too long, that thought just feels like the truth
-im getting over a drug addiction, so i will be up and down
-i love business, yet i do nothing to expand my business'
-im snobby towards alot of people, its hard to get to know me unless ur in my circle of friends
-i only give people one chance, ill be happy if the other person wants another chance but u wont see me trying
-i talk before i think
-i enjoy debates, looks like a get worked up about everything tho
I have NO willpower. Absolutely none.

I rarely make friends with other females, because I am intimidated by them. I find it hard to be nice to pretty girls.

I mentally beat myself up over silly, unimportant things that happened at least 6 months ago. I mean, slightly embarassing incidents where I wish I'd kept my cool and not acted like an ass!

I have co-dependancy issues, but I'm working on them.

I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance, but it's all an act to make myself feel important, because my self esteem is really non-existant.

I've never been able to hold down a job for more than a few months.

I get bored easily.

I get jealous of other people to the point where I'll avoid them so that I don't sit and feel inferior around them.
They would be SOOOOO unlucky to find you!

Inspired by the lucky thread....

Start listing all those fantastic qualities that make you a real prick/bitch, that would cause your current s/o to get rid of you, or prevent you from getting one in the first place...

I don't wanna see any modesty people....
i have little to no consideration for the consequences of a serious relaitonship at a young age (19)

i often say things which in hindsight were not the smartest things to say

i am jealous and protective

theres more, ill add them later.
- im selfish
- im not a morning person
- im not afraid to say whats on my mind
- im opinionated
This is poor. I could list like half a page of my bad qualities. Four or five?

Ahhhh.... Maybe I'm just a cunt.
nah im just drunk at the moment.

maybe thats one. i cant deal with my problems too well.
cutting. drinking. benzo binging. chainsmoking

self destructive personality.