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they would be SOOO lucky to find you... In BIZZARO LAND (merged).

- I am really, really fucking messy. I haven't met many people who live as filthy as me. Sometimes I'll let trash sit around in my room or on my desk until it gets moldy, or attracts ants and shit
-I have self esteem issues, sometimes I get shy around people, and I'm much too self-conscious.
-I don't show affection for others very easilly
-I don't really like most people that I meet
-I prefer to be alone 87.3% of the time
-I don't like talking to people most of the time, and I HATE small talk
-When it comes to dating, I am WAAAAY too picky, one little thing about someone can turn me off to them completely
-I don't often buy gifts for my friends or family on holidays/birthdays, even though I know I should
-I am pretty bad at handling money responsibilities, and I procrastinate on paying bills often, even when I have money
-I am pretty lazy in general
-I don't really give a shit about making money, I'm happier to scrape by on the least amount of money and the least amount of work as possible
-I am kind of snobbish when it comes to taste in movies/music. If someone told me they mainly listen to Top 40 radio, and were excited to see "Legally Blond 2" or something, I would really, really hate them!
-I am a perfectionist when it comes to personal matters
-I try to avoid confrontations whenever possible

That must paint a really bad picture of me, but I have my good qualities, honest! :D
I, too, live in Bizzaro Land. Here's why:
*I hate cleaning my room and only do so when the guilt overwhelms me.
*I own over 100 bottles of nail polish (many of them are suspiciously the same color)
*I apologize for everything even when I am not at fault
*I hate soup except occasionally I think I want to eat chicken noodle soup but usually I'm wrong
*I dislike most people especially extroverted people who seem to live just to irritate me
*I HATE small talk with people I barely know or with people I know very well and I pretty much hate talking to most people in general. I HATE TALKING TO WAITERS IN RESTAURANTS. It's annoying when they talk to me outside of "what do you want to eat?" related questions
*I refuse to admit that I have any talents whatsoever
*I love my boyfriend but if Orlando Bloom ever asks me to run away with him I may have to say yes
*My cat tends to pee on things and roll around in his own urine
*My closet is filled with clothes I know I won't wear but I can't get rid of them
*I'm afraid of the mothman and spiders
*Small children make me nervous - small adults make me nervous, too
*I hated the tree frog in The Hulk
*I don't wear sunglasses

Despite all of my faults I'm still a good citizen. Except for all of the illegal things i do and the fact that I don't contribute to the gross national product.
10 things to hate about me

1. i adore this thread because i revel in peoples' bad points and love picking out their physical and personality faults and often making fun of them to make myself feel better/get attention.

2. i snap. everything is fine then all of a sudden you shit me and would you FUCK OFF ALREADY!!!

3. I am obsessive compulsive about certain things but completely careless about others. e.g. i can't stand hair left on the soap but i always leave the microwave open. i will definately let you know when you've done something to shit me, but i will shut down and get defensive when i'm in the wrong.

4. Often i hate physical contact. i am in a loving relationship but sometimes being touched is just too much for me. when i was a child, i would hate my mother for making my sisters hug and kiss me goodnite.

5. during sexual stimulation i often temporarily drift into other thoughts, such as the fact that it might rain tomorrow and i havent put the clothes out to dry. i have to concentrate hard to get back into the present.

6. i can't sing, but i do anyway. a lot of the time i do it badly on purpose to be funny but there have been times i was actually trying and people laughed at me cause they thought i was joking.

7. my train of thoughts is so fast that i forget what i was going to say all the time. this annoys the shit out of people and they think i am plain weird when i explain the connections from one thought to the next.

8. i am too generous. i can't have a credit card because i would always call the numbers on television for donation hotlines. i can't walk past buskers without giving money. on the occasions when i have been strong and said no to beggars/charitys i have felt so guilty it consumed me.

9. i tend to be "one of the guys" but i spend so much time with the group that i end up dating/fooling around with nearly all of them at one time or another. it's hard for me to separate my friendly feelings for them with affection. this said, i have been monogamous for over a year now. maybe i've grown out of it...

10. i love sleeping excessivley. i want to go to sleep early and sleep in till late. don't wake me up because i morph into an ugly creature and will most certainly hurt your feelings. in the morning i am chirpy because i can't remember a thing, and i apologise, but in all honesty, i don't know what i've said or done.\

i've limited it to 10. but geez, the list goes on..
And THESE are the people whom we regularily ask for advice???? I am sooo kidding. ;)

Here's mine:

I drink too much.
I smoke too much.
I have too much meaningless sex.
I'm stubborn as hell.
I always have to be right.
I can be a cold-hearted, manipulative bitch (or so an ex-bf told me!)
I have a tendency to sleep with other people's boyfriends/love interests.
I am moody and unstable; either hyper or depressive.
I have no idea what to do with my life and continue to waste my parents' money in school.
I don't believe in God, therefore I am a disappointment to my parents.
I have an inability to sit still and be alone with my thoughts.
I have a tendency to dance on tables when intoxicated.
I use whipped cream in bad bad ways.

So....who wants to date me??? =D


I'm kinda liking your bad points. Can't wait to see the good ones. :D
*I'm a depressive. Sometimes I won't get out of bed, full stop. Or I'll decide that being around people is too much to cope with, freak out, and leave. This is in spite of the fact that I'm on medication.
*The medication I'm on is messing with my sex drive. I'm hardly ever horny. I haven't yet been able to climax through sex while on the meds (which upset the last person I was with).
*I'm passive aggressive. I won't confront problems, I'll just bottle them up until I snap and start yelling at you.
*I have no willpower - can't resist junk food or drugs.
*I could stand to lose some weight.
*I'm a know-it-all and think I'm intellectually superior to most people (I am, but it's still not an admirable trait ;) )
*my feet smell and I sweat easily.
*I have no memory for names or faces.

That'll do for now - gosh, I've done a good job of selling myself. Off to the other thread now ;)
*Im so lazy, procrastination is my middle name
*I get offended easily
* I dont forget anything if you upset me 3 years later its still ticking over in my head
*Im bad at communicating
*I have low self esteem
*I dont trust people
*I can be paranoid
* I love pills
* I could loose about 5 kilos
* I cant be stuffed doing the girly stuff eg shaving legs, painting nails etc
* Im spoilt
* Im an only child from a wealthy family and still live at home
* Im unemployed
*Im judgemental and can be a snob
ok thats enough for me jeez this was alot easier than the other one
~I can get really irritable when I'm stressed out and snap at people for no reason.
~I come from a well-off family and am kind of spoiled.
~I can be really shy around certain people.
~I can't take criticism.
~I smoke.
~I'm a slob.
~I'm a procrastinator.
~I'm extremely self-conscious, especially about the way I look.
~I can be passive-aggressive.
~I always assume that people think the worst of me.
~I hate being bored, and when I am I bitch about it until I find something to keep me entertained.
~I'm not picky about who I'm friends with, but I'm VERY picky about who I date.
I admire everyone's honesty.

Since I answered the positive thread, I will answer the negative one too.

  • I take criticism exceedingly poorly and I take everything personally even when logic dictates otherwise.
  • I'm clinically depressed, but I refuse to take antidepressants.
  • I have been accused on more than one occasion of being histrionic.
  • I am also an only child and I also get put out when I don't get my way.
  • I am a bit hypochondriacal. If I get sick, I always think the worst.
  • I have a history of dating men with mommy issues and it has fucked with my relationship role expectations a lot.
  • I am a bit of an intellectual snob.
  • I am competitive and argumentative.
  • I am impatient and quickly become irate if I have to wait for anything.
  • I have excessively high expectations of some people and insufficiently high expectations of others.
  • I have a lower than average tolerance for stupidity.
  • I drink pretty much every day and I often drink to excess. I also have a tendency toward drunk dialing/chat. Please don't take it personally if I say some stupid slurry shit on your voicemail or AIM. ;)
  • I smoke too much pot.
  • The above notwithstanding, I don't have an addictive personality, and I can be a tad unsympathetic to those who do, although this is something I am working on enlightening myself about.
  • I have trouble remembering to pay my bills.
  • I tend to be very hard on myself. Despite assurances from others that I am intelligent and attractive, I don't perceive myself as either.
  • I like shoes and accessories way too much.
  • I become easily bored with people and situations.

I need a hug. :(
I'm a steaming pile of shit.

I could further qualify this statement with examples and elaboration...but the limitations of the English language would only serve to undermine how incredibly shitty I am.
-I'm 32 but emotionally I'm actually 16
-I think everyone hates me and it makes me withdrawn
-I'm fat, I need to lose at least 50 lbs
-I'm depressed AND have ADD. I was taking meds for them but it was too much trouble so I stopped
-I need alone time, especially in the mornings. If I'm stuck around a chatterbox early in the morning it's going to get REALLY ugly
-I still don't know what I want to do for a living. At my age you would think that I would have a clue
-I constantly (and I mean constantly) change what I think I want to go to school for, then take some classes and drop out because I changed my mind again
-I like loads of crappy music that no-one would ever want to be subjected to. But I will play it loud and sing (off key no doubt) at the top of my lungs to it
-I have no rhythm at ALL and I'm a clutz
-I want friends but can't be bother to put in all the time it takes to have any. When I do spend time with friends I am unhappy and when I'm away from people I'm unhappy. (Oh let's just face it I'm just unhappy period).
-I'm a fanatic about animals. I just love them. When I have pets I do talk baby talk to them. I know it's sickening. I can't even stand it sometimes.
-I'm a total and complete slob. I HATE cleaning. At the same time I hate messiness. So who the hell does that leave to clean up the mess?
-I hate conflict. If at all possible I will bolt when I sense a conflict between people I don't know very well.
-I'm stubborn. If you tell me to do something (ie: order me) I will do the exact opposite. But if you ask me nicely, I'd do anything for you
-I help people too much. Usually I will help someone out so much that it's hurting me (either financially or emotionally)
-My credit SUCKSSS!!! I cannot balance my checkbook. And I'm an impulse buyer. I hate that about myself but what can I do?
-I have an inferiority complex. I feel like I'm a worthless, stupid piece of shit most of the time
-If I'm not interested in something don't even bother to try to talk to me about it. My mind would have drifted 2 seconds into whatever you were trying to tell me about.
-I'm too honest. I will tell people the absolute truth (as tactfully as I can) but that's usually not good enough to not piss people off.
-I'm distrustful until you prove yourself. I've been burned, badly, by friends, family and ex's. So I have baggage from surviving all that.
-I love art. I think I even have some talent in it. But i'm too lazy to do anything with it.
-I'm just lazy in general

There's tons more but that's all my self-esteem (or lack of it) can handle at the moment.
im sensitive. i cry over stupid shit. i can dish it (though not very well) but cant take it.

i bite my nails!

i'm a perfectionist with my hair and brows. if they arent perfect, the world ends.

i'm extremelly unorganized.

i'm a tad-bit high strung. i get anxious easily. i think this started getting bad when i quit smoking. :\

i tend to whine a bit more than i should.

i have terrible road rage, but i'm a fantastic driver!

i'm emotional. i put my heart into everything. i get hurt easily. i'm breakable. but i guess theres good to that...
-I constantly (and I mean constantly) change what I think I want to go to school for, then take some classes and drop out because I changed my mind again

we should talk!
ok... time to 'fess up

- I'm opinonated about almost everything and don't mind letting people know that they're wrong and I'm right
- I'm self-centred
- If someone disagrees with me, I see this as a sign of lesser intellect
- I think little of my gender
- I could do with losing some weight
- and quitting smoking
- and going to the gym
- I'm NOT a team player because I can never trust anyone to do the job right
- I bottle up emotions
- I learned at an early age that being smart means I don't have to work hard. Hence... underachiever.
- I have a great memory for technical stuff and numbers but I can't remember life stuff like birthdays, picking up loo-roll and so on.
- I'm very laid back... which translates to most people as being uncaring and unmotivated.
- I'm bitchy
- I smoke ganja all the time

after reading that, I think I'd hate myself if we were to meet :D
Wow, this is kind of fun...

-I too am a NPR junkie, Carl Castle's voice is like a godsend...

-I am obsessively clean but will piss in a spare cup cause I'm too lazy to drag my ass away from my computer.

-Speaking of computers, I am a LPC programming junkie for an online text based RPG Discworld MUD.

-I am annoying when it comes to movies, books, and music. I hate modern music and I put that out to everyone. I remember 98% of everything I have ever read and put people down when they can't even remember an author. I incessantly try to understand movies (but people ask me about them is my excuse) and annoy the shit out of people when they haven't seen one of 'my movies.'

-I am a sarcastic artiste. I will personally insult everyone and anyone for fun if I get the chance. This gets me in trouble from time to time. Most people find it funny so that just encourages the behavior.

-I smoke close to four packs of cigarettes a day.

-I drink close to four pots of coffee everyday.

-I love amphetamines waaaaaayyyy too much.

-I am an awesome cook and constantly berate my wife for not trying the simplest dish.

-I am obssessive about my musical instruments.

-Another music one, I have an incredible car audio system and I hate when people try to blast shitty systems. So if you ever get rolled up on by a guy playing Bluegrass to drowned out you shitty system... It's probably me..

-In IM/PM conversations I can't stop LOLing.

-I hate, repeat, I hate, people with nice cars that drive too slow.

I could go on,.....
As many have said before, EXCELLENT THREAD !

Ok here goes

* I love to turn my music up really loud and open my car windows just so people will look at me

* I bitch and moan about how fat i am (when i know that i am not really overweight at all), when i absolutely hate other people who don't have weight problems that do the same thing

* I love gossip, and spread news onto other people just because i know it will cause trouble

* I smoke because i like it

* I bitch about my friends behind their backs

* I like being absolutely off my head on various substances

* I compliment people on how they look just so they will compliment me back

* I give stuff and do things for people not out of generousity but just so they will tell people i'm a nice person

* I'm bossy and stubborn

* I purposely stir people up by saying stupid stuff just so i can get a reaction

* I do stuff because i think its "cool"

i don't think i'll go on...i feel bad about myself as it is now :(
well, i did the good, here's the bad:

-i get blacked-out drunk somewhere between 5-10 times a year, and have strange adventures that i can't remember.
-when i'm really drunk i say very strange things, like telling my roommate that i'm going to mexico to get a woman pregnant then drinking myself to death in tampa.
-when i get busy i leave my clothes in "clean" and "dirty" piles in my floor and don't worry about them until i'm un-busy
-i hate eating at restaraunts
-i get uncomfortable in crowds of strangers, but have no issues w/shows or concerts
-if i don't like someone i meet i tell them, and enjoy seeing how they react to me for the rest of the evening.
-i can get very serious and evil if i get depressed, multiple people have called me "devil boy, the son of satan, etc..." when i get like that- it doesn't happen too often.
-most of the people i know think i'm gay and the last one to know it, there is actually a running bet on when i'm coming out of the closet. i just can't sexualize men- so i'm stuck loving the crazy ladies...
-i used to cut myself when i was in high school. in college i seriously contemplated suicide, my roommates actually thought i left to kill myself one night.
-i hate my grandparents. they're racists and wouldn't let me visit them when i had a japanese girlfriend, but i still don't like them even though i'm allowed to go visit now.
-i'm afraid of ever meeting a girl like my ex-girlfriend again, so i haven't had a serious relationship in a long time.
mmmm, ok, I'll do this one first and then console myself by doing fizzygirl's

- I am terribly shy with new people. When I meet someone new, I automatically assume that they don't like me (low self-esteem), so I try to talk to them as little as possible in order to save them from having to spend their precious time on a low-life like me.

- I am lazy, I rarely have energy.

- I could be so much more than I am. There is a really fun girl inside me, as a few very close people have experienced, but my fear (of everything), my low self-esteem, and shyness often stop my fun-ness from being fully expressed. Therefore, I may seem like a very boring person.

- Sexually, same as above. I have potential, and inside me there's a wildness which has been heavily repressed by low self-esteem and fear of failure and all those other horrible things.

- I am moody and nostalgic. It was always better in the 'good old days'.

- I guess I can be... clingy. I can be overly romantic. If I'm with the kind of guy that tends to be dominant in relationships, I find I lose myself and sort of hide behind him...

This is enough for now, I think I'll go therapise myself in the other thread. Another bad aspect is that I'm usually so extremely critical of myself, so I'll try to make the positive post twice as long as this one 8)