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The Travel Thread - I am lovely and respectful to all in my path PLUR <3 xxxxx

Yeah, make sure your car is RPG-proof for Pakistan :p Try and go 'round haha.

Sounds like an amazing idea. Iran is somewhere i'd love to go, but I don't think it's that simple to just toodle around there in your car. Could be wrong though, have a look into visas.

Bhutan is an expensive place to go to. Go to Nepal instead, or as well if you can afford it... :D

I would aim for India rather than SE-Asia if driving, and be aware of how fucking mental driving most of the countries you mention is going to be. I hope you're used to crazy roads!

Am thinking about going to Portugal and Spain after uni's done this summer, maybe for a few weeks n come back for Glasto or maybe into july and stay away for my 21st too. Some fun stuff should happen anyway...
Sounds like an amazing trip mate but reckon you need to do a lot of research, you'll likely need to pay money to take your car into each country so they can make sure you don't plan to ditch it, visas will be needed probably some in adbance.

How long do you reckon the trip will take you?

Good luck.
Just beginning to look into it really.

I think 3 weeks to India, maybe 4 because I have never been to Greece or Turkey and would like to stop there for a few days.

Not sure about Pakistan, would have thought it would be ok if you stuck to the south coast?

One of us is having a few personal probs at the mo so may have to wait a few weeks to see how that pans out but I was thinking perhaps better to leave in sept so its still hot in Europe and get to Goa for the beginning of Nov and stay for the beginning of party season.

Can always fly to bkk from there for a few weeks.

Not sure really. My two mates are well keen though and everyone has the cash.
You're planning on driving all the way to India in 3-4 weeks? 8o

Maybe it's possible but don't think it'd be much fun rushing all the way to India in such a short time, don't think you'll have time to stop and see or enjoy any place you visit just driving non stop. That really what you want?

Why not just drive around Europe if you've only 4 weeks?
Currently looking into how affordable (I think I know the answer already - not very) it would be for me to do a trip that included India (Goa most likely), China (Beijing & Shanghai), Japan (Toyko) and then to SE Asia to chill out for a couple months. Would just be visiting the places mentioned in India, China & Japan most likely then spending a good bit of time in SE Asia again. STATravel are telling me £1300 for flights, that'd get me back home to Scotland at the end of it too. Spent ages building a trip on oneworlds interactive planner but at the end when it comes to pricing it just tells you call up each individual airline, no thanks. :|
Why not buy flights when in Asia? India for example, I believe there's less tax and charges on flights, so it might work out cheaper, and lets you be a lot more flexible with your plans. You might find certain places burn your money, ha, which is obviously the main concern.

If you're trying to work on a budget with your dolescum gains ;) then is Tokyo really the best idea haha... Japan isn't the cheapest place, nor the easiest if you don't know any Japanese, although i'm sure there's some amazing tings to see all over the country.

So you want to do another "grand tour" ting then mate? Just go to India or somewhere and spend a proper amount of time getting to know the place and travelling 'round, will save you money and you might even give something back aside from the sunbed on a Bali beach :p :D
I could wait till in Asia but there's no guarantee I'll get any good deals. Tokyo will obviously be expensive but it looks fascinating and I want to go. STAtravel reckon they can get me from Glasgow to all those places and back again for just over £800. That's pretty damn impressive.

I'd like to go on another big trip if I could afford it, planned to do S. America but it's gonna be too expensive I think. Need to look into it again and see if it's viable because that would be the dream trip. Failing all that I'll probably just head back to SE Asia, check the parts of Thailand I've never been to (South & North as well as spending a bit of time in Bangkok again), go Myanmar, back to Vang Vieng Laos and possibly some other parts, Sihanoukville in Cambodia again and a cheap flight to India if I can find one.

Either way it'll be a top trip. Lots of fun will be had. :)
cheap travel

Finished my contract with my job and I have some time off. I want to head over to Dam and see how the MDMA scene is now. Would really like some good pills or molly, I know where to get brown crystals but the grams were light and expencive. Also, I'm not 100% convinved that it is MDMA when there are RC's that react to marquise and have simular effects.

Any way, first trouble is getting there because it costs a fortune to drive from Geneva. Plus it takes a good 10 hours. I wanted to fly but even easyjet makes driving look appealing. Especially since luggage costs extra.

Any one know a site that can list multiple means of transport on flexible dates and find me the cheapest way of going?

I'd drive up for 3-4 days if some one in the Geneva area wants to split the costs.
S. America is now a reality. Flights are booked to Rio on the 28th of October. Out there for 4 months. No real plan but I want to spend some time in Rio hopefully do a slum tour and make some connenction with the gangsters for setting up my cocaine cartel :D and see the mighty Christ the Redeemer statue maybe an Amazon trip and about a dozen other things in Brazil then visit Boilvia after Brazil, La Paz looks awesome. Need to visit the Route36 Cocaine bar and do the San Pedro prison tour if it's still going. The Uyuni salt flats looks pretty stunning too as does Lake Titiaca. Machu Picchu in Peru and the Nazca lines look epic. Head into Argentina see the Igazu Falls and go down to Patagonia before heading back to Rio to fly home. I just realised I'm flying home the day before Carnivale 2011 starts. :|

Will maybe see if I can change the flight home to a week later.
My friend was in Boliva a couple of months ago and I'm pretty sure I saw her mention on FB that she had done the prison tour - after reading Marching Powder its definitely something on my 'to do' list :D

That would suck being in the airport seeing all the people who have blatently just flown in for the Carnival, flight change is a must.
Thinking of driving to Thailand. Have two mates who are up for it , I'm thinking France - Italy - Greece - Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - India - Bhutan - China - Laos - Thailand.

Have done Europe road trips so not really worried about the driving time.

Worried about getting visas for Iran and China + not sure whether to drive my mates new car (brand new) or to chip in £500 each and buy a cheapo. With the new one we have to drive it back, but it will be more reliable. Cheapo can be sold (or left) at final destination if we run out of time (we all run small businesses).

Might fuck Thailand of and just stay in India if we like it, haven't checked the seasons or anything, just an idea at the mo.

any one done anything similar? any experiences driving through Iran or Pakistan?

Good luck with that, espceially driving through Bhutan and out through the border with China.

You really need to do some serious research on this, such as drive times (India in three weeks??), what areas of Baluchistan you're likely to be dragged from your car at gunpoint, visas, bribery money etc etc etc

Post your plans on a few of the different travel branches on the forum at http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/, you'll get a wealth of credible information from people who have done or tried similar.

Good luck.
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The Rickshaw Run!

When I get back from S. America I'm gonna see if I can get together a crew to do the Rickshaw Run in India.


What's all this talk of a Rickshaw Run?

Imagine the fastest, safest, earth-munching all-terrain vehicle in the world. Then imagine the opposite. Three wheels, half a horse power and more fun than any other vehicle on planet earth the humble Rickshaw is undoubtedly the ultimate long distance, off road machine, despite being designed for short distances on road. Now imagine trying to get the resultant engineering question mark over the Himalayas or the Rajasthan desert.

The Rickshaw Run is pretty simple. With no preparation and less luggage you fly to the Indian Subcontinent and do your damndest to force 150cc glorified lawnmower over thousands of miles of questionable terrain in around two weeks with no support at all. Fools gather from all the corners of the earth to hurt themselves on one of three Rickshaw Runs thundering through India each year. Find out when the next one is here.

The un-route is a wonderful concept which ensures you are free to get into trouble anywhere on the Subcontinent. We give you a beginning and an end roughly 5000km apart but all the mess that goes on in the middle is entirely up to you. The Himalayas, dirt tracks, tropical jungle, monsoons, massive deserts and many other wondrous things await. Have a gander at the un-route page for details. Each Rickshaw Run is kicked off and closed off with a massive party and ceremony followed by a game of cricket against the locals which we lose.

The Rickshaw Run is also about raising huge amounts of wedge for a great cause or two, so to take part you need to raise £1000 for the official charity. Have a peak here for more details.

Sounds like a right adventure, rallying across the length of India with no specific route and raising money for charity on the way. Team Bluelight anyone? :D
Right now that South America is all but a distant memory (it's only been 2 weeks but feels MUCH longer) I've started to plan out my next trip despite the fact I've no job or no money and loads of debt. If I don't I'll just go crazy so this will keep me going.

Here's the current options:

1. Brush up my Spanish or Portuguese (which I'm doing already - I practice every day) and get a TEFL certificate and go live in S. America for a while, try and get a teaching job and basically live in one place for a while till I'm bored and then move onto the next place. This is risky as there's no guarantee I can get a job and the pay and hours aren't always great.

2. Go overland from UK, through Europe (really want to visit Germany, Czech, Polans, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovenia, Hungry to name a few) into Turkey then fly to SE Asia. Really need to work out costs for this.

3. Fly to Mexico and work my way down through Central America (probably take a sidetrip to Cuba) into Columbia, Ecaudor before either going back into Colombia or Northern Peru and taking a boat down the Amazon for a several day trip down the Amazon into Northern Brazil and then travel down the coast to SP before flying home. Flights would be about £900, would be a hell of an experience but could work out quite costly.

4. India for several months, try and see a good chunk of the country. Reasonably cheap flights, cheap to travel in, bit of an eye opening experience I think.

5. Take a train from London to Moscow (with a few stops in countries of Europe that interest me) then take the TransMongolian Railway as far as Beijing, down to Shanghai and take a boat to Japan then fly to Bangkok. Pretty expensive, TransMongolian alone would be about £600, ferry to Japan another £100 then you've to get from Japan to BKK and home again.

6. Fly to Thailand, explore the North & South of the country as I haven't really seen those yet as well as going to Burma and a few sidetrips into Laos and Cambodia to places I really like. Possibly the cheapest option, cheap flights, cheap to live out there, would mean I need to work for less time in the UK to get out there.

Any thoughts?
Quit my job.
Time to live life again!

South Africa here I come!
Ryanair ??? II've used them loadsa times times mainly 2 get 2 Porto n see my pals, now the clever cnts have gone and stopped flying to Porto from |Bristol .
So on a whim and the fact that it's a lovely place , i 'm off 2 Seville at the end of May . I was there last october n really liked it n met some like minded weirdos. I can't wait!!
Girlfriend is from Joburg and we'll be going for a month. Going either November or February when there's a test match on.
Last time we spoke you had plans to move to SE Asia and set up a business, what happened to that?
Still my long term goal to set up in KL.

Was just offered a job today with offices in Miami, New York, Kuala Lumpur and Australia so will be looking for a transfer asap :D