Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Painful One you can't get in trouble with your doctor. Don't worry so much about it : ) it sounds like your meds stopped working so well. This is normal with opiates they lose effect over time I would just tell your doctor that (not giving advice on how to get drugs lol just saying it's a rule) but yeah just like tell your doctor you are in more pain now because you are. Withdrawal is irrelevant really if you need the pain relief not so important as not being in pain is. My guess is that the duration of relief at the same dose may have shortened. This is what I experienced. The onset time increased with tolerance, the peak effect was significantly lesser and shortened, and I found myself fiending more a handful of hours later for something that used to hold me over for 12 or longer. I would be in withdrawal again so fast after oxy's, I wouldn't have time to get anything done before I was sick again. Tolerance to me was not just an adjustment of dose - more and more side effects increased, the effects changed as the structure of my brain had changed, everything was different I wasn't even really getting pain relief it was starting to torture me in fact, and for me it wasn't worth it anymore. The abuse is a totally different thing than pain relief to me, I have always used opiates for pain relief and also abused them too, so it is different but I originally tried them because I couldn't bear the chronic pain anymore. I find that it gets worse as I detox, I am at a week and my spine is killin me I really don't want to be cleaning and getting out for a walk but I need the fresh air I'm freaking out with anger and depression I need to get out need to get out of here fucking fuck it's hell.

Anyways, I would just recommend paying very close attention to the way you are reacting to the meds and then if you are not getting the same amount of pain relief just say so and explain how so (don't mention taking not as prescribed if you have been doing that there's no need to it ; )... that is naughty naughty haha)... it seems to me like people in chronic pain are often under-prescribed and people who don't have it are often overprescribed, generally speaking. It is not a solution for pain relief for me though. It was for several years, but I started getting tolerance, unbearable withdrawal and side effects plus I was abusing it hedonistically, nonchalantly, and nihilistically for the euphoria and mental stimulation and physical relaxation the whole time.

I feel like such fucking trash today. I don't get it I slept 12 hours 5pm to 5am I was so exhausted then I passed out again until the early afternoon and I am just feeling like shit. I am taking the time to clean and reorganize and my new year's resolution is to get my place looking really nice. It's about a quarter of the way there from today's work but I need to shower, dress myself (chose an outfit I will like for my walk and keep my warm)... time to shower and cleanse my detoxifying body... then go for a nice woke. Cup of sencha. Lil Peep. I feel like shit and I am also having cravings for heroin. That oxycodone relapse reminded me that heroin exists. I stopped using heroin back in June or July... that whole year is just a haze of hell until I started waking up this autumn. It's hard to remember hell on earth, even if you've been there before and are back for another visit. Otherwise, nobody would ever go back.

My buddies who were heavy into IV heroin and hydromorphone tell me it's the sickness that keeps them from going back. It's so true. That shit is fucking traumatizing and since I can get by with my chronic pain without opiates luckily, as I learned only after being clean for 2 months however (I had worse pain for a while), then all I have to do is choose to quit cold turkey and experience the most possible discomfort (it's not like I can control myself to taper anymore like last year anyway... I'm a fiend now because I am stressed the FUCK out and I really shouldn't be but waking up to this nightmare is NOT fun... it's not my spirit it's the fucking disaster I created for myself over years of neglect)... I suppose it could be a little fun to clean up? I sure like to clean when I'm stoned, anyways. Figure I'll start with my place, get organized.

I need to get out for a walk though and like fuck these frigid parts it's already getting dark out mid afternoon. Sucks. I feel like such shit too I'm very depressed. Couldn't smile today, no way. Very dark mood. Stable mood, for once. I will be miserable all day. Nothing can pierce this powerful heart of negativity, misery, hopelessness, pointlessness, doubt, whatever. I don't care anymore. I'm getting out for a walk with Lil Peep. Depressed out of my mind I tried to help Painful One. I didn't sleep for so long either I passed out for 12 hours but funny enough I woke up at 11:55pm and didn't miss new years lol. Then I woke up, and passed out a couple hours later randomly. I've been up for days so that's why or like 2 - 3 hour relentless sleeps. This is what made me relapse off my oxy taper last year when I actually wanted to quit.

I actually really wanted to quit this year too. All this fall. I know I still want to all the same but the withdrawal is fucking with me. Making me feel like such trash, I am forgetting that I will ever feel naturally happy again waking up in the morning without anything but well bong rips and well well fuckin valium and etizolam but that's a story for another day. What is killin me right now are the opiates and relapse is particularly dangerous for someone like me. I need to make sure I don't relapse because I take the same dose as normal and go for the nod, now. If I'm going to relapse I have a Fuck It attitude anyway. I nearly died last time I did this, but I don't know if that scared me. Honestly, it didn't. I just look back and think, "woah, I almost died when I relapsed I got so high I'd open my eyes and be doing a downward dog for who know how long... woah. I thought I was laying in bed. Nodded the fuck out over every square inch of this place, was sore from being slouched over so much after and it lasted 12 hours. In short... that was the only time in 5 years I really took a look and thought woah, I literally nearly DIED. It didn't stop the relapse it fuelled it and then I blew through several grams of oxy over 2 weeks.

Gotta be careful these days. I don't care about the physical symptoms so immodium is pretty much irrelevant to me. I am more concerned with how I temporarily become very depressed to the point I wish I was dead. I'm too depressed to give a fuck though. All I can do is wait it out... couple more weeks and I'll be okay. There's always relapse but do I really want to go through this again. I already feel 99% better than I did just a couple days ago and I still wish I was dead. Anyways I'm trippin too so I better get out for a walk, I just noticed I'm getting a lot of visuals. I bet the beautiful winter and crisp outdoor air will help cheer me up a bit. Plus the exercise getting my endorphins going, and Lil Peep is too sick.

The only people I think care about me are family and friends, that sorta thing... people who I can sense and know do. Can't trust anything apart from personal experience I guess. There are people here who clearly give a fuck, I do too about you I am too caught up in so many troubles right now to offer much support in return.
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So depressed can't bear it
may as well panic to distract shit
this is getting to be a lot
can't make it out for my walk
I will thought I just feel like shit again. Sheer Terror is worse than depression. Forgot about that one. Sigh... I am very forgetful in a lot of ways. My long term memory is sharp, short term memory a haze. It's hard to care very much presently, but I won't stop trying to. I remember that I cared a lot more when I had been off opiates for a couple weeks and I was more grateful for the things that I have. Although it is not what I want or where I want to be at all and I see no easy way out at all I feel trapped I was still just happy that I didn't die from that shit. As there were many more occasions than the one I happened to notice in which I could have died alone with nobody even knowing what if anything was wrong.

Wow, that walk was quite the trip. So earlier today before I got depressed again, I was practicing how to rap. I figured I may as well explore every creative expression I can think of at this point and really I'm not a bad singer. This song more reflects my mood today... it is so down, but it's not depressing because it is brimming with confidence. And by the end of my one hour walk in -20C weather, I could not feel my fuckin face... like the song says.

Anyways, I hear of people advising me to listen to songs on here and stuff and I must add that yeah music is good for the soul. Nature is essential too... just getting outside and breathing that crisp winter air. Nobody is out because it is that cold. I saw like 3 people so I listened to this track and continued practicing rapping it while on my walk. By the end of the loop I was so cold was walking for dear life, lol. I clearly don't want to die if when I can't feel my face anymore, I wrap my scarf around it for a moment. If I wanted to have, I could have lay down in the snow and fell asleep I totally would have died. So I think I am good on that front. I have the will to live after all I need to remember to ask for that girls number next time. Was so busy last time anyway I'll se her around.

This is the type of music that brings me up though because he is so confident in his darkness and depression and ways of self medicating. Can't handle more cheerful music until I'm like a month clean, lol.

I am doing well but relapse is the worst thing I have ever experienced in the world of opiates. It was after around 2 months and with the high and withdrawal included, will set my life back around a month and I'm lucky to be keeping it together. I took 60mg of 2c-d earlier and it hit me like a freight train. I am happy to be oxy-depressed again (I can't really call it sick at this point, but it's the most agitating part for me)... that was really a lot for me too go through because tripping is so introspective and enhancing and I am already going through a lot. I just got out on my walk and practiced rapping this song over and over I'm actually not bad. Of course I'm not... I am good at learning music by ear so why not this way over learning a song on guitar.

Really important to keep yourself busy during detox. Laying around sick is the worst I refuse to do it after the first few days. This time, I am proud of myself. I didn't let it get to me. I worked every day (missed one shift lol), got out with a friend in town, triple conched my ear, hung out with my brother too, and generally held my shit together. The suicidal thoughts are a part of withdrawal for me. I am normally not like that I was feeling great after 3 weeks when I stopped. Really, I can't wait to get back there.

It is the sickness that will keep me away. If I am feeling this shit, nothing is worth that. Wow though... my face was numb to the touch i couldn't feel myself biting my own lip after that walk anyways this is the song I can rap after today. Ever since I started listening to him, can't listen to anything else his inherent, deep emotions are a reflection of my own. So yeah, happy songs don't cheer me up in withdrawal haha. Rapping certainly did! I love using my voice open and freely like that and not giving a fuck. I know who I am is not how bad I feel right now. I am just coming out of a bad dream and horrible physical symptoms I'm still in shock from it. Shocking myself with a psychedelic and long, cold walk through the neighbourhoods while singing really helped. I don't feel depressed anymore but I am nervous because my parents are stopping by and I am still seeing colours in the screen and they are upstairs but hell if I can hide a heroin habit for 5 years I'm pretty sure I am more than a little mischeivious about my ways.... they won't notice shit wrong with me. I am a chameleon like that.

So yeah man glad to hear loperamide is helping you squeaky but isn't it unhealthy to take over 50mg? You are the expert not me but I think I heard that... those seem like high doses to me. I am sure they are helping a lot though and your issue seems to be more that you have a lot of responsibility and can't be physically sick. I am like that to an extent but what keeps me clean (well... most of the time anyway) is going through the torture of cold turkey. That is just my way but sometimes I get so stressed that I don't have time to think twice. Just taking it day by day I'm definitely feeling better every day now even if I still feel like shit. I will get back to who I was and I am a good person I have an attractive and contagious positivity about me these days. I suppose it is to balance out all the external negativity, even though the two are really mirror images of each other. Chameleon.

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Yeah, the doses are high but only for a few days. People who report health problems from mega doses usually return to normal after a few days off of Loperamide. It’s not a perfect plan but it’s been working so far.
I will be alright shroomy. I'm working it out. I really don't want to up my dosage either. Look what you are going through. Probably best for me to re-stabilize and then see how I am feeling. The winter always hurts really bad. Thank you for the help. I will watch really closely
I feel so bad for you. Sending you love and support. Hang in there.
You will feel better soon. Keep going for walks and stuff. I am doing that too. It helps to get outside.
Music always makes everything better!

"I know who I am is not how bad I feel right now." - that is exactly right shroomy.

I managed to sleep better with the combination of loperamide and morphine. I actually slept from 8:30 to 6:00 and awoke being just slightly sick.
Well I hope you get through the physical part. I'm at the depressed part... like nothing matters or will ever again. Everything is pointless I normal creative spirit is extinguished. It will return over the next couple weeks.

I am going to a yin yoga class tonight with a chill atmosphere. Haven't been to a yoga class in ages. I feel like shit staying in I need to change my environment. I practice yin a lot at home, but not lately sine i've been caught up in drugs. I really need to get back into it, checked randomly and the perfect class was there waiting for me. Yin yoga + (one of my favourite chill things) ... so I am heading there tonight. Pretty excited, and I got paid today a little more than I expected. It's a nice pay, even with my bill I had to pay. My next one should be better. I started reading Infinite Jest, that is a really good book so far. My brother has read it and then we can have a discussion about it like we normally do. It is massive... small print and over 1000 pages. Really good so far.

Regaining the ability to read is a good sign. I didn't need to trip today to not be depressed, either, but I am choosing to take a low dose for yin yoga class. Can't resist that, yin is the chillest.
I used H for a year straight and I know that you can taper successfully. I couldn't have anyone know that I was using and I couldn't get sick. I have kids to take care over. My usage wasn't to the point of ever knodding off or anything. Just enough to give me energy to get my stuff done and to ease my depression and anxiety. Turns out doing h just made my depression worse. I feel like a piece of shit for wasting all the money I spent and am terrified that someday one of my sons will end up using. I pray to God they don't. Anyway it took a few days but I only allowed my self to use once in the morning and before bed at night until I ran out. Which took like 4 days.. I did get a few wd symptom like diaherra and exhaustion but I pushed threw and am now clean. I don't feel 100 percent yet but I know I will feel better soon and in the mean time just keep pushing threw. I think the shame was a big motivater for me. I haven't ever been one to do something like this but I just got so depressed and tired. I understand know how some ppl can turn to drugs. It doesn't help but it mask the sadness for a min.
^^^^ congratulations on the kick.

God bless you: I wish you Continued Success.

I don't know the ages of those sons you mention. But TALK TALK TALK TO THEM ABOUT DRUG ABUSE. do not keep the subject silent (*I'm not saying you need to confess your own use at first or perhaps at all: that can be a paradox where the kid feels "awww heck if mom or pop did it, it's good enuf for me!")

You can always say, "I once knew someone whom...." or speak more generally but Definately talk talk talk about the dangers of drug abuse , with your Children !!!
I got a month unlimited yoga membership today, and my first class was a candlelit yin. Lots of spinal twists that stuff is good for me and relaxing. Was starving at the end of it, lol. Feels like dmt to me, I like it. Probably going to go every day, I do a lot of yoga at home anyway but staying at home too much is depressing so.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Midavis! That is encouraging for many of us. Many, many people struggle with depression and anxiety disorders. I honestly think it is those of us in this world whom are very sensitive and very special.
Being constantly bombarded with feeling others pain and having an extreme compassion and senses (smell, noise, light, etc.)
can be crippling in life and it causes many to self medicate in an attempt to function as a "normal" person.
We are the musicians, the peace makers, care givers, creative and amazing people. We just have to find an outlet for our extreme emotional tidal waves.

Nicely done shroomy! The candlelight yoga/yin class is a perfect outlet! I bet you did enjoy that and the exercise/stretching is very good for us and provides relief!
I have already had ‘the talk’ with my children about recreational drug use. After I quit cold turkey oxy and had to go back on it I told them what I went through and how difficult it was to get off it. They are adults, and they didn’t seem judgmental at all . The fact that it was so difficult for me seemed to really hit home with them.
I am hoping that if they ever get the opportunity to try hard drugs recreationally they will think of me and stay the F away!
I have already had ‘the talk’ with my children about recreational drug use. After I quit cold turkey oxy and had to go back on it I told them what I went through and how difficult it was to get off it. They are adults, and they didn’t seem judgmental at all . The fact that it was so difficult for me seemed to really hit home with them.
I am hoping that if they ever get the opportunity to try hard drugs recreationally they will think of me and stay the F away!

Same here . My kids are grown now and are both very Leery of substance use and perhaps more compassionate towards users & addicts since they know my story n have seen "hey good people can become addicts. Who knew?""
I had a breakthrough, high dose experience with DMT today. The whole day was a rush, I passed out after work until like 2pm and the planned seance with friends was at 4.

Then I got out to the mall, and then to a yoga class.

My DMT experience was the coolest drug experience with psychedelics I have ever had, it was lovely. I can't enjoy life though being this depressed.

I'm waiting around for one of these relapses to kill me. I have a script coming out in a week, and already know I'm going to relapse on it. I'm not using because I don't have any drugs. I want one of these relapses to kill me ever since my last one very nearly did.
Hello everyone,

Happy New Year!

Sorry I have been dark for a while but this was first Christmas without my parents -- they both died recently within months of each other.

I completed my taper on 12/31 (last 5 mg Oxy) and jumped on 1/1.
On Sat, 12/23, down to 17.5 MME/day = (2.5 mg Methadone = 10 MME) + (5 mg Oxycodone = 7.5 MME).
On Tues, 12/26, down to 12.5 MME/day = (1.25 mg Methadone = 5 MME) + (5 mg Oxycodone = 7.5 MME).
On Sat, 12/30, down to 7.5 MME/day = (No Methadone) + (5 mg Oxycodone = 7.5 MME).
I took my last 5 mg oxy on 12/31 to have one last blast for New Year’s Eve, lol.
During the last half of taper, I had a lot of anxiety and depression. I was very agitated and just wanted to be alone.

1/1 - Day 1 no opiates - intense yawns (I hate the yawns!), severe fatigue, chills, mild bone pain in back and mild RLS, insomnia and onset of diarrhea, very mild anxiety - took two 2 mg lopes (as directed).
1/2 - Day 2 no opiates - still fatigued but slightly less than yesterday, bone pain almost gone, mild RLS, no diarrhea, very mild anxiety, and slept 8.5 hrs after not sleeping well for past 5 days.
1/3 - Day 3 no opiates - still fatigued but slightly less than yesterday, no bone pain, mild RLS, diarrhea intensified, bad chills, very mild anxiety, slept 5.5 hrs (in 1.5-2 hr intervals) - took two 2 mg lopes (as directed) x 2 doses in 24 hrs.
1/4 - Day 4 no opiates - feeling pretty good so far today but the day is young. Don't notice fatigue, no bone pain or RLS, no diarrhea so far. Some mild anxiety continues. I don't feel anxious, but I get these involuntary "butterflies" in my stomach - feels like a flutter from your chest down to your abdomen - I have read this is caused by anxiety.

One important thing to note: After jumping off, I did not count the agonizing minutes like I did with CT. I took time off work to jump and I feel like time is flying by too fast!! I stay up til 6 am binging on Netflix, surfing the net, etc. Then I woke up this morning after sleeping like crap and felt like a kid at Christmas with all these plans for the day and a feeling of excitement! That is the first time since being off opiates that I feel like I am alive again! I was so depressed during the holidays, coupled with the neurotransmitters rebalancing after coming off opiates. The depression was prevalent during most of Dec and it's finally lifting!

I'm not out of the woods yet as they say Methadone w/d starts 3-5 days after last dose. My last dose was Fri, 12/29, so it's been 6 days today and I feel like I’m getting better. Hopefully, it's over! Even if I get a little more physical w/d, I can handle it at this point. I tapered from 90 MME/day (on for 17 yrs of Pain Mgmt) in approx. 8 weeks (11/8-12/31). I'd say the mental part was the worst - and it was worst at beginning of taper and in the middle once I got down to last half of taper. The physical was not even as bad as the flu. I have gone CT in the past from higher doses (240 MME/day) and I said never again! So I stockpiled meds over the years so I had an exit plan if I was ever cut off again - glad I did because the DEA shut down my PM doc. Now I don't have to answer to a PM doc again - they treat us like second class citizens! I'd much rather taper and be in a perpetual state of mild "3/10" w/d for a longer time than "10/10" w/d for a week. CT makes the mental part even worse for me. I've heard that CT shocks your system so bad that it intensifies PAWS.

I had stockpiled old Lyrica and started taking 150 mg once per day about halfway through taper on 12/4. I was afraid to go higher in case I couldn't get anymore. I also didn't want to go above 150 mg until I was off opiates. That way, mentally, I feel as if I had something in its place. I did see my PCP and he prescribed Lyrica 150 mg x 2 per day. After tapering opiates my chronic pain came back but not nearly as intense so I must have had either opiate induced hyperalgesia (much debate exists about this topic as many think it's really just tolerance developing and that OIH is manufactured hype to get people off opiates - I believe they are "purging" the population of the weak and sick but don't get me started, lol). The Lyrica has helped my pain tremendously so far. I have not gained any weight after being on it for approx. 5 wks. I've actually continued to lose weight due to lovely opiate w/d and no appetite throughout taper and even now my appetite never came back, which I'm happy about! I'm up to 250 mg per day, starting 12/30, which is less than the 300 mg prescribed. He said he can increase to 450 mg per day if needed. He also continued my Ambien, thankfully, as I have a neurological circadian rhythm disorder so it is indicated for that as I would like to continue to work full time until I retire in 15-20 yrs.

I also continue to use MM but not as much as during the taper. I got to the point that I couldn't inhale anymore as my lungs were fried and had a bronchitis type cough, lol. I did a lot of experimentation with shatter, edibles (butter), heavy Indica bud (kush) joints, vape oils (Sativa/higher CBD content is good daytime medicine), vaping organic plant matter at different temperatures to change THC/CBD ratios and terpenes for the medical relief you need. I still use in the evenings and maybe a couple of vape hits during the day. I will say MM has its place as an adjunctive therapy, but it is, IMHO, not comparable to pharmaceuticals. And it is very expensive - I've spent about $1500 since I started tapering in November. I also prefer how Lyrica makes me feel during the day - it is used for anxiety in UK but not here in States - it works wonders for anxiety!

I really never thought I could successfully taper. I was so scared of w/ds having gone CT before. I knew there would be w/ds but I had no idea how manageable this would be, not pleasant but doable. I was also able to continue working full time throughout taper - some days were rough though but, again, doable. I just focused on getting through each day through practicing mindfulness – it really does work! I know I have traded one substance for another and Lyrica w/d is awful, so I've heard, but the sickening, constant pain and insomnia drives one mad!! I also feel confident that I won't get cut off of it like opiates due to the DEA witch hunt on opiates.

Now my new life begins. Hopefully, PAWS is not too bad.

I hope this helps someone. If it does, I will consolidate my posts into a new thread so people can see the full taper schedule and diary.

Sending love and hope to all,
- SweetLeaf7
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I had a breakthrough, high dose experience with DMT today. The whole day was a rush, I passed out after work until like 2pm and the planned seance with friends was at 4.

Then I got out to the mall, and then to a yoga class.

My DMT experience was the coolest drug experience with psychedelics I have ever had, it was lovely. I can't enjoy life though being this depressed.

I'm waiting around for one of these relapses to kill me. I have a script coming out in a week, and already know I'm going to relapse on it. I'm not using because I don't have any drugs. I want one of these relapses to kill me ever since my last one very nearly did.

Stay strong Shroomy! I would cry if you died.
Same here . My kids are grown now and are both very Leery of substance use and perhaps more compassionate towards users & addicts since they know my story n have seen "hey good people can become addicts. Who knew?""

Good stuff! You are good people!
I used H for a year straight and I know that you can taper successfully. I couldn't have anyone know that I was using and I couldn't get sick. I have kids to take care over. My usage wasn't to the point of ever knodding off or anything. Just enough to give me energy to get my stuff done and to ease my depression and anxiety. Turns out doing h just made my depression worse. I feel like a piece of shit for wasting all the money I spent and am terrified that someday one of my sons will end up using. I pray to God they don't. Anyway it took a few days but I only allowed my self to use once in the morning and before bed at night until I ran out. Which took like 4 days.. I did get a few wd symptom like diaherra and exhaustion but I pushed threw and am now clean. I don't feel 100 percent yet but I know I will feel better soon and in the mean time just keep pushing threw. I think the shame was a big motivater for me. I haven't ever been one to do something like this but I just got so depressed and tired. I understand know how some ppl can turn to drugs. It doesn't help but it mask the sadness for a min.

Hi Mldavis, Thank you for sharing your story - you are an inspiration!! Congrats on a successful taper and jump off!! The opiates made me feel the same, short-lived relief followed by a come down - such a double edged sword.

- SweetLeaf7
I have already had ‘the talk’ with my children about recreational drug use. After I quit cold turkey oxy and had to go back on it I told them what I went through and how difficult it was to get off it. They are adults, and they didn’t seem judgmental at all . The fact that it was so difficult for me seemed to really hit home with them.
I am hoping that if they ever get the opportunity to try hard drugs recreationally they will think of me and stay the F away!

That is good stuff Squeaky! I hope you are doing well. Happy New Year!
I got my Rx of oxy filled 4 days ago...... been binging since. 180 mg today. I have to quit, and fast. But it is so nice to NOT hurt, especially during the holidays. My plan was to be off it completely by New Years, but family obligations due to the holidays have made it just too damn hard.
So much for willpower.

Aw, I'm sorry Squeaky. If I still got scripts, I would still be taking them. You're right that nothing kills the pain like an opiate. Be gentle on yourself.

- SweetLeaf7
I can't get down past 90mg a day so far after the 8 day high dose Imodium mess up.
My boyfriend just saved my ass. He gave me the finest cannabis I have EVER seen!
OG KUSH crossed with Girl Scout cookies= Creme Brûlée
WOOAH!! It is helping my pain so much. Leg pain is at zero. That is a miracle. This stuff has an opiate like effect. Feels like opiates more than cannabis. The pain relief is absolutely amazing for me.

I am hoping I can cut back down to 75 mg as I am already going to be short again and then what? Back to the Imodium and high tolerance and back through this again? I have to find a way out of this cycle now.

That strain sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing, Painful One!

I've found with my taper that if I didn't decrease more than 20-25%, I didn't feel much physical w/d. It was more mental. The first half of taper was tolerable. I stabilized within 3-5 days after each drop (90 to 75 to 60 to 50 to 40, etc.) and ended up with a lower tolerance, which was good. I actually got pain relief and a buzz taking the lower dose once stabilized. I was able to taper down to 40 or 50 without too much trouble. If I still got scripts, that is what I would do to stockpile some and take a slightly higher dose once a week for something to look forward to without creating tolerance - the best of both worlds. Lyrica and MM helped me taper. Much love!

- SweetLeaf7
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