Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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I had a great day today. My body recovers so fast, I have a healthy vegetarian diet that is likely why and I am active for someone with chronic pain. I do a lot of quick walking and yin yoga.
First thing that happened was I got a new connect for the chronnnnn and not only that, a random new friend who I struck up a conversation with about some silly topics. Like my friend says I'm always talking about some new friend I am making.
I am using saline salt solution. And a q tip to wipe around the woods there was a lot of dried blood on the back today; I got my brother to do it. Yeah with the hair I did I do look really good to some women. More the ones I think I would like anyway.
There is a girl I really like at the piercing shop. She is lovely and so sweet such a cutie. The moment I saw her I knew I wanted to get to know her but I have seen her 3 times since 5 or 6 weeks ago. I was going to write more but essentially today I finally caught her attention. I wasn't trying to I needed some sea salt spray asap, but we had a long conversation she had to apologize to the lineup. The way she said goodbye to me told me a lot. She has a gothic kinda style I think she is lovely and is always really nice.
That was fun, and unexpected. Other girl might be too complicated for me this girl is super chill. Oh and she had a triple lobe piercing on both ears and her tragus piercing. The other one I want to get so we chatted about piercings and it is cool we both have triple ones. She had triple lobe piercings on each ear, never seen that before. She said mine look really good I am so stoned I bought a bong today and am train wrecked haha but I can't say I wasn't flattered, coming for her. People say stuff about that to me all the time but coming from her was the most meaningful, because I kinda think she is a cutie. Seriously though I've been trying to run into her there for like 6 weeks but I've seen her twice in the past few days. The rest is more personal and goes in my journal lol.

Seeing my friend visiting from another country was really fun, we did some 2c-d and I helped him pick out gifts for his family. He is going to some crazy new years party and is doing some 2c-d there too. I just did one little bump of 2c-d today. I was falling asleep at work for the last 2 hours of the 8 in the middle of the night and it woke me right up.

Then my buddy at the tea store who I wanted to tip said not to tell him my silly story about the one time he wasn't at work when I went there and he's like no no I still have your number I'll text you. Haha. I've wanted to be friends with him for soooo long, well we are friends. We always have chill chats I see he frequently at work and he uses his employee discounts on me and gives me free tea. The story I have to tell him will be a hilarious inside joke and maybe we'll end up hanging out.

The stoner dude I made friends with today smokes a lot of good kush and we are def gonna be chilling.

I haven't smoked bong in like a year nothing but joints so I think that's why I feel so good. And because... I really like that cutie at the mall. I should ask for her number next time to make friends she is so damn chill and really cute. Tall, pale skin and a nice smile I like the sound of her voice she's super chill. I really should do that what harm could come from it and she'd be down anyway like we are both such non threatening people haha but I sense she is probably a little crazy like me. Anyone who takes interest in me alway is.

This always happens when I get clean it is a spiritual thing. I randomly meet a girl I like and maybe it is because I am more social and comfortable in my own skin off opiates.. I would say that we have each other's interest now and that is great. I am there pretty often these days it's close by. Such a cutie I have to ask her to be friends if it wasn't so busy and we weren't holding up the line I would have asked today. That means I am starting to feel like my normal self again but for some reason unknown this always happens when I get clean.
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**** claps hands ****

Now that's our normal Shroomy! Gettin out having fun flirtin wit the ladies! The gloves n your new.... hobby items (*I always call that a "good shopping day" when I score something awesome at a deep discount. )

It's so funny about your gloves.... I have misplaced my fuzzy gray hat & gloves from last year so being well below 0 here now I was Sadly Needin! So yesterday I got some ADORABLE tan chenille gloves with fuzzy cuffs for one dollar !
SWEEEEEET ! good shopping day.

We have a legendary consignment shop in my town. I've found such awesome stuff in there. That's where I got the gloves n a dozen other great things yesterday. I was truly only stopping in for clearance priced Christmas paper but hot damn.

Not much else Is happening around here. Plans to finish our holiday shopping are postponed til tomorrow (husband n i slept very late today. We have 2 more weeks til we celebrate Christmas w our kids).

My kid on the Florida trip is sending photos from universal Orlando n the Wizarding World of Harry Potter -- those pics made me think of you too Shroomy. With your potion-work all the time.

I'm very jealous of those warm temps n sunshine my daughter's enjoying. It's -4 Fahrenheit here in Iowa and going to get -20 -30 before the cold snap let's up.

That girl at the mall is so hot, although I shall hold no attachment to the idea of any one female. She is very sexy, and let me try on her necklace. I wear it on my arm. She has triple piercings too and we match, she is tall, with long straight brunette hair and has an attractive dark but beatific aura about her. It is best not to think of her until we next meet, and to only go to the place where she works when I feel like it. She is quite the... yeah she is cute. But she is hot, too. Crazy hot.

I am having a jolly trip on 2c-d. Systematically reviewing attachments and aversions and untying the knots through logic. Talking to my awareness interested friend and he is telling me I a am tornado of self awareness. There is sure a lot of chaos in this cosmic lens, that is for sure. I'm sure whatever it is that sees life through my eyes is enjoying the pleasure and pain of it all.

It's not really flirting I just chat with them but it is simultaneously. There are none of those thoughts really I just go about meeting people. I can sense energies. I like the energy of this girl, ran into her 3 times in the past 6 weeks. Never forgot. Was focussing on a memory of her earlier... a mental picture kind of... and energy was radiating out of my body. All of this is has been healing as through the practice of awareness and using the tools of the mind it is possible to rid oneself of toxic energies, attachments, aversions, and love oneself wholly. At that point, love will be attracted in life as opposed to pain. Although nothing exists but the present moment, this present moment has been shaped by years of lack of awareness, selfishness, neglect, and suffering of the body and mind. The skin much be shed. I like to change my appearance and if I hadn't done that, I don't think I would have her attention now. It wasn't meant to happen, but it did. I needed to disinfect my ear, but we ended up holding up everyone in line and I won't continue on. The karma should not be fucked with through attachment to memories of past experiences. That can create expectatons, after all. I just like her she's fucking HOT and tall and her hair and skin and all these cute features that tantlaize me. lol. Time to get to aversion... I've been avoiding that lol. I'm not as aversive as I was before. I tend to hold attachments. I don't know if I even have one to opiates anymore. I think I have a connection to them - an energy if you will - that may never leave. But I hold no attachment to anything that they do to me. I am aversive to the suffering that they caused me. Now time to move on to another knot and untie it.

I like me. What would life be like without a little chronic relapsing and staying up all night working on 2c-d, anyway. An overdose scare when I didn't know my oxy tolerance on just 30mg. Whoever is observing this... watching me... lol. I don't mean other spirits although I suppose that I do. Whoever is experience this, similar energies are fundamentally flowing. Must be silly energy about me, maybe the cute entity is something that was created to keep me from being lonely lol. There are likely many spirits about me, I have seen their faces. I don't claim to know what that means. I do want a girl who is hot and cute, creative and organized and communicative in ways that I am not. The general idea. I am a funny creature, adventurer, creative, and attractive person. I am figuring out where I fit in. Getting into trouble constantly, used to never get away with it now I always do. Definitely belong with a fox. There is no question about that. I know which one I like most but I shall hold no thought to such matters. The potential energy is there. Maybe run my own business with a team of friends or a lover and help others. I do drugs in stints and go through withdrawal but I am no longer addicted. There's likely to be some devious or mysterious or suspicious to others about me throughout life, but I know that I am a good person.

50mg 2c-d + buying a bong and smoking anything other than joints since beginning time. There are negative tendencies. I don't even know what to say. There has to be a balance of energies, of course. My energy is anywhere from very low to very high frequency, and the amplitude can very tremendously as well. T It is chaotic, but there is also balance. The way it is balanced is crazy. Sort of why I know that I am attracted for female creatures into my daily meanderings, although holding no attachment to any one of them yet. Then that connection can be a happy one. There can be harmony, resonance, and there can be noise. The waves should be interpreted in a way that provides little interference, so that the message is received without too much background chatter.
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I got my Rx of oxy filled 4 days ago...... been binging since. 180 mg today. I have to quit, and fast. But it is so nice to NOT hurt, especially during the holidays. My plan was to be off it completely by New Years, but family obligations due to the holidays have made it just too damn hard.
So much for willpower.
Don't get hung up over it dude I was taking doses like that for 2 weeks recently. I don't know if it's a willpower thing dude if willpower is involved I don't know if it is a good sign. It should be a natural "fuck this shit" type of thing I got to that point, that I resent them and I have really never had drug cravings for them. I have way stronger cravings for weed, my relapses happen when I get so stressed I can't think straight.

I nearly overdosed and died the first time using after a couple months and it was 30mg oxy, mixed with valium from the day before, and the day before, and the day before... I didn't realize how many benzos were in my system as something had been tormenting me and I was waiting for the moment the pharmacy doors to open. I'll probably do the same thing in a week, I have another script coming out. I'd love some oxy right now, it is very hard to quit when I feel like such shit and then even afterwards... when that heavenly nod become available at a dose easily within reach.

The withdrawal has been a ferocious dragon burning me alive dude after 4 days it shouldn't be hard to get back on track. After a week, you will be fucked. I still can't function all that wiell on the 5th day.

By the end of those two weeks I could take any amount of oxy and it was seemingly just passing through my body and keeping me from being sick. I don't have an attachment to opiates; I strongly prefer who I am as a whole when I am not using them. I have an aversion to not feeling like I am being burnt alive, and all it takes is a single day of use to get the withdrawal going now that I have a long, exhausting history with them.

Man just trip out dude helped me so much.

It's the 5th day and it is the morning and I am crying, over nothing in particular. I think I am going to dose some more 2c-d, last night was the most analytical spiritual type experience I have ever had. Like tripping on a smart drug, or nootropic. The experience was wonderful.

I have those aches in my upper arms most miserable withdrawal symptom feels like ants are eating away at my bones... but it's so much better than it was 2 days ago. I was completely freaking out and at least this pothead fuck has a bong again! My last amazing bong is at my past gf's like 1000km away damn I wish I still had that beauty (the bong)

Hey dude binging is the worst eh. I binged pretty much all of December and man not having much of a tolerance at first, so dangerous. That was the one time in the past 5 maybe 6 years now that I became concerned that I could have died. Think the normal dose you'd take for maximum happiness and analgesia, energy and stuff, then at least triple it likely more. Anyways you know what's up. It is nice to not hurt. I find I can accomplish this with psychedelics and weed to a small extent, while detoxing after the first few days. I'm sure the etizolam doesn't hurt I'm dependent as hell on the stuff.
I can't get down past 90mg a day so far after the 8 day high dose Imodium mess up.
My boyfriend just saved my ass. He gave me the finest cannabis I have EVER seen!
OG KUSH crossed with Girl Scout cookies= Creme Brûlée
WOOAH!! It is helping my pain so much. Leg pain is at zero. That is a miracle. This stuff has an opiate like effect. Feels like opiates more than cannabis. The pain relief is absolutely amazing for me.

I am hoping I can cut back down to 75 mg as I am already going to be short again and then what? Back to the Imodium and high tolerance and back through this again? I have to find a way out of this cycle now.
Weed just saved my ass too! I got a bong, after only smoking joints for many moons. I am getting SO lit, lol. I've been up since 4am and chain smoking bong for like 3 hours, lol. Last night I was so stoned and took 40 or 50mg of 2c-d I decent dose and I had a highly analytical trip. Reflected a lot on attachment and aversion... I feel that they are critical to dissolve in making the most out of life. I felt radiation flying out of my body. I have a crush on someone new as well she is super chill. Things are getting more complicated but less complicated too, haha.

I should be getting some kush and shatter too so upgrading from outdoor to that should be unreal. 2c-d is such a good psychedelic. 2c-c and 2c-d have really helped me detox as they have stimulant / antidepressant properties from activating odd connections in the mind that can be thoroughly analyzed. They are literally eye opening.

Maybe your weed is laced with fentanyl watch out, lol. I don't think that has ever happened. Nobody cuts weed haha.

I would stay at 90mg for two weeks you are stressing about it. Then go to 75 for 2 weeks and then 60 for a couple weeks... really, if you have self control to do that and the supply there is no reason not to take it slow you won't feel as bad. It is the 5th day I still have restless legs and nasty muscle aches I think I will dose 2c-d again today on top of the weed I've been smoking for a few hours. Nice more ahaha. This other girl is a very different tyoe of creature and super chilled out, has triple piercings like me and holding up the long line was silly she's like I just got these 4 (piercings done) an hour ago could have talked to her for hours. Maybe I will see her again I like that shop.
I'm glad to hear that weed has saved your ass too! Cheers to that!
I'm up in the night here too. Wish I had a bong. Lol! But I'm good. No complaints here. :)

That is interesting about the 2-cd you are taking, helping you to be reflective and analytical. It sounds like it is helping you to look logically upon some trauma and things you need to resolve within yourself. That is good. I did that myself by using art. I found this Celtic knot coloring meditative , healing kit and these Celtic knot things are like tangles in your soul/spirit or understanding that need to be straightened out and soothed and eventually healed. By coloring the intricate knots and meditating on resolving conflicts and trauma within yourself it really relieved things within me a lot. It worked really well.

Oh yeah! Upgrading to the Kush is really going to help you out! This is great medicine. I am thankful. So much.
I think you should ask that cutie at the store where you held up the line out for some coffee or something. I get a good vibe from her.

Well I can't stay at 90 mg for two weeks and then 75 2 weeks etc. I don't have that kind of supply and no way to get anymore.
I am thinking I am going to have to just do the best I can. It is going to take awhile to fix this. Fuck!
I am going to have someone else hold and give me a daily dosage of my medications next prescription.
I don't like feeling like this. I am too injured to put myself through this too much. I have to be real careful.

Happy New Years Eve!!
I saved my own ass too though just got through the severe depression I always get in withdrawal. Makes me dwell on every mistake I have made and resent myself, wish I was dead. It is fucked up I normally don't have those feelings when I'm clean.

2c-d is saving my ass more than weed I've already been through 2 grams of 2c-c so. I had 35mg of 2c-d laced into lemon water with nutritional yeast just now. I am having physical withdrawals my spine is on fire, my neck really hurts, I have a lot of anxiety, I am too lazy but do anything but listen to music. I may as well trip today too I'm just in withdrawal I can't do anything. Too lazy and dead inside to read the book my bro got my for Christmas I want to read so bad. Found a song I like a lot with Lil Peep in it.

Had my brother clean my 5 piercings yesterday so much blood on the q tips.

That is super trippy right now the celtic stuff I've smoked like 50 bong tokes this morning. This song is phenomenal but short.

I'm at 35mg 2c-d... aha ahaha. Fuck it I should just do like 80 today, I'm withdrawing anyway and the stimulant properties help as well as coke or meth do. I've been using them daily for a couple months (2c-c and 2c-d)... needless to say I'll never be the same. It is literally eye opening that's all I can say to explain. Reveals me to myself, slowly but surely.

Yeah that is a good idea I like things old fashioned. It is better to skip a phone when we could hang out somewhere like that. I get a good vibe from her too she's super chill, very sweet. Just a matter of whenever I run into her again. I was telling her about Lil Peep and how he overdosed like the day I met her was the day he died and I had all these drawings on my arm and was like yeah he's like emo x hip hop x rap sorta and she's like hmmmm interesting combination. Yeah tho when she said it was good seeing me again and we hold up the line for so long and the girls behind don't care I take that as a sign. This always happens when I am getting clean it is something like spiritual x messed up hormones. Since my testosterone would get down to 25% on opiates I don't feel a drive whatsoever. Numbs me to that. Can take 3 months for the testosterone to resolve itself but for me at this age takes like 2 weeks... if that... lol.

Thanks for the advice I want to skip silly phones and chill with her. I sense her energy a lot about her in fact. It is like I already know her. That just tripped me up... I must be coming up. 35mg 2c-d Is a nice dose it also relieves my chronic pain and invigorates my spirit a lot. I stopped sniffing them always in lemon juice now sometimes with something else healthy.

Yeah that's what fucked up my tapering. I never had enough pills cause I was taking so many more than prescribed and would have needed $$$$$ to support my habit in any way at all. Still wouldn't let it go for so long.

If you keep tapering maybe you should drop fast because you will feel better sooner and just deal with the pain of it, then stay at a lower dose your tolerance will adjust you'll get pain relief again. I don't have the self control for it especially now that I realized how much I enjoy the higher doses... the nod.

I've put myself through way too much this year. Happy New Years Eve as well, I don't have any plans I should double my dose of 2c-d and really trip out. A group of my friend has 50mg of it last night and railed it and said they all loved it. They are going to some crazy sounding party tonight. I'm too sick and my back hurts too much to do anything. He took me to get the piercing without some encouragement I was never gonna get stabbed in the ear with a needle 3 more times like that. Such bloody qtips I only noticed today and was ohhhhh shit bro what did I ask you to do lol.
Yeah anyways I took 20mg loperamide how long does it take for that shit to kick in??? Squeaky, loperamide expert you around dude. I'm at 5 days it's driving me crazy a little the muscle aches are still there in my fuckin upper arms, my spine is killing me, my neck hurts I'm too depressed to get out of bed, luckily I made it through the work week, I'm tripping right now though. The words are blue, yellow, and pink and the screen is vibrating. I took a lot of 2c-d bit over 80mg. Holy wow the colours in the screen!!!I see yellow, blue, pastel pink, red (that is really there, apparently fuckin doesn't count as a word... purple, everything is pulsating. I am awestruck. The letters look stacked in 3d, with the top ones far away and the ones at the bottom up close and that has a frequency to it too. The song is tripping me out still it is so very dark. "waiting for my death while I count to 10... shotty layin on my chest in the back of the benz" he knew he was going to die well in advance. Fuckin sad such a nice guy seems like and 21. I'll type what I want spell check lol. I have that shit turned off on my phone I don't mind being messy. Too bad that dude in the song died of opiates but he knew it was coming. It's terribly sad really his music almost pokes fun at how people don't pay enough attention to stuff. song called "A Plan to Kiss Myself" such a nice guy though. I try and summon his spirit to help me with these foxy creatures because his music is a lot about that. Alright now some of the words are moving towards each other, overlapping, and disappearing. Wow!

I'm on day 5 on these days 3 - 10 I find it tough to hang in there psychologically. Even when the symptoms lesson, it takes me a while to feel normal again. 3 weeks and I'm good. I'm still really messed up it has been hard but I have been dealing with it better than ever. Getting out, being active... even got my triple conch. And yeah after talking to my friend as well it became obvious to me that I should just ask out the really hot girl at the shop who has triple piercings too. Since we held up the line for 10 min and all and she said it was nice to see me again and the girls behind us didn't mind at all when she apologized for the wait since I guess they thought it was cute. It was... she is adorable. So whenever I see her again I will remember to do that. And when Painful One said you have a good feeling about her I really do too she's super chill. It's like I already know her... it's like I can read her like a book after meeting her 3 times in like 6 weeks... insanity but really I can read this one like a book. Most confuse the hell out of me. She isn't like that seems just chill and relaxed about stuff so great choice for asking out for tea before her shift sometime. She has an intriguing dark side... I guess this means I am getting better as I was too sick to think about that for a while and when I was using the drugs came first.

I am coming up really hard on that stuff, and already topped it up to 50 milligrams. But I dosed it not too long ago and didn't sleep long, I am feeling like I'm on a lot of acid and there are colours in the screen it's intense as FUCK. And being in withdrawal like this and Lil Peep's dark music it's exactly how I'm feeling right now, a mirror image of my spirit.

I'm high as fuck... it's the new year and I can't do shit, I'm sick so I may as well stimulate myself into a state of tripping panic and fear, I'm sure I will chill out soon:)

The comeup is harsh as fuck and in the morning after 4 hours sleep...

I could have just posted this as well. Dude od'd on fentanyl and xanax but has oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone in his system as well, and cocaine and stuff. Dude was 21 chill guy. My 2 favourite modern day musicians are deceased now :_ (

Was an obvious suicide if you knew him. The friend I never got to meet, who I woulda tripped and smoked out with and had a great time talking until sunrise. I'm tripping out even harder now than when I started typing this so yeah... I am in bed at least, I can't imagine being anywhere but home right now I would completely freak out. This song is blowing my mind apart the energy is extreme right now. I need to channel it holy fuck. But I'm laid out I hit like 50 bong tokes this morning so I'm getting paranoid too lol. Good new years one to go down in history I am guessing. I won't be able to leave my bed for a while I am paralyzed by the psychedelic state. I am wired out of my mind the interconnections are firing at near lightspeed I'm going through so much so much so much I can see why it would lead to extreme panic. The comeup is so damn hardcore holy fuck! I normally don't dose this high, or when I did the night before and didn't sleep much and am fucking dope sick not to mention that.

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Hope the come up mellowed out for you. I would switch to some lighter hearted music and stuff. Watch some movies or something.
Just relax into it and go with the flow. The anxiety is probably bad already from being dope sick.
I think you will be feeling better real soon. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. I would have some green tea too. Cleanse your blood.

Happy New Year's Eve to you. I think it is going to be a good year for both of us. I have good impression's of 2018 ! Feels like a good year! Enjoy yourself. Life is beautiful.
I ended up taking more, I am having a fun time. Yeah I get really bad anxiety when I'm withdrawing.

It has been sheer hell. Not worth the binge at all. I am debating going and getting another 20mg loperamide. I like dark music when I'm withdrawing and nothing is darker than his stuff, it's all I listen to now and for the past month or so.

I'm having a second cup of jasmine green tea. I'm debating the loperamide if it's worth it. I don't feel much difference from 20mg.

I'm going to take more 2c-d. Kinda sucks how I'm too sick to do anything tonight. I am getting pretty ridiculous visuals. Keeping my mind off the sickness. I can't wait until I have my energy back and I was confused but realized for sure which girl should be happy for my attention first. I feel comfortable asking her out it won't be hard at all it's just whenever she's working again so that is pretty chill, just like her. Seems like such a chill lady... hot. I have a good feeling about her it's nice to have that at the moment. She doesn't seem too complicated really mellowed out, mysterious and friendly. Easy to get to know.

Waiting for my death while I count from one to ten
oxy's leaning on my chest in the back of my bend
How much can you lend, a ten
I need a little help from a friend
alone, with my bones, waiting for the end
for it to be over, for the energy to spend
I don't know if can know myself, ever again
trust myself, ever again
arrows through my heart is really just the start
so lost, I don't know where to start, if there is a finish line
part from finishing one last line
of afghan H, #4, but as long as ten
maybe 20, enough to feel zen
nothing can ever go wrong
until you realize that you were wrong
there's nothing left to do but rhyme a song
false prophets, failed kings, angels with wings
waiting for that phone to ring
and a stranger's voice to sing
the song of finish, defeat, the end
Harry was never really a friend
Took everything, then more, and demanded again
Left an empty shell, shotty left by a friend
I don't know if I will, if I ever can
be quite the same again
trauma racks my bring like a comb
in a city feeling nothing but alone
everything is gone, except for the stone
of good herb, relief for the soul
smoke another fat bowl
feel like 2 parts of a whole
one part gone, never to be found again
without a little help from a frined
will I survive, or will everything end
Do I care? If the point could be remembered
then I might care enough to not make it a bender
Becoming a the sole vendor of souls
lost torment, they took a fold
when there was waiting gold
thrown away, torn apart, can't think straight, where to start
Years gone by, make me want to fight
and that I will, but all is lost
For a bottle of pills, the cost
is much more than the money lost
Dignity, defeat, loyalty, tossed
Newfound ideas, unseen in a fog
incarnated as a bird, or a from
seems chill, compared to the morning fall
from rest to discomfort, ideation and pain
A few days is enough to be driven inasne
Waited for you, but you never came
Betrayed by Harry, how very lame
With life and death it isn't really a game
What the fuck do I do, now that I'll never be the same
another arrow aimed at my chest, will it be the last
What happened, to the man of years ago lest
Shroomi- I guess I’m the closest thing to an expert on Loperamide you have.
Imaging Loperamide as the weakest and longest acting opiate in the world. It seems for me that the equivalent dose of it is 2 times oxy to stop withdrawls without getting high. For me it takes 2-3 days to fully work, then at least a week to exit your system. I’m no chemist, and I don’t know anything about blood/brain barrier or things like Gaba-b agonists or crap like that. Here’s my experience with Loperamide:
My body us a 10 floor parking structure where the top floor has no walls and is reserved for opiates. I’m the parking attendant. Oxy is a big mercedes s500. Dilaudid is a Porsche. Morphene is new BMW. Etc, etc, etc ........
Loperamide is a 1975 Ford Pinto with vomit green paint and four flat tires.
Nobody wants their nice cars parked next to a Pinto, but it takes time for people to get back from shopping and drive their Dilaudid or Oxy away. The Loperamide takes a long time to drive to the 10th floor on it’s flat tires, and it usually breaks down on the only entrance to the tenth floor. Sometimes it blocks the others in so they stay longer. Sometimes it blocks them out so they can’t get in.
An almost full parking lot means no withdrawls. Slightly overfilled means getting high. When cars are falling over the edge that’s OD’ing . Lots if empty spaces = withdrawls. Severity of withdrawls is directly connected to the number of empty parking spaces. It takes 3 days to fill the lot with Pintos(Loperamide). With time the parking lot gets smaller when you’re not filling it all the way, and it gets bigger FAST when they’re double-parked(tolerance up or down). The real trick is to find the sweet spot where you’re letting in in enough Loperamide to stop wd’s, supplementing enough of Oxy to fill the gaps because the old ladies driving the Pintos don’t know how to park, and watching the lot getting smaller. All the while adjusting which ones you’re letting in as your tolerance falls.
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That was a long story, maybe too much eh?
It takes 2x Loperamide for each mg oxy I’m cutting out. I stay on the same dose Loperamide for 3 days while I reduce my oxy to about a third.
Example: trying to get from oxy 120 mg to 60 mg per day
Day one: 120 mg oxy
Day two: 120 mg Loperamide and 90 mg oxy
Day three: 120 mg Loperamide and 75 mg oxy
Day four: 120 mg Loperamide and 60 mg oxy
Day five: same as day 4
Now drop to 30 mg oxy......
Day six: 120 mg lope and 45 mg oxy
Day seven: 120 mg lope and 30 mg oxy

The Loperamide stays active in my systen for a couple of days , so I can cut back in it fairly quickly. Maybe cut it in half each day for three or four days then quit it completely for a few days. Then start again with the new lower dose of oxy. Still starting with double lope per mg of oxy.
You have to be like a scientist doing a clinical experiment, planning each day’s pills and sticking to your plan diligently or you will stray once you get more pills.
The oxy makes me constipated. The Loperamide adds to it significantly . Be ready to poop your brains out for two days when you step off the lope.
Done correctly I experience mild wd’s.
Stores like Walmart and Costco sell “Loperamide” or “Anti-Diarrhea” pills way cheaper than smaller stores selling Immodium. It’s the same stuff but you can get 400 pills for the same price as a 20 pack of Immodium. And seriously, the government is going to crack down on that sometime soon so I suggest you buy a lot(like 4 or 5 grams) now. None of us are going to stop having this problem and you don’t want to have to get a prescription or be limited to 10 pills/day like what happened to Pseudafed in the USA about 10 years ago. Still OTC but strictly limited.
It doesn't help me very much, no difference really but I take 20mg doses it is expensive here. Cool analogy for tolerance. I've got a pretty big 10 story lot that is crumbling piece to piece these days. It's always easy to repair though, maintenance proves more challenging.

I've been craving oxy a lot would feel good. I get too sick now. 5 days and I still feel really sick. If i keep doing that stuff I am going to overdose sometime. I will take doses way too high for my tolerance due to habitual tendencies. That time last month was messed up it is a scare looking back.
I needed 40-60mg to get good relief from loperamide, but it's quite effective, I pretty much agree with Squeaky, except I find it lasts like 24 hours. Definitely very long-lasting, but on a day-length scale for me. It's really bad for you though, I can only recommend it for short-term.
Thank you Squeaky. That helped me out. I have got to mix it up some to keep myself stable on a short supply for a few weeks.
I keep forcing myself to not take another morphine before bed and I am waking up early, early morning in full blown withdrawal.
I then take 60 mg morphine to pull me out of it. I added 20 mg loperamide this morning after some real bad diarrhea.
I'm just sitting here now waiting to stop shaking and the horror feeling to go away.

Shroomy, if you are just taking loperamide alone with no other opiates, I have found there is like a flood dose that once hit will make you feel a lot better and be able to function. For me it is about 48 mg. taken all at one time it takes a few hours to provide relief and after two days is built up enough in your system to break up doses into twice a day (smaller doses 2x a day as opposed to large dose 1 x a day).

Going from an expensive BMW to a vomit green 1975 pinto sure does suck! Lol!
Thanks for the laugh Squeaky!
Painful one- I was having the same problem. Too much in the morning, nothing left for evening, so bad night and hard wd’s every morning. I added 1/4 pill at night before bed, then reduced the next morning by 1/4 pill. That got me better sleep and on the road to cutting the morning dose down to 1 1/2 pills. You can’t be missing out on sleep. You’ll go crazy.
Yeah. I am going crazy. I have not slept well for so long now. It seems I have just hit a tolerance wall with the MS Contin after 10 years now on the same dosage I have gone for over a year now in kind of a constant state of withdrawal. I keep thinking well, maybe it was stress that caused it or worsening pain/ more injury (hernia) I keep thinking I will stabilize and be okay but it never happens. Even when I keep to perfect dosage directions.

Will I just get myself in trouble if I tell my pain Doctor this? Drug tests and stuff? Are we treating pain and quality of life issues humanely now days or no? I am not sure what to do guys. Can anyone give experience here? I don't want to do the wrong thing as I figure now days I am dang lucky to get any kind of pain control management treatment.
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