The Suicide Support Thread

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Been feeling pretty good lately actually. hang in there guys.. I think you just have to hang on and fight until your subconscious lets go of whatever negative energy it's holding onto. at least that's what it felt like starting about a week ago for me.
Been feeling pretty good lately actually. hang in there guys.. I think you just have to hang on and fight until your subconscious lets go of whatever negative energy it's holding onto. at least that's what it felt like starting about a week ago for me.


I can feel my head letting go of some of the bad shit, I'm just panicked about having a benzo habit again.
Seeing all the people in this thread with REAL problems really puts just how blunderingly pathetic my self pity is into sharp focus
I am alone on Xmas day. There's someone special in my life but I won't get to see my family.

The only Xmas present I could get for myself was 2 weeks clean.

It came with the price tag being more PTSD flashbacks and more pain and suffering.

I am ok with what I am going through because I know I am not going to live forever.

I am alive and thankful for that alone. Even as I break down in tears and have flashbacks that leave me in pieces.

I miss my dead friends (soul or body; neither is easy to cope with).

I miss my family. I miss how I felt on Suboxone. I miss knowing things were going to be ok. I miss my ability to keep it together.

I'm here if you want to talk <3

I don't expect anyone to understand what I am going trough. I just appreciate the opportunity to share.


I feel the same way. I could have posted that myself except for the Suboxone and the two weeks clean.

I understand and I am here if you want to talk also.
Yup, almost certain I have a benzo habit again. Shouldn't be feeling rough five days stopping after week bender on the smack and diazepam and alcohol are clearing most of the ill feeling.


Hang on in there, it takes a long time fro you body and soul to recover from Benzo abuse, of all the things I've abused alcohol and an epic valium habit did the most damage. The physical withdrawal (using a long taper) was unpleasant but I still feel the hole it left in me, I used those drugs to escape from the terrible depression I was suffering but all they did was take more of my life away.

You will feel better in time but don't pressurise yourself to be happy, just try and be you for a bit<3
A very special bluelighter has kept me safe over the last few days and I'm so grateful. You know who you are sweety, you're a very special person to me and I hope you feel the same sweety <3
i get really suicidal when i don't have drugs/meds they're the only things that make me happy
^you have to stop thinking that way mr flowers. drugs are def not the only thing that can make a person happy. Things that make me happy are food, exercise, tv shows movies, tattoos, piercings, rock/metal music, hanging out with friends and travelling
I am 18 days clean. I am crying a lot and can't help but be horrified by flashbacks.

I can't use words to express how sad I am.

I hope we find some peace in the middle of this. <3

This is normal.

Coming off opiates feels like losing a lover to me. Just keep remembering that things DO get better.%)
i don't know who i am i'm so lost in my mind i just kinda go with the flow it's so hard to know what the right thing to do is i just take care of my people the best i can but i waste my own potential i don't give two shits about myself yet i'm a selfish junkie
i don't know who i am i'm so lost in my mind i just kinda go with the flow it's so hard to know what the right thing to do is i just take care of my people the best i can but i waste my own potential i don't give two shits about myself yet i'm a selfish junkie

Help someone else who is struggling, even if their problems seem insignificant in comparison to yours, and feel your own problems begin to melt.

It is the power.
That is because you are a drug addict with no self-esteem.

Just be there to listen then. Everyone needs to unload sometimes and you can't do any wrong just being a kind ear can you! Just do something tiny like send a text msg in the morning to someone you know is struggling hoping they have a good day and are getting well. Imagine if you got that from someone everyone morning.:)

My brain told me for years that no one would ever want to hear anything like that from me because my self-esteem was in the gutter, but it's not true. Give it a try and see what happens, don't do it with a girl you want to fuck.=D
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i have high self esteem i think i'm a god but i'm also schizo so that could be why i think like that i just wanna die cause life is so boring and i'm in pain whenever i don't have opiates not to mention the anxiety
There's a difference between arrogance and self esteem, just something to think about.

I once heard someone describe the situation as like having a massive dick and no balls, it's going to cause you some problems.
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